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JSON Hub API: output actions

FairCom Edge's JSON Hub API can be used to alter, create, delete, describe, and list outputs

This section provides actions to alter, create, delete, describe, and list outputs in FairCom Edge. An output is a connection to an external device, equipment, or service. You connect an output to an integration table. When a record is inserted into the integration table, the output is notified of the insert event and it delivers the inserted tag(s) to the output device, equipment, or service. These actions configure how an output sends tags to its destination.


A tag is a piece of named data with an associated value. For example, the tag temperature 70 includes both the named data temperature and the value 70. In JSON, a tag is a JSON property, such as "temperature": 70. In a SQL table, a tag is a data field, such as a field named temperature with a value of 70.




"alterOutput" configures an existing integration.


"createOutput" creates and new integration.


"deleteOutput" removes a previously created integration.


"describeOutputs" returns all available information about each specified output.


"listOutputs" obtains a list of the names of previously created outputs.

This section lists the JSON actions that manage outputs in FairCom Edge

API actions
output actions
alter output
create output
delete output
describe output
list output