Error codes 4000 - 4199
FairCom DB error codes 4000 - 4199
This table lists the possible CTDB API (c-tree database API) errors.
Value | Symbolic constant | Description |
0 | CTDBRET_OK | Indicates the c-treeDB C API returned OK. |
4000 | CTDBRET_BASE | Indicates a base error number. |
4001 | CTDBRET_NOMEMORY | Indicates there is not enough memory. |
4002 | CTDBRET_NULHANDLE | Indicates the handle is NULL. |
4003 | CTDBRET_NOTSESSION | Indicates there is no session handle. |
4004 | CTDBRET_INVARG | Indicates an invalid argument. |
4005 | CTDBRET_INDEXRANGE | Indicates the index is out of range. This error can be returned when you are trying to use an index that doesn't exist. Or trying to use index 0 on a table with no indexes. It can be returned by an unexpected function like BuildTargetKey() that is trying to use the index. |
4006 | CTDBRET_ARGSMALL | Indicates the argument is too small. |
4007 | CTDBRET_NULARG | Indicates the null argument is not valid. |
4008 | CTDBRET_ARGNUL | Indicates the null argument is not valid. |
4009 | CTDBRET_NOTOPEN | Indicates the table is not open. |
4010 | CTDBRET_NOTDATABASE | Indicates the argument is not a database handle. |
4011 | CTDBRET_ISACTIVE | Indicates the handle is active. This error is thrown by calling ctdbLogon() with a handle that is already logged in via a previous call to ctdbLogon(). |
4012 | CTDBRET_NOTACTIVE | Indicates the handle is not active. |
4013 | CTDBRET_NOTTABLE | Indicates the handle is not a table. |
4014 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHFIELD | Indicates an unknown field name. |
4015 | CTDBRET_CANTDELETE | Indicates the delete operation cannot be performed. |
4016 | CTDBRET_FIELDEXIST | Indicates the field already exists, either as a duplicate or that there are too few field names compared to the count. This error is thrown when sqlizing c-treeRTG tables with duplicate field names specified in the .xdd (or .iss). |
4017 | CTDBRET_NOTFIELD | Indicates the argument is not a field handle. |
4018 | CTDBRET_NOTINDEX | Indicates the argument is not an index handle. |
4019 | CTDBRET_INVTYPE | Indicates an invalid field/key type. |
4020 | CTDBRET_NOTSEGMENT | Indicates the argument is not a segment handle. |
4021 | CTDBRET_DATABASEEXIST | Indicates the database already exists. |
4022 | CTDBRET_TABLEEXIST | Indicates the table already exists. |
4023 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHTABLE | Indicates the table does not exist. |
4024 | CTDBRET_NOTRECORD | Indicates the argument is not a record handle. |
4025 | CTDBRET_INTERNAL | Indicates an internal error. |
4026 | CTDBRET_INVFIND | Indicates an invalid find mode. |
4027 | CTDBRET_NODATA | Indicates there is no data in the record. |
4028 | CTDBRET_INVFORMAT | Indicates an invalid date or time format. |
4029 | CTDBRET_INVDATE | Indicates an invalid date. |
4030 | CTDBRET_INVDAY | Indicates an invalid date day. |
4031 | CTDBRET_INVMONTH | Indicates an invalid date month. |
4032 | CTDBRET_INVYEAR | Indicates an invalid date year. |
4033 | CTDBRET_INVTIME | Indicates an invalid packed CTTIME. |
4034 | CTDBRET_INVHOUR | Indicates an invalid hour. |
4035 | CTDBRET_INVMINUTE | Indicates an invalid minute. |
4036 | CTDBRET_INVSECOND | Indicates an invalid second. |
4037 | CTDBRET_INVAMPM | Indicates an invalid morning/evening indicator. |
4038 | CTDBRET_OVERFLOW | Indicates that the operation has caused an Overflow, |
4039 | CTDBRET_UNDERFLOW | Indicates that the operation has caused an Underflow. |
4040 | CTDBRET_DIVBYZERO | Indicates that there was an attempt to divide by zero. |
4041 | CTDBRET_INVDATETIME | Indicates an invalid DateTime. |
4042 | CTDBRET_CANTCONVERT | Indicates that the type conversion cannot be performed. |
4043 | CTDBRET_TOOBIG | Indicates that the argument is too big. |
4044 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHPATH | Indicates the path does not exist. |
