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CLI utilities

Use TLS with FairCom's CLI utilities


Use TLS with FairCom's CLI utilities

FairCom's CLI utilities require you to enter an ISAM connection string. To request the CLI to use a TLS-enabled ISAM connection, append ^fssltcp to the server name in the ISAM connection string, such as "FAIRCOMS@localhost^fssltp". You must put the connection string in quotes because Microsoft Windows interprets the carat as an escape character or line continuation.

The following example uses TLS to connect the ctadmn utility to a FairCom server named


ctadmn ADMIN ADMIN "" "FAIRCOMS@localhost^fssltcp"

You can specify other connection options using one of the following connection string options:

Table 1. Connection Options

CLI Connection Options



Connect using shared memory only. A failed shared memory connection will not fall back to TCP/IP.


Connect with TLS over TCP/IP v4.


Connect with TLS over TCP/IP v6.


Connect without TLS over TCP/IP v4.


Connect without TLS over TCP/IP v6.