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SQL actions

List of JSON DB API actions for running SQL

List of SQL actions in the JSON DB API, which you can use to query data, manipulate data, and manage database objects. These actions work for all FairCom products that include the FairCom database engine.




"getRecordsUsingSQL" uses SQL to retrieve a set of records.


"runSqlStatements" runs one or more SQL statements, such as drop, create, alter, call, insert, update, and delete statements.

Limitations of using SQL actions inside a JSON DB transaction

Once you run a "getRecordsUsingSQL" or "runSqlStatements" action within a transaction, it invalidates that transaction's previously created save points; thus, you cannot run the "revertTransactionToSavepoint" action to revert to a previously created save point.

You can, however, run "createTransactionSavePoint" after a "getRecordsUsingSQL" or "runSqlStatements" action to create a new savepoint, and you can later revert to that savepoint.

This section lists the SQL actions in the JSON DB API that can be used to query data, manipulate date, and manage database objects

API actions
sql actions
get records using sql
run sql statements