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Multiple server instances

Run multiple FairCom server instances on one computer

Run multiple FairCom servers on one computer

Start the FairCom server service.

Prerequisites for running multiple servers on one computer:


Separate instances of the FairCom server cannot share anything: files, server names, licenses, and ports.

  1. Each instance must be individually licensed with its own license file.

  2. Each instance must be installed in a separate folder so that each has a unique set of server, configuration, and data files.

  3. Each instance must have a unique server name.

  4. Each instance must have unique communications ports.

  5. Each server UUID must in fact be unique.


When a server starts up, if it does not already have a UUID, then a UUID is assigned that uniquely identifies it.

The UUID is stored by default in the <faircom folder>/data folder in a file called metadata.json. Deleting metadata.json and restarting the server, resets the server UUID by creating a new one.


If you duplicate a server folder or copy the data folder from one server to another without deleting the metadata.json file, this will result in a duplicate UUID causing unpredictable results. In particular, if you are using the Replication Manager, the two servers will be seen as the same server.

To remove a duplicate server UUID, delete metadata.json in the data folder of one of the servers, then restart the server to reset the UUID.

Change the FairCom server name

FairCom's default server names
  • On most FairCom products, the default server name is FAIRCOMS.

  • On FairCom MQ, the default server name is FCEDGEMQ.

Change the server name:
  1. Navigate to and open the ctsrvr.cfg file, where the share memory name is defined.

  2. Update the SERVER_NAME value to the server name of your choice.

    ; Server Name
    SERVER_NAME             FAIRCOMS
  3. Save your changes to the ctsrvr.cfg file.

Change all ports

See Configure ports to change all ports for each instance of the FairCom server (or at least all the ports that you are using).


Port conflicts are the most common problem with running multiple instances of c-tree on the same computer. The FairCom server has many ports that are changed in several different configuration files. Be sure to change all ports (or at least all ports that you are using). Also, be sure to use ports that are not in use; otherwise, port conflicts can prevent you from being able to communicate with the FairCom server.

Change the name of the service in Windows

When running multiple FairCom servers as Windows services, you must also configure each service to have a unique service name.

How to run multiple FairCom server instances on one computer

Multiple server instances
run multiple instances
run multiple sessions
on one computer
change all ports
Change FairCom server name