2025 January FeatureLog
View the various changes made to the FairCom documentation in the month of January
change log for January 2025
You can now establish secure communications with FairCom servers by using the FairCom JDBC driver. JDBC allows you to write SQL against the FairCom server. TLS authentication is used to establish secure communications over the internet. The FairCom JDBC driver API can now be used to establish secure connections for private and protected communications.
FairCom DB 13.0.2
FairCom Edge 5.0.0
FairCom MQ 5.0.0
FairCom RTG COBOL 5.0.0
FairCom RTG Btrieve 5.0.0
Users , Developers , and Administrators
JDBC now supports TLS secure communications
This enhanced Python tutorial makes it quick and easy for developers to use the FairCom JSON action API to interact with FairCom servers. It gets you started creating databases, tables, and indexes as well as writing and reading records.
Add, remove, update the product versions that apply to this update.
FairCom DB 13.0.2
FairCom Edge 4.2.2
FairCom MQ 4.2.2