4045 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHINDEX | Indicates an unknown index number. |
4046 | CTDBRET_NOTFOUND | Indicates the target was not found. |
4047 | CTDBRET_INVSEGMODE | Indicates an invalid segment mode. |
4048 | CTDBRET_NOINDEX | Indicates the table has no indexes. |
4049 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHSEGMENT | Indicates an invalid segment number. |
4050 | CTDBRET_INVICON | Indicates an Invalid ISAM context handle. |
4051 | CTDBRET_INDEXEXIST | Indicates the index name is already in use. |
4052 | CTDBRET_MOREDATA | Inidicates a partial field data read. Note that the buffer should be at least the field length +1 (for the null terminator). |
4053 | CTDBRET_NOINDEXNAME | Indicates an invalid index name. |
4054 | CTDBRET_NOTSUPPORTED | Indicates the selected feature is not supported. Hot Alter Table returns this error if you are trying to alter a table in a way not possible, such as changing an indexed value, or the table was not created with FLEXREC support. Trying to persist data via MQTT with Automatic System Time will fail with this error if your server wasn't built with Automatic System Time enabled. |
4055 | CTDBRET_INVLOCKMODE | Indicates an invalid lock mode. |
4056 | CTDBRET_NOLOCK | Indicates the record is not locked. |
4057 | CTDBRET_NOWRITELOCK | Indicates the record is not locked for writes. |
4058 | CTDBRET_NOTDICT | Indicates the dictionary handle was not allocated. |
4059 | CTDBRET_NOTYET | Indicated the attempted operation is not yet implemented. |
4060 | CTDBRET_INVNUMBER | Indicated an invalid number. |
4061 | CTDBRET_INVPREC | Indicates an invalid number precision. |
4062 | CTDBRET_INVSCALE | Indicates an invalid number scale. |
4063 | CTDBRET_INVRECBUF | Indicates the record buffer is not large enough. |
4064 | CTDBRET_CANTDELRECBYT | Indicates the RECBYT index cannot be deleted. |
4065 | CTDBRET_CANTDELROWID | Indicates the ROWID index cannot be deleted. |
4066 | CTDBRET_NOROWID | Indicates the table has no ROWID index. |
4067 | CTDBRET_CANCREATE | Indicates a file cannot be created (dupdb). |
4068 | CTDBRET_CANTCOPY | Indicates a file cannot be copied (dupdb). |
4069 | CTDBRET_NOTSUSPENDED | Indicates a lock cannot be restored. |
4070 | CTDBRET_INVISOLEVEL | Indicates an invalid isolation level. |
4071 | CTDBRET_CNDXFALSE | Indicates a conditional expression evaluated to false. |
4072 | CTDBRET_CNDXSYNTAX | Indicates a conditional expression parser error. |
4073 | CTDBRET_CONDXTYPE | Indicates a type discrepancy. |
4074 | CTDBRET_CNDXFIELD | Indicates an unknown field name. |
4075 | CTDBRET_CNDXINTERNAL | Indicates an internal yacc error. |
4076 | CTDBRET_CNDXMEMORY | Indicates the memory allocation has failed. |
4077 | CTDBRET_CNDXOVERFLOW | Indicates a stack overflow. |
4078 | CTDBRET_CNDXUNDERFLOW | Indicates a stack underflow. |
4079 | CTDBRET_CNDXEXEC | Indicates an invalid execution node. |
4080 | CTDBRET_CNDXDIVISION | Indicates there was an attempt to divide by zero. |
4081 | CTDBRET_CNDXNOSCHEMA | Indicates there is no record schema. |
4082 | CTDBRET_CNDXNORECBUF | Indicates there is no record buffer. |
4083 | CTDBRET_CNDXSDAT | Indicates there is not enough data. |
4084 | CTDBRET_INVSESSIONTYPE | Indicates an invalid session type. |
4085 | CTDBRET_INVALTERACTION | Indicates an invalid alter table action. |
4086 | CTDBRET_DIFFERENT | Indicates the records are different. |
4087 | CTDBRET_INVOPERATOR | Indicates an invalid operator. |
4088 | CTDBRET_READONLY | Indicates the table was opened as read-only. |
4089 | CTDBRET_NOTIMPLEMENTED | Indicates CALLBACK was not implemented. |
4090 | CTDBRET_INVHANDLE | Indicates an invalid handle type. |
4091 | CTDBRET_INVCALLBACK | Indicates an invalid callback type. |
4092 | CTDBRET_CANTMOVE | Indicates the segment cannot be moved. |
4093 | CTDBRET_INDEXDUPNAME | Indicates the index name was already used in the database. |
