Display information in a certificate file using the certinfo.py
script in FairCom Certificate Manager
Displays certificate and private key information in a PEM file.
Run the Python script certinfo.py
without command-line arguments, and it will prompt you for the following information:
File name of the file containing PEM or PKCS12 data.
Optional password of an encrypted private key in the file.
Welcome to FairCom's Certificate Information Program Enter the location of the file to inspect (or 'x' to exit): __________ Key #: 1 Private key modulus hash: 969db60634c9a482bd3e9095f210cd5a5df76c530f9b1ed1e5ef2a85 Private key bits: 4096 Certificate #: 2 Private key modulus hash: 969db60634c9a482bd3e9095f210cd5a5df76c530f9b1ed1e5ef2a85 Public key bits: 4096 Subject: C: US CN: adamh-dt-2019 L: Sandy O: FairCom ST: Utah Issuer: C: US CN: FairCom Private Certificate Authority L: Sandy O: FairCom ST: Utah Serial Number: 20231004152528002138000000001 Valid From (UTC): 2023-09-05 16:11:47 Valid Until (UTC): 2033-10-05 02:11:47 Public key algorithm: sha256 TLS Version.v3 Extension information: Extension name: Subject Alternative Name Critical: False DNSName: MyPC DNSName: mypc.faircom.com IPAddress: IPAddress: DNSName: localhost Extension name: Basic Constraints Critical: True CA: False Extension name: Key Usage Critical: True Digital signature: True Key encipherment: True Extension name: Extended Key Usage Critical: True Extended key uses: Server auth Press ENTER to exit
Run the Python script certinfo.py
with command-line parameters:
python certinfo.py "/certificates/myCertificate.pem"
Command-line options
usage: certinfo.py [-h] Welcome to FairCom's Certificate Information Program This program optionally takes one parameter: the full path to the file to inspect. For example: python certinfo.py /certificates/myCertificate.pem
PKCS12 file format
When running certinfo against a PKCS12 (.p12) file, the program will show three sections: the primary key, the primary certificate, and any additional certificates. The additional certificates are sometimes included to provide the complete trust chain for a certificate.
When client certificates are created using FairCom's createClientCert.py program, by default it will output the client certificate and key in a single PEM encoded file. It will additionally create a PKCS12 file that contains the client key, the client certificate, and the CA certificate which signed the client certificate.
Here is an example output from certinfo run against one of those files:
Welcome to FairCom's Certificate Information Program For help, run this program with the '-h' option. Enter the location of the file to inspect (or 'x' to exit): D:\temp\CertificateManagement\Certs\Expires_On_2028-11-08\adminClient.p12 Opening D:\temp\CertificateManagement\Certs\Expires_On_2028-11-08\adminClient.p12 D:\temp\CertificateManagement\Certs\Expires_On_2028-11-08\adminClient.p12 is in PKCS12 format. Primary key: Private key modulus hash: 41bd90391a0c2209a68950869d3947e8cad57c52c138e11323b48b31 Private key bits: 4096 Primary certificate: Public key modulus hash: 41bd90391a0c2209a68950869d3947e8cad57c52c138e11323b48b31 Public key bits: 4096 Subject: C: US CN: admin Email: adam.howell@gmail.com L: Sandy O: FairCom OU: QA ST: Utah Issuer: CN: FairCom Private Certificate Authority O: FairCom Serial Number: 20240910170041678704000000011 Valid From (UTC): 2024-09-10 23:00:42+00:00 Valid Until (UTC): 2028-11-08 19:59:59+00:00 Public key algorithm: sha256 TLS Version.v3 Extension information: Extension name: Basic Constraints Critical: True CA: False Extension name: Key Usage Critical: True Digital signature: True Key encipherment: True Key agreement: True Extension name: Extended Key Usage Critical: False Extended key uses: Client authentication Extension name: Subject Alternative Name Critical: False RFC822Name: adam.howell@faircom.com Extension name: Subject Key Identifier Critical: False Digest: b810ac7e42ccbcd6c127931a1ad43081f9d50c24 Extension name: Authority Key Identifier Critical: False Authority key identifier: Key identifier: 275634e2cb7800985e669053e8804ca72d07b84c Public bytes: 30168014275634e2cb7800985e669053e8804ca72d07b84c Additional certificate #1: Public key modulus hash: 638728346db4565a794f52f1a9ccdf1e09dcda6ce32f13caaf81e11c Public key bits: 4096 Subject: CN: FairCom Private Certificate Authority O: FairCom Issuer: CN: FairCom Private Certificate Authority O: FairCom Self-signed Serial Number: 20240910165904346719000000010 Valid From (UTC): 2024-09-10 22:59:06+00:00 Valid Until (UTC): 2034-09-07 23:59:59+00:00 Public key algorithm: sha256 TLS Version.v3 Extension information: Extension name: Subject Key Identifier Critical: False Digest: 275634e2cb7800985e669053e8804ca72d07b84c Extension name: Authority Key Identifier Critical: False Authority key identifier: Key identifier: 275634e2cb7800985e669053e8804ca72d07b84c Public bytes: 30168014275634e2cb7800985e669053e8804ca72d07b84c Extension name: Basic Constraints Critical: True CA: True Extension name: Key Usage Critical: True Key cert sign: True Crl sign: True Certificate serial # 20240910165904346719000000010 signed certificate serial # 20240910170041678704000000011.
This script shows information about keys and certificates. Because it is common for multiple keys and certificates to be included inside a single file, this script attempts to find every block of cryptographic data, parse that block, and display information about it.
You can also use the OpenSSL CLI to inspect certificates:
openssl x509 -noout -text -in ca.crt
The OpenSSL command displays additional information that you might find useful:
Version: 3 (0x2)
This line shows that the certificate is TLS version 1.3.
Subject: C=US, ST=Missouri, L=Columbia, O=FairCom, OU=IT, CN=FairCom Private Certificate Authority
This line shows the information you entered at the prompts.
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
This line shows that the key was created using the RSA algorithm.
Public-Key: (4096 bit)
This line shows that the key was created using 4096 bits of entropy.
X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical CA: TRUE, pathlen:0 X509v3 Key Usage: critical Certificate Sign, CRL Sign
These lines show that the certificate was created to be a CA key pair and that the roles it is meant for are signing certificates and signing Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).