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Allen-Bradley connector

Connect FairCom Edge to Allen-Bradley devices using EtherNet/IP and PCCC over DF1 protocols


The FairCom Allen-Bradley ("ab") connector service allows reading tags from the most common Allen-Bradley PLCs, such as ControlLogix and CompactLogix, using a variety of Allen-Bradley supported communication protocols. 

The FairCom Allen-Bradley ("ab") connector service allows reading tags from the most common Allen-Bradley PLCs, such as ControlLogix and CompactLogix, using a variety of Allen-Bradley supported communication protocols. 


A tag is a piece of named data with an associated value. For example, the tag temperature 70 includes both the named data temperature and the value 70. In JSON, a tag is a JSON property, such as "temperature": 70. In a SQL table, a tag is a data field, such as a field named temperature with a value of 70.

This connector currently supports the EtherNet/IP and PCCC over DF1 protocols. The EtherNet/IP protocol runs over TCP/IP networks. The PCCC command protocol runs over the DF1 serial protocol.




The concepts section shows how FairCom Edge  can connect and interact with Allen-Bradley devices.


The tutorials section contains procedures for developing Allen-Bradley code.

API reference

The API reference section outlines and defines the properties used to fully utilize the Allen-Bradley services.


The configuration section shows how to enable the Allen-Bradley service in the FairCom Edge server.