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JSON to different table transform tutorials


JSON to external table transform tutorials

  1. Replace the JSON in the API Request editor with the following JSON:

      "api": "hub",
      "action": "createTransform",
      "authToken": "AuthorizedToken",
      "params": {
        "transformName": "TestTransform2",
        "transformActions": [
            "inputFields": [
            "transformActionName": "jsonToDifferentTableFields",
            "transformParams": {
              "targetDatabaseName": "faircom",
              "targetTableName": "test_out2",
              "mapOfPropertiesToFields": [
                  "propertyPath": "out1",
                  "name": "out1",
                  "type": "VARCHAR",
                  "length": 200
                  "propertyPath": "out2",
                  "name": "out2",
                  "type": "DOUBLE"
  2. Click Apply defaults to JSON request (Apply.PNG) to replace the "authToken" with a valid token from your session.

  3. Click Send request (Runbutton.png).

  4. Observe the response and ensure the action completed successfully.


    "errorCode" with a value of 0 indicates success. "errorCode" with a non-zero value indicates a failure. See Errors and contact FairCom for more information about an error.

  1. Replace the "params" property values with the following "params" values:

        "api": "hub",
        "action": "createIntegrationTable",
        "authToken": "AuthorizedToken",
        "params": {
            "databaseName": "faircom",
            "tableName": "test2",
            "fields": [
                    "name": "In1",
                    "type": "JSON",
                    "length": 100
            "transformName": "TestTransform2"
        "requestId": "00000006"
  2. Click Apply defaults to JSON request (Apply.PNG) to replace the "authToken" with a valid token from your session.

  3. Click Send request (Runbutton.png).

  4. Observe the response and ensure the action completed successfully.


    "errorCode" with a value of 0 indicates success. "errorCode" with a non-zero value indicates a failure. See Errors and contact FairCom for more information about an error.

  1. Replace the JSON in the API Request editor with the following JSON:

        "api": "db",
        "action": "insertRecords",
         "authToken": "AuthorizedToken",
        "params": {
            "tableName": "test2",
            "dataFormat": "arrays",
            "databaseName": "faircom",
            "fieldNames": [
            "sourceData": [
                        "out1": "Text data 1.",
                        "out2": 1
                        "out1": "Text data 2.",
                        "out2": 2
  2. Click Apply defaults to JSON request (Apply.PNG) to replace the "authToken" with a valid token from your session.

  3. Click Send request (Runbutton.png).

  4. Observe the response and ensure the action completed successfully.


    "errorCode" with a value of 0 indicates success. "errorCode" with a non-zero value indicates a failure. See Errors and contact FairCom for more information about an error.

  1. Navigate to and select test_out2 in the Server navigation window through fair faircom>admin>Tables.


    If you do not see test_out2, refresh Tables.

  2. Click the Table Records tab.

  3. Observe the out1 field's and out2 field's data that was extracted from the newly-added JSON object created in Create a transform.