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Date & Time types

JSON DB date and time types use ISO 8601 and ISO 8604 format while FairCom's other APIs use other conventions




DATE is a FairCom database field type containing a date value, such as "2022-03-08" and is stored in a record as an unsigned 32-bit integer that represents a specific day in the Gregorian calendar.


TIME is a FairCom database field type containing a time value, such as "15:35:02:00" and is stored in a record as a 32-bit unsigned integer that represents a specific millisecond in a day.


TIMESTAMP is a FairCom database field type that is stored in a record as a 64-bit number that represents a specific DATE and TIME.

JSON DB date and time types

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DATE is a FairCom database field type containing a date value, such as "2022-03-08". It is stored in a record as an unsigned 32-bit integer that represents a specific day in the Gregorian calendar. A date has three parts: year, month, and day. It does not include time or a timezone offset.

FairCom's date types include DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP.

DATE's behavior in different APIs:
  • In FairCom's JSON DB API, a DATE value is represented as a JSON string that contains an ISO 8601 formatted date, which uses a year-month-day format without a timezone — for example, "2023-03-16".

  • In FairCom's SQLAPI, a DATE value is submitted and returned as ASCII characters using the ODBC format {d 'YYYY-MM-DD'} — for example, {d '2023-03-16'}.

  • In FairCom's ISAM and CTDB APIs, a DATE value is submitted and returned as a binary FairCom date value. FairCom provides functions to convert a FairCom date into the date types required by other languages.

TIME is a FairCom database field type containing a time value, such as "15:35:02:00". It is stored in a record as a 32-bit unsigned integer that represents a specific millisecond in a day. A time has four parts: hour, minute, second, and millisecond which represent the number of milliseconds after midnight. It does not include a date or a timezone offset.

FairCom's date types include DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP.

TIME's behavior in different APIs:
  • In FairCom's JSON DB API, a TIME value is represented as a string containing an ISO8604 time without a timezone, which uses an hour:minute:second.fraction format — for example, "17:35:20.5".

  • In FairCom's SQL API, a TIME value is submitted and returned as ASCII characters in hour:minute:second.millisecond format using the ODBC format {t 'HH:MI:SS:MS'} — for example, {t '17-35-02-00'}.

  • In FairCom's ISAM and CTDB APIs, a TIME value is submitted and returned as a binary FairCom time value. FairCom provides functions to convert a FairCom time into the time types required by other languages.

TIMESTAMP is a FairCom database field type. It is stored in a record as a 64-bit number that represents a specific DATE and TIME. It does not include a timezone offset.

In FairCom's JSON DB API, a TIMESTAMP value is represented as an ISO8604 date and time without a timezone, which uses a year-month-dayThour:minute:second.fraction format, such as "2023-03-16T17:35:20.5".

FairCom's date types include DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP.

TIMESTAMP's behavior in different APIs:
  • In FairCom's SQL API, a TIMESTAMP value is submitted and returned year-month-day hour:minute:second.millisecond format as ASCII characters using the ODBC format {ts 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS:MS'} — for example, {ts '2023-03-16 17-35-02-00'}.

  • In FairCom's ISAM and CTDB APIs, a TIMESTAMP value is submitted and returned as a binary FairCom timestamp value. FairCom provides functions to convert a FairCom time into the date and time types required by other languages.