Error codes 600 - 799
FairCom DB error codes 600 - 799
Value | Symbolic constant | Description |
600 | CTHD_ERR | Indicates no more client threads. |
601 | VRFY_ERR | Indicates ctVERIFY detected problems with index. |
602 | CMEM_ERR | Indicates no memory for system lock table. |
603 | FLEX_ERR | Indicates FCB could not be allocated. |
604 | FINC_ERR | Indicates user files could not be increased. |
605 | KSRL_ERR | Indicates records with bad (all FF) serial numbers. |
606 | DCOD_ERR | Indicates file encoding could not be handled. A possible cause is that the camo key is wrong in the file. |
607 | RCOD_ERR | Indicates recovery could not enable encoding. |
608 | IAIX_ERR | Indicates IIDX attributes do not match file. To correct this, rebuild the indexes. In V11.0 you can incorrectly get this error trying to rebuild, though this was fixed in V11.5. |
609 | LTPW_ERR | Indicates temporary password failure. |
610 | HNUL_ERR | Indicates NULL target not permitted for this request. |
611 | HLOG_ERR | Indicates the transaction log could not be accessed or found. |
612 | HSTR_ERR | Indicates a first search call (ctHISTfirst()) must be made. |
613 | HONE_ERR | Indicates only data or index entries can be returned. |
614 | HMAP_ERR | Indicates ISAM map from specified index file to a data file could not be found. |
615 | HIDX_ERR | Indicates return index entries from a specified data file could not be returned. |
616 | HACT_ERR | Indicates TransactionHistory() cannot be called during an application’s own active transaction. |
617 | HNOT_ERR | Indicates the target was not found. |
618 | HENT_ERR | Indicates no more transaction log entries. |
619 | HZRO_ERR | Indicates zero recbyt not permitted on this request. |
620 | HSIZ_ERR | Indicates bufsiz too small. |
621 | HTYP_ERR | Indicates transaction type found in log not expected. |
622 | HMID_ERR | Indicates TransactionHistory() must be rest through a terminate call or preliminary log call. |
623 | HMEM_ERR | Indicates not enough memory for CTHIST. |
624 | HNET_ERR | Indicates net change only applies to specific match of key or record position. |
625 | HMTC_ERR | Indicates exactly one matching criteria must be specified: ctHISTpos or ctHISTkey, or one or both of ctHISTuser and ctHISTnode. |
626 | HUND_ERR | Indicates an UNDTRAN (undo committed transaction) was encountered going forward. This set of history calls must be completely restarted (i.e. repeat the first search call and subsequent search calls: the undone transaction will be ignored). |
627 | HUNK_ERR | Indicates an unknown type of request. |
628 | HFIL_ERR | Indicates filno must be specified. |
629 | HTFL_ERR | Indicates the internal file ID could not be initialized |
630 | HUNX_ERR | Indicates unexpected length in log entry. |
631 | SSLO_ERR | ctSS_lock could not be gotten on file. |
-632 | LLOK_COD | Indicates user lost locks found on close. |
633 | NPLN_ERR | Indicates NULL plen (pointer to size). |
634 | NLEN_ERR | Indicates negative length specified. A length parameter passed to one of our functions was negative when a positive value was required. |
635 | TSYC_ERR | Indicates thread synchronization object could not be created. |
636 | TSYF_ERR | Indicates thread synchronization object ‘get’ failed. |
637 | TSYR_ERR | Indicates thread synchronization object ‘rel’ failed. |
638 | TQUE_ERR | Indicates queue message truncated to fit. |
639 | TZRO_ERR | Indicates semaphore must be initialized with count > 0. |
640 | TINT_ERR | Indicates semaphore already initialized. |
641 | TSYX_ERR | Indicates thread synchronization object ‘cls’ failed. |
642 | EXCT_ERR | Indicates the exact file name must be used. |
643 | DPND_ERR | Indicates you are attempting to access a file pending delete. |
-644 | RDEL_COD | Indicates reversible TRANDEP delete. |
645 | CHGF_ERR | Indicates file number changed after deferred close. |
646 | SDEP_ERR | Indicates superfile member/host TRANDEP specification conflict. |
-647 | E2GB_COD | Indicates no support beyond 2 GB. |
-648 | E4GB_COD | Indicates no support beyond 4 GB. |
649 | Reserved | |
650 | DUPJ_ERR | Indicates duplicate keys purged and logged. During an index rebuild, duplicates were found for unique indexes and auto removal of duplicates was specified. This means records were removed. |
