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Replication features

Links to FairCom data replication features

FairCom replication is responsible for establishing connections to multiple FairCom servers maintaining a current position in case of connection failures, and logging exceptional transactions that cannot be reliably replicated.



Replication Manager features

Replication features specific to the Replication Manager.

Synchronous replication for reliable availability

Synchronous replication is required for high availability because only it can guarantee data is always the same on both servers at all points in time.

Apply parallel replication threads for performance

Parallel replication uses many threads to replicate data simultaneously. It can keep up with multiple database connections simultaneously writing data.

Bidirectional replication

This section describes how to enable bidirectional replication.

Replication latency

Replicated target data can occasionally fall behind source operations. While replication will eventually bring the two nodes into full consistency, it is useful to know the degree to which replication remains behind.

Record conflict detection

FairCom replication checks for record conflicts on update. This check ensures that the target server is not unexpectedly updated or not in sync with source data.

Redirect files to alternate locations

The Replication Agent supports mapping the names of FairCom data files on a source server to different filenames on a target server.

Replication state persistence

If the Replication Agent process terminates abnormally, it is desirable for the agent to resume replicating transactions from where it left off in the source server transaction logs. A persistence state is needed to maintain this information.

Replicate superfile hosts and members

Superfiles are a unique c-tree file containing a collection of data and index files within a single physical file. They are useful when combining files that should always be distributed as a complete set.

data replication features for replication manager, synchronous replication, parallel replication threads, bidirectional replication, replication latency, record conflict detection, file redirects, replication state persistence, and superfile replication

data replication features
replication manager features
synchronous replication
parallel replication
bidirectional replication
replication latency
record conflict detection
file redirects
replication state persistence
superfile replication