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List of FairCom error codes for all FairCom products


This document presents a numerical listing of the error codes that are generated by all FairCom products and features. Errors for the FairCom database engine are grouped into numeric ranges, such as 0-199.

Some error codes are specific to a product, driver, or feature and overlap with FairCom's database error codes. Overlapping error numbers are organized by product, driver, or feature, such as the FairCom RTG product, the Data Replication feature, and the ODBC Driver.

When FairCom products return an error, the error includes a numeric error code and an error message. The errors listed in this section include the error code and a description. The description of the error does not exactly match the error message, but it describes what the error means and often contains suggestions on how to handle the error.

FairCom welcomes your feedback on error descriptions and missing error numbers. We will incorporate helpful information into our error documentation.

FairCom RTG

FairCom RTG COBOL Edition and FairCom RTG BTRV Edition are based on the FairCom DB Server and, therefore, they may return many of the errors listed in this section. Consult the RTG errors section and the FairCom RTG user guides for additional information about RTG error messages and troubleshooting.

Errors and unsuccessful operations

Note that several of these "error" codes are not really errors, but rather indicators of an unsuccessful operation — for example, KDUP_ERR (2) occurs if you attempt to add an existing entry to an index that does not support duplicate key values. This is not an error, but a situation to which your application program must be prepared to react.

Negative error codes

Some error codes in this listing are negative values (for example, -8 -9 -539 -586 -587 -594). These error codes are listed in their own section and they are listed with the positive error numbers (as if they were positive).

FairCom's Negative error codes are special because they indicate an operating system error in addition to the FairCom error. In the ISAM API, they set the variable sysiocod in conjunction with the variables isam_err or uerr_cod (depending on the API level that generated the error: ISAM functions set isam_err, and Low Level functions set uerr_cod ).

In general, sysiocod contains error codes generated by the operating system (e.g., errno). In some cases, the operating system does not generate error codes and we need extra information about an error, so a sysiocod with a negative value indicates this condition for supplying additional information. Notice that sysiocod will never use the same number for both a negative and a positive error code.

FairCom DB SQL error codes

This section lists the error messages generated by the various components of FairCom DB SQL. In addition to the FairCom DB SQL-specific error codes, error conditions have an associated SQLSTATE value, a 5-character status parameter that indicates the condition status returned by the most recent FairCom DB SQL statement.

The first two characters of SQLSTATE specify the class code and the last three characters specify the subclass code:
  • Class codes beginning with A-H and 0-4 are reserved by the SQL standard.

    For those class codes only, subclass codes beginning with A-H and 0-4 are also reserved by the standard.

  • Class codes beginning with I-Z and 5-9 are specific to database implementations such as FairCom DB SQL.

    All subclass codes in those classes are implementation defined.

view list of error codes for all FairCom products

negative error codes
DB SQL error codes
all error codes
error code