2024 December FeatureLog
View the various changes made to the FairCom documentation in the month of December
The FairCom server provides a setting in the setsyncstate
script that can be used to configure the method of notifying administrators when replication becomes asynchronous which puts the server at risk of losing data during failover. For details, see Linux Pacemaker
FairCom DB 13.0.1
FairCom Edge 4.2.1
FairCom MQ 4.2.1
FairCom RTG COBOL 4.2.1
FairCom RTG Btrieve 4.2.1
Developers Administrators
Failover risk notification method
Describe the changes that were made to the linked documents listed below. This should be a comprehensive but brief summary of the update including mentioning the features (as variables) that are affected. Full details however will be in the Documents updated. Do not simply state what feature you documented but rather explain what that feature is and what value it adds for our customers (why it matters) in one or two sentences. This could be a bulleted list if the Feature Log entry details the changes made to one feature over multiple tickets. Make sure they state why the headline/title is valuable.
Include the variable Concepts, APIs, or Tutorials. ex. APIs - JSON Action API, Concepts - MQ Concepts, ...
there may be more than one link and some links may be in the description to reduce confusion as to which link refers to which part of the update
Add, remove, update the product versions that apply to this update.
FairCom DB 13.0.1
FairCom Edge 4.2.1
FairCom MQ 4.2.1
FairCom RTG COBOL 4.2.1
FairCom RTG Btrieve 4.2.1
Users , Developers , and Administrators( Edit this list appropriately. Use variables in this list. Typically RTG and MQ are for administrators, DB is for developers, and Edge is for users and engineers).
List the DOC Jira numbers that are the source of this update. No links. For example, D1112