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Client authentication in a CLI tool

Use client authentication in a FairCom CLI tool

  1. Create a client certificate file and client private key file for each user you want to authenticate. Ensure it is signed by the same CA certificate that signed the server certificate.

  2. Copy each client certificate file and client private key file to the <faircom>/tools folder.

  3. Set two environment variables to identify the user you want to be authenticated:

    set CTSSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE=my_user.pem

    set CTSSL_CLIENT_KEY=my_user.key

  4. Optionally set another environment variable to log SSL errors to a log file of your choosing:

    set CTSSL_DEBUG_LOG=my_tls.log

  5. Run the FairCom command line utility program with none in place of the username and password:

    ctadmn none none "" "FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp"

Use client authentication in a FairCom CLI tool

client authenticationCLI toolclient authentication with CLI toolauthenticate client with CLI tool