651 | DUPX_ERR | Indicates duplicate key log could not be processed. |
652 | DUPL_ERR | Indicates duplicate keys rejected and listed. An index rebuild failed because duplicate records were found for a unique index. To correct this, examine the duplicate file to see what records are involved. Remove one manually or turn on auto removal of duplicate records. |
653 | MAPL_ERR | Indicates an attempt to exceed mapped lock limit. |
654 | TLNG_ERR | Indicates record length too long for log size. |
655 | FREO_ERR | Indicates freopen() could not be used to reopen. |
656 | LHDR_ERR | Indicates bad transaction log header. |
657 | CPYF_ERR | Indicates copy file could not be created. |
658 | CPYW_ERR | Indicates copy file could not be written. |
659 | CPYR_ERR | Indicates entire original file could not be read. |
660 | CPYB_ERR | Indicates rebuld complete, but mirror copy failed. |
661 | CPYX_ERR | Indicates failed process duplicate log and copy mirror. |
662 | CPYJ_ERR | Indicates duplicate key purged, but mirror could not be copied. |
663 | CPYL_ERR | Indicates duplicate key rejected, but mirror could not be copied. |
664 | LPRI_ERR | Indicates primary log (or start) file failed. |
665 | LMIR_ERR | Indicates mirrored log (or start) file failed. |
666 | LFRM_ERR | Indicates incompatible log format. See FREL_ERR (744) and LFRM_ERR (666) Certain versions introduce an incompatibility in the log file format:
This error is returned if you try to open a database from a previous version that has open log files, (i.e. was not shut down cleanly) with a new enough version. To correct this, go back to the old version and achieve a clean shutdown, or remove the log files (this will lose some transactions). This error can also be returned when restoring a dump from V7 with V8 utilities. To avoid it, restore a V7 dump with V7 ctrdmp, ctfdmp and then open with V8. |
667 | MAXZ_ERR | Indicates an attempt to exceed max file size. This error is returned if a file hits maximum file size. |
668 | LRGN_ERR | Indicates large page size not a multiple of 16K. |
669 | XCRE_ERR | Indicates inconsistent XCREblk. |
670 | HMIN_ERR | Indicates node sectors too small for huge file. |
671 | XOVR_ERR | Indicates non-zero high long with non-huge file. |
672 | HDR8_ERR | Indicates an inconsistency between file attr & sys version. This error can be returned when trying to open an old table with a new server (i.e. a pre-V7 file on a V11.5 server), or when trying to open a bigendian database on a littleendian server or vice versa. |
673 | SIG8_ERR | Indicates extended header bad signature. |
674 | SEGM_ERR | Indicates additional file segments needed. This error can be returned due to one of the following:
To correct this, Add DIAGNOSTICS TRAN_RECOVERY (if it's a V10 or newer server) to find out which file is causing the problem. |
675 | SEGS_ERR | Indicates file segments not supported. |
676 | SEGO_ERR | Indicates segment could not be opened. A large file support segment is missing. |
677 | SEGD_ERR | Indicates seg def cannot be directly operated on. |
678 | SEGN_ERR | Indicates bad file segment name. |
679 | SEGZ_ERR | Indicates bad file segment size. |
680 | SEGC_ERR | Indicates file segment could not be created. |
681 | SEGH_ERR | Indicates segment header could not be processed. |
682 | SEGL_ERR | Indicates seg resource cannot move. |
683 | SEGU_ERR | Indicates seg update invalid, see CTSTATUS.FCS. |
684 | SEGX_ERR | Indicates segment update already in progress. |
685 | SEGF_ERR | Indicates I/O on segmented file terminated. |
686 | SEGR_ERR | Indicates segment definition too large. |
687 | SEGQ_ERR | Indicates unexpected value during recovery. |
688 | SEGP_ERR | Indicates pending segment mismatch. |
689 | SEQ8_ERR | Indicates 1st & 2nd headers out of sync. You can get this error if you revert the .dat files to an older copy but keep the newer logs. |
690 | CREQ_ERR | Indicates bad request header CheckSum. |
691 | CRSP_ERR | Indicates bad response header CheckSum. |
692 | CRCQ_ERR | Indicates bad request (to server) CRC. |
693 | CRCP_ERR | Indicates bad response (from server) CRC. |
694 | NUNC_ERR | Indicates no Unicode support. |
695 | BSPC_ERR | Indicates work buffer for blk I/O could not be gotten. |
696 | SEGK_ERR | Indicates OPNFIL() called for a segment |
