Error codes 500 - 599
FairCom DB error codes 500 - 599
Value | Symbolic constant | Description |
500 | SQLINIT_ERR | Indicates server could not init SQL engine. |
501 | SQLCONNECT_ERR | Indicates SQL could not init for a user. |
502 | SQL_REQUEST_ERROR | Indicates SQL master info could not be accessed. |
503 | SQL_INVALID_CONTINUE | Indicates the SQL request could not continue. |
504 | NSQL_ERR | Indicates the server does not support SQL. |
505 | USQL_ERR | Indicates the user profile does not enable SQL. |
506 | SRFL_ERR | Indicates the save/restore file could not be opened. |
507 | SRIO_ERR | Indicates the save/restore file could not be stored. |
508 | SRIN_ERR | Indicates a save/restore inconsistency. |
509 | DSRV_ERR | Indicates a duplicate server. A Linux server needs to create or take over /tmp/ctreedbs for shared memory on server startup. This error will be returned if this folder already exists, but the current server doesn't have permission to take it over - or if you launch the server under one user, then move it to another user. To correct this, remove the folder, or launch the server with SUDO so it can take it over. |
510 | RFCK_ERR | Indicates active chkpnt at start of roll-forward. |
511 | ILOP_ERR | Indicates index nodes form illegal loop: rebuild. |
512 | DLOP_ERR | Indicates a data file loop was detected. |
513 | SBLF_ERR | Indicates FPUTFGET does not support CTSBLDX (). |
514 | CQUE_ERR | Indicates queue has been closed. |
515 | OIFL_ERR | Indicates the old IFIL structure cannot be converted. |
516 | GNUL_ERR | Indicates ctNOGLOBALS was not allocated. |
517 | GNOT_ERR | Indicates regid is not registered. |
518 | GEXS_ERR | Indicates regid is already registered. |
519 | IEOF_ERR | Indicates index logical EOF error. The index end of file error gives warning when a B-tree index node appears to be past the logical end of the index file. Such an error indicates that the index is corrupted. Note the following points:
520 | HTRN_ERR | Indicates an attempt to update index with inconsistent transaction number. If encountered, compact and rebuild the file to resolve the error. |
521 | BMAL_ERR | Indicates memory could not be allocated for the Streettalk login message buffer. |
522 | STID_ERR | Indicates the uerid in InitISAM() does not match current login ID. |
527 | BIDX_ERR | Indicates the index must be rebuilt. See CTSTATUS.FCS. In V11.0 you can get this error trying to rebuild. A check was incorrectly returning this error; this was fixed in V11.5. |
528 | SLEN_ERR | Indicates key segment length error. |
529 | CHKP_ERR | Indicates system checkpoints terminated. |
530 | LMTC_ERR | Indicates client does not match server. There are some incompatibilities between certain versions of our client library and versions of our server, i.e. V7 clients can't connect to a V8 or later server. |
531 | BREP_ERR | Indicates index reorg entry error. |
532 | ASAV_ERR | Indicates SetSavePoint() called with ctAUTOSAVE on. |
533 | MTRN_ERR | Indicates file header high-water-mark overflow. |
534 | OTRN_ERR | Indicates transaction Number Overflow or Pending File ID Overflow (see Pending File ID Overflow in the FairCom Knowledgebase). |
535 | REGC_ERR | Indicates FairCom DB instance not registered. |
536 | AREG_ERR | Indicates only automatic RegisterCTree() allowed. |
537 | TCOL_ERR | Indicates transaction log collision. FairCom DB is having trouble getting and locking the log files. It is possible the drive is full. In some cases, this error will be seen if the logs can’t be created. Check CTSTATUS.FCS for additional information if the creation of transaction logs fails. |
538 | PIOT_ERR | Indicates client-side bad function array type. |
-539 | BFIL_COD | Indicates sysiocod when file does not appear to contain any valid information. |
540 | PNUL_ERR | Indicates NULL parameter. One or more of the required parameters passed to one of our functions was null. |
541 | LWRT_ERR | Indicates the transaction log cannot be written. |
542 | MCRE_ERR | Indicates the mirror file could not be created. |
543 | MOPN_ERR | Indicates the mirror file could not be opened. |
544 | MCLS_ERR | Indicates the mirror file could not be closed. |
545 | MDLT_ERR | Indicates the mirror file could not be deleted. |
546 | MWRT_ERR | Indicates the mirror file could not be written. |
547 | MSAV_ERR | Indicates the mirror file could not be saved. |
548 | MRED_ERR | Indicates the mirror file could not be read. |