4094 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHDATABASE | Indicates the database does not exist, or was not found. |
4095 | CTDBRET_NOSEGMENT | Indicates the index has no segments. |
4096 | CTDBRET_BATCHNOTACTIVE | Indicates the batch operation not active. |
4097 | CTDBRET_BATCHISACTIVE | Indicates the batch operation is already active. |
4098 | CTDBRET_INVBATCHMODE | Indicates an invalid batch mode. |
4099 | CTDBRET_NOTRESOURCE | Indicates the selected object is not a resource handle. |
4100 | CTDBRET_INVATTACH | Indicates an invalid session attach mode. |
4101 | CTDBRET_NOTATTACHED | Indicates the session is not attached. |
4102 | CTDBRET_BINARYLENGTH | Indicates an invalid binary field length. |
4103 | CTDBRET_ROUTERERROR | Indicates a router table error. |
4104 | CTDBRET_INVROUTERNAME | Indicated an invalid router table name. |
4105 | CTDBRET_INVROUTERNBR | Indicates an invalid number of fields in the router. |
4106 | CTDBRET_INVROUNTERMAP | Indicates an invalid router field mapping. |
4107 | CTDBRET_DBNOTSQL | Indicates the database is not SQL. |
4108 | CTDBRET_INVBUFFER | Indicates the record buffer contains data that is causing field offset calculations beyond the record. FairCom DB parses a buffer by counting out the fixed-length fields and looking for nulls to determine the size of variable-length fields. Variable-length binary fields are easy because they have a size at the beginning. Any time they parse our buffer and don't end exactly at the end, this error is returned. This can be caused by a buffer that is too short or too long. |
4109 - 4128 | CTDBRET_CALLBACK_1 - CTDBRET_CALLBACK_20 | All errors in this range are callback errors. They are user error codes reserved for implementation-specific callback functions. Please refer to documentation that accompanies your specific c-treeDB callback module. 4127, CTDBRET_CALLBACK_19, can also be a c-treeRTG error. |
4129 | CTDBRET_CANTCHKUID | Indicates the dictionary UID cannot be properly checked/updated. |
4130 | CTDBRET_NOMOREVTRES | Indicates there is no more RESOURCE available for Vtable on parent table. |
4131 | CTDBRET_VTABLEEXIST | Indicates the table has VTable defined in the dictionary. |
4132 | CTDBRET_VTABLETYPE | Indicates the VTable type in the dictionary does not match the entry in the resource. |
4133 | CTDBRET_IDENTITYDEFINED | Indicates an Identity field has been already defined. |
4134 | CTDBRET_NOIDENTITYDEFINED | Indicates an Identity field has not been defined. |
4135 | CTDBRET_FLDISNULL | Indicates the field is null. |
4136 | CTDBRET_RESERVEDNAME | Indicates an invalid use of the reserved name. |
4137 | CTDBRET_NOTSUP_IN_DICT | Indicates the selected feature is not supported in the Dictionary. |
4138 | CTDBRET_INVFILENAME | Indicates an invalid file name. |
4139 | CTDBRET_ISVFIELD | Indicates the operation is not supported on the Virtual field. |
4140 | CTDBRET_HASVFIELD | Indicates the operation is not supported on tables with Virtual fields. |
4141 | CTDBRET_MISSINGVCLEAR | Indicates VFields cannot be added without setting the vclear function. |
4142 | CTDBRET_MISSINGVGET | Indicates a getfield operation was attempted on a VField without having a "get" function. |
4143 | CTDBRET_MISSINGVSET | Indicates a setfield operation was attempted on a VField without having a "set" function. |
4144 | CTDBRET_INVNUMBLEN | Indicates CTNUMBER has an invalid length. |
4145 | CTDBRET_INVMILLISECOND | Indicates an invalid millisecond. |
4146 | CTDBRET_INVLEGACYSEGMENT | Indicates the legacy segment offset cannot be computed (an absolute byte offset cannot be calculated for a legacy segment mode). |
4147 | CTDBRET_MSEC_NOTSUPPORTED | Indicates millisecond precision is not supported by FairCom DB data type in use. |
4148 | CTDBRET_PARTITION_DEFINED | Indicates the file partition is already defined. |
4149 | CTDBRET_NOTFTI | Indicates the selected object is not a Full-Text Index handle. |
