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JSON MQ and Hub "deleteBrokerConnection" action deletes connections to external brokers

The "deleteBrokerConnection" action deletes a previously created broker connection. It will not be deleted if the connection is being used by one or more MQTT topics.

  • The "brokerConnectionName" parameter is required.

  • If FairCom's servers cannot delete the broker connection, it will log an error stating, "broker Connection Name xxx cannot be deleted because it is being used by the following topics: xxx, xxx, xxx."

Request examples

Minimal request

  "api": "mq",
  "action": "deleteBrokerConnection",
  "params": {
    "brokerConnectionName": "MqttBroker1"
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"


If the target object does not exist, the response returns success and the debug property contains a warning that the object was not found.

  "result": {
  "requestId": "1",
  "debugInfo": {
    "request": {
      "api": "mq",
      "action": "deleteBrokerConnection",
      "params": {
        "brokerConnectionName": "MqttBroker1"
      "requestId": "1",
      "debug": "max",
      "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"
    "warnings": [
        "code": 100,
        "message": "Broker MqttBroker1 not found"
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": "",
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

deleteBrokerConnection deletes a previously created broker connection

API actionsJSON MQ APIjsonActiondelete broker connectiondeleteBrokerConnectiondeleteBrokerConnectionsdeletesBrokerConnectiondeletesBrokerConnections

The "params" property is an object that contains an action's parameters. Each action defines its own required and optional properties.

Properties summary

Table 1. "params" properties summary





Limits (inclusive)


specifies a user-defined unique name for a broker integration

Required - No default value


1 to 100 bytes

The "brokerConnectionName" property is a required string that is a unique user-defined name for the connection. It may be up to 100 characters long.

  • The unique name defined in the "brokerConnectionName" property is used in all subsequent references to the connection, such as when configuring a topic to subscribe or forward messages to an external broker or when altering or deleting a broker connection.

  • If the "brokerConnectionName" already exists, FairCom's server will update the record rather than create it.

  • If you do not wish to share a broker connection between multiple topics/integration tables (so you can control the broker connections independently), you can create multiple broker connections which all connect to the same external MQTT broker - giving each broker connection record a different "brokerConnectionName".