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The "listCodePackageHistory" action returns a list of code packages from the code package history that match all the specified filters.

Each returned item contains all code package properties except the "code" property. This action helps the user find previous versions of a code package. If you want to retrieve the source code, use the "describeCodePackageHistory" action.


  "authToken": "MyTokenHere",
  "api": "admin",
  "action": "listCodePackageHistory",
  "params": {    "databaseName": "faircom",
    "ownerName": "admin",
    "partialName": "convert",
    "codeTypeFilter": [ "transform", "expression" ],
    "statusFilter": [
    "includeDeactivatedCode": true,
    "minCodeVersion": 5,
    "maxCodeVersion": 13,
    "commentFilter": "words, phrases, NEAR, full-text search",
    "descriptionFilter": "words, phrases, NEAR, full-text search",
    "metadataFilter": "words, phrases, NEAR, full-text search",
    "skipRecords": 100,
    "maxRecords": 25

Minimal example - List all versions of all code packages

  "authToken": "MyTokenHere",
  "api": "admin",
  "action": "listCodePackageHistory",
  "params": {}

Minimal example - List all versions of one package

  "authToken": "MyTokenHere",
  "api": "admin",
  "action": "listCodePackageHistory",
  "params": {
    "partialName": "convertTemperature"

Minimal example - List some versions of one package

"authToken": "MyTokenHere",
  "api": "admin",
  "action": "listCodePackageHistory",
  "params": {
    "partialName": "convertTemperature",
    "minCodeVersion": 1,
    "maxCodeVersion": 2

"minCodeVersion" is optional and defaults to the first version of the code package. It returns code packages starting with the specified version.

"maxCodeVersion" is optional and defaults to the current version of the code package. It returns code packages up to and including the specified version.


Includes all information about matching code packages except for the "code" property.

Includes the "codeId" and "codeName" properties. "codeId" is the unique numeric identifier of a code package. It is used internally by the server to reference code package records.