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Use client authentication in client software

Use client authentication in client software


Use client authentication in client software

There are several ways for client software using ISAM and CTDB APIs to use a client certificate to authenticate with a FairCom server.

  • Client software can use the ISAM function InitISAMX() with the USERPRF_X509 bit set in the userprof argument to indicate the userword argument is a null-terminated client certificate.

  • Client software can use the following code to register a client certificate for authenticating with a FairCom server:ctSetCommProtocolOption



    When you register a client certificate, the InitISAMX() function ignores the userprof and userword arguments.

  • If the private key embedded in the client certificate is encrypted, use the following code to regiser a private key password to decrypt an encrypted private key.



Before client software can use client certificate authentication, you must enable this feature on a FairCom server.