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JSON to fields transform method

The FairCom Edge transform method for converting JSON properties to fields in the current integration table

The "jsonToTableFields" transform method extracts one or more properties from a JSON document and writes property values to fields in the current integration table. You map JSON properties to specific fields in the table.



Use cases

The primary use case for extracting values from JSON properties and putting them in table fields is to enable SQL queries to use the collected data.


The "jsonToTableFields" transform action can be used to take specified properties from a JSON object in one table and store them in fields.


These tutorials detail how to create and manage the JSON-to-field transform.

API reference

The API reference outlines and defines the properties used to utilize the JSON-to-field transform.

FairCom Edge's transform method for converting JSON properties to fields in the current integration table

FairCom Edge
transform method
integration table