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Change admin password

Set password for the ADMIN account

The ADMIN account and members of the ADMIN group have full control over all operations in the FairCom server. They are also the only users who can stop the server.


Changing the ADMIN password on all servers is critical to secure your data from malicious attackers.

  • The default administrator user ID is admin.

    • FairCom user IDs are NOT case-sensitive.

  • The default password: ADMIN

    • FairCom passwords ARE case-sensitive.

Set or change the password for the ADMIN account on FairCom servers

ADMIN account
set password
change admin password
set admin password
Admin password

sa_admin is a command line interface (CLI) program designed to be embedded into scripts. It changes a user password using command line parameters.

The following example changes the admin password to NewPassword:

sa_admin -aADMIN -pADMIN -f"" -sFAIRCOMS -oup admin NewPassword
  • The -a parameter specifies the current value of the admin username, which is ADMIN unless you previously changed it.

  • The -p parameter specifies the current value of he admin password, which is ADMIN unless you previously changed it.

  • The -f parameter is the file password, which is typically "".

  • The -s parameter is the connection name of the FairCom database, which is "FAIRCOMS" unless you previously changed it.

  • The -oup parameter tells the program to change the password.

ctadmn is an interactive tool you run from the command line, such as the DOS CMD prompt or the Linux BASH shell. It changes a user password by prompting you for information.

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Move into the <faircom>/tools folder.

  3. Run ctadmn.

  4. When prompted enter admin for the user name and press ENTER.

  5. Enter ADMIN for the password and press ENTER.

    1. By default, FairCom products set the admin password to ADMIN, which is all uppercase characters.

  6. Press ENTER for the next two prompts unless you have changed the File Password or Server Name.

  7. Press 1 and ENTER to open the User Operations menu.

  8. Press 4 and ENTER to change a user password.

  9. When prompted, enter admin for the user name and press ENTER.

  10. Enter a new password and press ENTER.

  11. Enter the same new password again and press ENTER.

  12. Press ENTER.

  13. To quit

    1. Press q then ENTER

    2. Press q then ENTER again.