697 | DSPC_ERR | Indicates encoding buffer could not be allocated. |
700 | OSEG_ERR | Indicates key segment definition could not be opened. |
701 | CSEG_ERR | Indicates compression options could not be processed. |
702 | ASEG_ERR | Indicates compression attributes could not be processed. |
703 | HSEG_ERR | Indicates invalid key segment handle. |
704 | SSEG_ERR | Indicates invalid source type. You can get this error in V11.5 / V11.6 by creating a fixed-length table with the only variable set to auto timestamp. |
705 | DSEG_ERR | Indicates segment definition already exists. |
706 | NSEG_ERR | Indicates no segment data produced. |
707 | USEG_ERR | Indicates no segment definition. |
708 | MBSP_ERR | Indicates multi-byte names not supported. |
709 | MBNM_ERR | Indicates badly formed multi-byte name. |
710 | MBFM_ERR | Indicates multi-byte variant not supported. |
711 | DIDX_ERR | Indicates UPDCIDX() cannot be called while DROPIDX() is pending. |
712 | PLOW_ERR | Indicates partition number out of range - low. |
713 | PHST_ERR | Indicates file is not partition host. |
714 | PMBR_ERR | Indicates file is not partition member. |
715 | PNOT_ERR | Indicates raw partition does not exist. |
716 | PXPR_ERR | Indicates bad value for partition key. |
717 | POVR_ERR | Indicates partition number could not be overloaded. |
718 | PUSD_ERR | Indicates partition member in use. |
719 | PPND_ERR | Indicates partition member pending purge. |
720 | PPRG_ERR | Indicates partition member purged. |
721 | PARC_ERR | Indicates partition member archived. |
722 | PLST_ERR | Indicates bad partition host list. |
723 | PTRY_ERR | Indicates the operation must be tried again. |
724 | PCRP_ERR | Indicates bad current ISAM position for host. |
725 | PVRN_ERR | Indicates PARTRES version error. |
-726 | PPRG_COD | Indicates duplicate error caused by purged part. |
727 | PFMD_ERR | Indicates bad partition file mode settings. |
728 | PSUP_ERR | Indicates partition support not enabled. |
729 | PUNQ_ERR | Indicates purged unique global keys encountered. |
730 | PHGH_ERR | Indicates partition number out of range - high. |
731 | PRIK_ERR | Indicates illegal operation with primary key. |
732 | UMOD_ERR | Indicates illegal file mode / x8mode value. |
733 | PMOP_ERR | Indicates member cannot be opened except for read-only. |
734 | EXTH_ERR | Indicates extended header required. |
735 | CUNF_ERR | Indicates client does not support UNIFRMAT server. |
736 | AOVR_ERR | Indicates async handle overflow. |
737 | PMTC_ERR | Indicates partition member characteristics do not match. |
738 | MINT_ERR | Indicates ctThrdInit() must be called first. |
739 | FFLT_ERR | Indicates record does not pass filter. |
740 | DDCR_ERR | Indicates dynamic dump refused SF member create. |
741 | DDDR_ERR | Indicates dynamic dump refused SF member delete. |
742 | S6BT_ERR | Indicates superfile member idx / host 6BTRAN != |
743 | SFHI_ERR | Indicates superfile host directory index null. |
744 | FREL_ERR | Indicates the file requires an unavailable feature. See FREL_ERR (744) and LFRM_ERR (666) |
745 | R6BT_ERR | Indicates 6BTRAN file required. |
746 | ACHN_ERR | Indicates I/O channel(s) could not be allocated. |
747 | RSYN_ERR | Indicates partition rule syntax error. |
748 | REXT_ERR | Indicates read failed external cause: sysiocod |
749 | PBAD_ERR | Indicates bad parameter value. You can get this error trying to enable a server keyword dynamically that can only be enabled by taking down the server and editing the .cfg file. Not all keywords can be turned on dynamically. This error has been seen from a bad FAIRCOM.FCS file that had become corrupt. |
750 | ICUV_ERR | Indicates different ICU version, and an index rebuild is required. |
751 | CHKM_ERR | Indicates checkpoint memory inconsistency. |
752 | LSET_ERR | Indicates more than one log set in transaction. |
753 | SPCL_ERR | Cannot RST/CLR past special savepoint. |
754 | QOWN_ERR | Indicates only Q creator can perform operation. |
755 | SQUE_ERR | Indicates a system queue is required. |
756 | NACT_ERR | Indicates server is not activated. |
757 | STPU_ERR | Indicates the user must unint FairCom DB (STPUSR). |
758 | QNOT_ERR | Indicates only notifications to queue. |
759 | QUIN_ERR | Indicates wrong queue instance. |
760 | XMON_ERR | Indicates SYSMON interrupted / canceled. |
