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Use client authentication in client software

Use client authentication in client software

There are several ways for client software using ISAM and CTDB APIs to use a client certificate to authenticate with a FairCom server.

  • Client software can use the ISAM function InitISAMX() with the USERPRF_X509 bit set in the userprof argument to indicate the userword argument is a null-terminated client certificate.

  • Client software can use the following code to register a client certificate for authenticating with a FairCom server:



    When you register a client certificate, the InitISAMX() function ignores the userprof and userword arguments.

  • If the private key embedded in the client certificate is encrypted, use the following code to regiser a private key password to decrypt an encrypted private key.



Before client software can use client certificate authentication, you must enable this feature on a FairCom server.

Use client authentication in client software

client authenticationauthenticate client in own softwareauthenticate client in clients softwareset up client authenticationTLS