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Monitor replication

Monitor status of data replication

This section covers the monitoring of replications through Replication Manager logs, scripted monitoring tools, exception logs, and monitoring plans with your browser.



Replication Manager logs

Replication Manager provides centralized logging of all replication activity.

Monitor specific plans with your browser

FairCom Replication Manager provides a centralized view of specific replication plan status.

Scripted monitoring tools

repadm and ctrepd are included in your tools folder.

Exception log

Replication has no absolute dependency that source and target servers must have data completely in sync. In this case, data exceptions can occur.

monitor replication status of data replication

monitor replicationmonitor status of data replicationdata replication statusreplication manager logsmonitor replication plansscripted monitoring tools

Replication Manager provides centralized logging of all replication activity. Detailed views of all manager components can be filtered for advanced troubleshooting.

Figure 1. Replication logs
Replication logs





Events are logged by a specific FairCom server.


Events are logged by the Replication Manager.


Events are logged by Replication Agent.

Web Server

Events are logged by embedded HTTP daemon.

Detail level

Detail level



Only shows errors.


Shows basic information (limited).


Shows trace basic level details.


Shows trace detail level details.

Severity level

Severity level



Critical errors


Important errors


Normal errors


Shows informational messages.


Shows trace-level messages.

Error code

The Error Code textbox can be used to search logs for a specific error code.


The Function textbox can be used to search logs for specific functions. Partial matching is allowed but it is case-sensitive.

Dump data to file

The Dump button will dump data for capture/analysis in the form of a .json file.

FairCom Replication Manager provides a centralized view of specific replication plan status.

Figure 2. Plan activity for plan
Plan activity for plan

  • Quickly and visually view the current replication status with color-coded connection status

  • Search specific time ranges

  • Visually browse the exception log

  • Enable function timings for performance analysis

  • Dump data to file for capture and external analysis

Example 1. Output
      "statID": 165,
      "direction": "direct",
      "time": "2020-11-23T22:38:47.000Z",
      "sourceDbName": "FAIRCOMS@Craig-Precision-5810",
      "targetDbName": "MEMPHIS@Craig-Precision-5810",
      "sourceDBEngine": true,
      "targetDBEngine": true,
      "main": {
        "sourceDbName": "FAIRCOMS@Craig-Precision-5810",
        "targetDbName": "MEMPHIS@Craig-Precision-5810"
      "logShip": {
        "sourceTaskID": 34,
        "logNumber": 1,
        "logPosition": 2402789,
        "state": "source",
        "sequenceNumber": 682,
        "error": 0,
        "functionName": "ctReplReadLogData"
      "logRead": {
        "sourceTaskID": 62,
        "targetTaskID": 63,
        "logNumber": 1,
        "logPosition": 2402387,
        "state": "source",
        "sequenceNumber": 1710,
        "error": 0,
        "functionName": "ctThrdQueueRead"
      "transactionFailCounts": {
        "commit": 0,
        "add": 0,
        "delete": 0,
        "update": 0
      "transactionProcessCounts": {
        "total": 0,
        "waitingOnAnalyze": 0,
        "waitingOnDependencyEval": 0,
        "waitingOnDependencyResolution": 0,
        "waitingOnApply": 0
      "transactionSuccessCounts": {
        "commit": 1,
        "add": 1,
        "delete": 0,
        "update": 0

repadm and ctrepd are included in your tools folder.

You can attach your agent process using your server credentials.

> repadm -u ADMIN -p ADMIN -s FAIRCOMS  -c getstate
c-treeACE(tm) Version Replication Agent Management Utility
Copyright (C) 1992 - 2020 FairCom Corporation
s t   lognum     logpos   state    seqno time func
y y        1     235919  source     1652    0 ctReplGetNextChange
y y        1     235919  source     1652    0 ctReplGetNextChange

Replication has no absolute dependency that source and target servers must have data completely in sync. In this case, data exceptions can occur.

Examples of out-of-sync data:
  • A table does not exist on the target resulting in error 12.

  • A record already exists on the target generating a duplicate key error 2 on add.

  • A record on the target was updated and no longer exactly matches the update applied from the source generating an 1105 error.

These types of errors don't halt replication from progressing. Instead, these events are logged in a table for later review and eventual resolution. This table is REPLLOGDT.FCS. This table should be reviewed on a regular schedule to ensure all exceptions are noted and understood.

Errors that impact the progression of replication such as connection issues are logged in ctreplagent.log and this should be reviewed when replication is not functioning as expected.

Figure 3. REPLLOGDT.FCS format

View the exception log with repadm

The replication administrator utility, repadm, can be used to view entries in REPLLOGDT.FCS with the getlog command.

Query the exception log with SQL

The replication exception log (REPLOGDT.FCS) is a FairCom file that contains a record for each error the Replication Agent has logged. This file can be imported into a SQL database for easier examination. With V11.6 and later no longer require exclusive access to a table for import and this can be done while REPLLOGDT.FCS is online.