549 | MHDR_ERR | Indicates a mismatch between mirror headers. |
550 | MSKP_ERR | Indicates an attempt to open primary w/o mirror. OR-ing in a file mode of ctMIRROR_SKP permits a primary file to be opened w/o error. |
551 | MNOT_ERR | Indicates file already opened without mirror. |
552 | MSEG_ERR | Indicates segmented file cannot be mirrored. |
553 | FBEG_ERR | Indicates an attempt to add a record beginning with either a delete flag (0xFF) or a resource mark (0xFEFE) failed. This capability can be disabled as follows:
554 | ISRL_ERR | Indicates inconsistent SerialNum definition info. You can get this error if you are trying to add a serial index segment (auto increment) to a file that doesn't have one. These have to be defined when the file is created. It is inappropriate (regardless of partitioned files or not) to use PRMIIDX to add indexes that use SRLSEG if SRLSEG based indexes do not already exist. First, a SRLSEG index requires space in the data record. Second, none of the existing records would have SRLSEG data already in place, even if space had been reserved. ISRL_ERR (554) is returned when PRMIIDX attempts to add indexes with SRLSEG when SRLSEG has not already been used. |
555 | PREA_ERR | Indicates a switch to mirrored files as primary read files could not be read. |
556 | PWRT_ERR | Indicates a switch to mirrored files as primary read files could not be written. |
557 | CWRT_ERR | Indicates mirror files could not be written and are being suspended. |
558 | PSAV_ERR | Indicates a switch to mirror files as primary files could not be saved |
559 | CSAV_ERR | Indicates mirror files could not be saved and are being suspended. |
560 | SMON_ERR | Indicates only one of each monitor can be used at a time. |
561 | DDMP_BEG | SYSMON: dynamic dump begins. |
562 | DDMP_END | SYSMON: dynamic dump ends. |
563 | DDMP_ERR | SYSMON: dynamic dump ends (due to errors). At the end of automatic recovery, the following conditions (errors 570-576) may be detected which require cleanup before continuing. The specifics are reported in CTSTATUS.FCS: |
570 | RCL1_ERR | Indicates incomplete compression. |
571 | RCL2_ERR | Indicates index rebuild required. |
572 | RCL3_ERR | Indicates incomplete compression. An index rebuild is required. |
573 | RCL4_ERR | Indicates primary/mirror files out-of-synchronization. To correct this, copy the good file over the bad one. |
574 | RCL5_ERR | Indicates incomplete compression and primary/mirror files out-of-synchronization. |
575 | RCL6_ERR | Indicates index rebuild required and primary/mirror files out-of-synchronization. |
576 | RCL7_ERR | Indicates incomplete compression, index rebuild required, and primary/mirror files out-of-synchronization. |
577 | DWRT_ERR | Indicates update refused during protected dmp. |
579 | LIVL_ERR | Indicates logon interval error. |
580 | FSEC_ERR | Indicates file security op could not be performed. |
581 | EGRP_ERR | Indicates group does not exist. |
582 | KSML_ERR | Indicates key length too small. |
583 | SAVL_ERR | Indicates file extension exceeds diskfull limit. |
584 | LRSM_ERR | Indicates failed logon limit exceeded. |
585 | LVAL_ERR | Indicates logon date exception. |
-586 | MFID_COD | Indicates a different file name, but a matching file ID was found. |
-587 | CPND_COD | Indicates close/delete deferred: pending transaction. |
588 | CPND_ERR | Indicates an attempt to close or delete file with pending transaction. |
589 | LADM_ERR | Indicates member of ADMIN group required. |
590 | NCON_ERR | Indicates ISAM context ID could not be found. |
591 | OCON_ERR | Indicates old context ID. |
592 | ECON_ERR | Indicates context ID exists. If you are getting this returned from a c-treeDB function to get a record, you have started 32,728 simultaneous c-treeDB contexts and their context ID wrapped. To correct this, change your code to lower the number of contexts going at the same time. You should also clear and reuse c-treeDB Table, or Record handles within a loop and not allocate ones. |
593 | XUSR_ERR | Indicates non-ADMIN user blocked from log on. |
-594 | XUSR_COD | Indicates users in SEC_BLOCK class logged on. |
595 | CLEN_ERR | Indicates varlen too small in PUTCRES. |
596 | CMIS_ERR | Indicates missing information. |
597 | CINI_ERR | Indicates the expression could not be initialized. |
598 | CVAL_ERR | Indicates the conditional expression could not be evaluated. |
599 | DEXT_ERR | Indicates Dynamic Dump extent error. |