761 | NMON_ERR | Indicates no active SYSMON. |
762 | NRNG_ERR | Indicates no range defined for index. |
763 | ORNG_COD | Indicates segment out of range. |
764 | CRNG_ERR | Indicates range defined but no FRS/LST RNG. |
765 | CIOB_ERR | Indicates Comm I/O has been blocked - ctcomioblk has been set by user. |
766 | VCLS_ERR | Indicates insufficient file handles and file to close for virtual processing could not be found. |
767 | FALG_ERR | Indicates fixed length record offset not aligned. In V11.5 an later, this error will be returned if you are attempting to write to a fixed-length file offset that does not match a field boundary. You can turn this off with COMPATIBILITY NO_FIXED_OFFSET_CHECK. |
768 | CMLK_ERR | This is a commit lock error - be sure the record update performed with lock. |
769 | CULK_ERR | Indicates unexpected CMTLOK unlock failure, contact FairCom. |
770 | XTRN_ERR | Indicates file's tran support cannot be turned off in the middle of transaction if file updated. |
771 | COMP_ERR | Indicated compatibility option not enabled. |
772 | PLAT_ERR | Indicates platform does not support compatibility option. |
773 | SREP_ERR | Indicates superfile host & member must have same REPLICATION attribute. |
774 | SMEM_ERR | Indicates superfile members must all be closed. |
775 | UNQK_ERR | Indicates no UNQKEY support for REPLICATION. If a low-level file open call that requests write access to a FairCom DB data file fails with this error, it is because the data file has replication enabled. A FairCom DB data file that has replication enabled can only be opened for write access at the ISAM level. A read-only low-level call is allowed: use the ctREADFIL | ctSHARED filemodes when opening the file in addition to the other filemode options that you are using. This is a copy of a replicated database and you are trying to do something to it that can't be done under replication. If you are opening it single user, use the command-line util to reset the replication flag. Technically removing the indexes and rebuilding them will also update the file header and turn off the replication flag. |
776 | SUPR_ERR | Indicates operation not supported for SUPERFILES. |
Replication errors (REP*):, see Troubleshooting replication in the replication guide. | ||
777 | REPU_ERR | Indicates another client's replication instance cannot be unregistered. |
778 | REPI_ERR | Indicates the specified replication instance name is not registered. |
779 | REPR_ERR | Indicates the specified replication instance name is already registered. |
780 | REPA_ERR | Indicates replication instance cannot be attached to with active connection. |
781 | REPC_ERR | Indicates this replication connection already has a registered instance name. |
782 | UCMP_ERR | Indicates decompression error: unexpected output length. |
783 | IITI_ERR | Indicates an incremental index - cannot add permanent indexes while temporary indexes exist. |
784 | LDPI_ERR | Indicates LDAP initialization failed. |
785 | LDPC_ERR | Indicates error connecting to LDAP server. |
786 | LDPB_ERR | Indicates error binding to LDAP server. |
787 | LDPA_ERR | Indicates LDAP user authentication failed. |
788 | LDPG_ERR | Indicates error checking user's LDAP groups. |
789 | LGRP_ERR | Indicates member of FairCom DB login group required. |
790 | LSST_ERR | Indicates strict serializer must be in transaction to access record. |
791 | LSSK_ERR | Indicates strict serializer cannot keep locks. |
792 | XSHT_ERR | Indicates external server shutdown disabled. If replication is running on a server, it should be stopped before trying to stop the server. |
793 | PKSP_ERR | Indicates partial record rewrite has keys spanning partial record and remaining region of record. |
794 | XBUF_ERR | Indicates an attempt to update data with missing key buffer constraints. This error is returned when deleting a record with v-length portion when the current FairCom DB record was loaded with LoadRec() instead of LoadVRec(). This was introduced with c-tree V8. |
-795 | VTSM_COD | Indicates recursive ctptsema() call for open or create. |
796 | FCPY_ERR | Indicates file copy failed. |
797 | DRST_ERR | Indicates immediate dump restore failed. |
798 | FBLK_ERR | Indicates file is blocked, retry later. |
799 | FBLK_RDO | Indicates file block cleared, close/reopen file. |