4150 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHFTI | Indicates an unknown Full-Text Index number or name. |
4151 | CTDBRET_NOFTI | Indicates the table has no Full-Text Index. |
4152 | CTDBRET_FTI_NOFIELD | Indicates a Full-Text Index defined with no associated field. |
4153 | CTDBRET_CANTATTACH | Indicates the table handle linked to db is not supported (cannot attach). |
4154 | CTDBRET_NOMOREBATCHES | Indicates there is no room for more batches in the session. |
4155 | CTDBRET_ISVTABLE | Indicates that a table is a virtual table. A count of the physical entries to use as an estimate is also returned. Calling ctdbGetRecordCount() on a Multi-Schema Table (MRT Table) will return this error. Before V11.5, on MRT tables, CTDBRET_NOTYET was returned with no count. |
4156 | CTDBRET_FTS_SYNTAX | Indicates the Full-Text Search found a syntax error in the search query. |
4157 | CTDBRET_FTS_TOK_INIT | Indicates the Full-Text Search could not initialize the query tokenizer. |
4158 | CTDBRET_FTS_INVALID_STOP_LIST | Indicates an invalid stop list entry was specified. |
4161 | CTDBRET_ROWIDSEG | Indicates there was an attempt to create an index with rowid reference on a table with no rowid support. |
4162 | CTDBRET_NOTFTID | Indicates the selected object is not a Full-Text Index Dictionary handle. |
4163 | CTDBRET_CANNOTSET | Indicates a Full-Text Index (FTI) option cannot be set. |
4164 | CTDBRET_INVMRT_RECSIZ | Indicates the Multi-Record Type (MRT) VTABLE record definition does not describe the entire fixed record portion of the parent table. |
4165 | CTDBRET_NOLOAD | Indicates the background load thread is not active for the current file. |
4166 | CTDBRET_LOADISACTIVE | Indicates the background load thread is active for the current file. |
4167 | CTDBRET_NO_PATHS | Indicates the transaction log files path or temporary path is not set for standalone model. |
4168 | CTDBRET_FIXJSON | Indicates the JSON field cannot reside in the fixed record portion. |
4169 | CTDBRET_FIELDMASKFORBID | Indicates the attempted operation is forbidden by field mask. |
4170 | CTDBRET_ALREADYSET | Indicates the filter is already set and cannot be reset. |
4171 | CTDBRET_PREC_OVERFLOW | Indicates the value fits into the "C" type but overflows the defined precision. |
4172 | CTDBRET_FIELDATTRNOTSET | Indicates the field attribute is not set. |
4173 | CTDBRET_NOTADIGIT | foreign data type conversion error, value is not a digit |
4174 | CTDBRET_BADSIGN | foreign data type conversion error, sign indicator cannot be interpreted |
4175 | CTDBRET_INVINTSIZE | foreign data type conversion error, invalid size for integer type |
4176 | CTDBRET_DIGITOVERFLOW | foreign data type conversion error, too many digits |
4177 | CTDBRET_RECNOTMATCHATTR | Record length does not match ATTR information (minreclen/maxreclen) |
4178 | CTDBRET_INVMRT_RECHDR | MRT internal CTDB field not compatible with parent table (delfld, rowidfld, nulfld size different) |
4179 | CTDBRET_INVRTGXDD | XDD is invalid. check error message |
4180 | CTDBRET_UNI_NOTSUP | the libray does not support UNICODE |
4181 | CTDBRET_NOTBASE64 | the base64 buffer cannot be decoded. Probably wrong encoding |
4182 | CTDBRET_FIELD_OP_DENIED | Field operation denied. In conflict with index definition |
4183 | CTDBRET_NOTJSONFIELD | The Field is not a JSON field. |
4184 | CTDBRET_NOSUCHUSER | the owner is not a valid c-tree user |
4185 | CTDBRET_NOTHEXSTR | the hex string buffer cannot be decoded. Probably wrong encoding |
4186 | CTDBRET_INVALIDJSON | The value is not a valid JSON document |
4187 | CTDBRET_INVFIELDDEF | The table contains an invalid field definition. If the message states that the default value is mandatory on new fields, the error is caused by a missing cbdefault attribute |
4188 | CTDBRET_PKEXIST | PrimaryKey Index already exists |
4189 | CTDBRET_PKINDEXCLASH | PrimaryKey Index definition and other index settings clash |