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The rollbackTransaction action rolls back a transaction and, when successful, ensures all actions attached to the transaction are completely undone


rollbackTransaction rolls back a transaction and, when successful, ensures all actions attached to the transaction are completely undone.

The "rollbackTransaction" action closes a transaction created by "createTransaction" and discards all changes made by actions attached to the transaction.

Things to know

  • When the rollback completes, it closes the transaction.

  • When a transaction is closed, the associated "transactionId" becomes invalid and can no longer be used.

Request examples

Minimal request example

  "api": "db",
  "action": "rollbackTransaction",
  "params": {
    "transactionId": "replaceWithTransactionIdFromCreateTransaction"
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthtokenFromCreateSession"
  "api": "db",
  "action": "rollbackTransaction",
  "params": {
    "transactionId": "replaceWithTransactionIdFromCreateTransaction"
  "responseOptions": {},
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthtokenFromCreateSession",
  "apiVersion": "1.0",
  "requestId": "2",
  "debug": "max"

Response examples

Minimal response example

  "authToken": "authtoken",
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": ""


The "params" property is an object that contains an action's parameters. Each action defines its own required and optional properties.

Properties summary

Table 1. "params" properties summary





Limits (inclusive)


specifies a server-generated ID that represents a transaction



0 to 255 bytes


specifies a server-generated ID that represents a savepoint



0 to 255 bytes

The "transactionId" is an option string that the server generates in order to return during a "createTransaction" action. The generated ID represents a transaction. It defaults to an empty string.

Things to know:
  • When a client wants an action to be under control of a transaction, it must include the "transactionId" in the action.

  • A "transactionId" is valid and can be applied to many actions until it is either committed using "commitTransaction" or rolled back using the "rollbackTransaction".

  • A zero-length string mean the "transactionId" is invalid.

  • Do not assume that "transactionId" is a number embedded in a string.

The "transactionSavepointId" is an optional string that the server generates in order to return during a "createTransactionSavepoint" action. The generated ID represents a savepoint. It defaults to an empty string.

Things to know:
  • A transaction savepoint represents the current point in the transaction process.

  • A client can roll back a transaction to any savepoint by calling the "rollbackTransaction" action with the desired "transactionSavepointId" property.

  • A client can commit a transaction to any savepoint by calling the "commitTransaction" action with the desired "transactionSavepointId" property.

  • A zero-length string means the "transactionSavepointId" is invalid.

  • Do not assume that the "transactionSavepointId" is a number embedded in a string.