Error codes 16000 - 16999
FairCom SQL error codes 16000 - 16999
Error code | SQLSTATE value | Class condition | Subclass message |
16001 | 22701 | Data exception | MM- No data block |
16002 | 70702 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Bad swap block |
16003 | 70703 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- No cache block |
16004 | 22704 | Data exception | MM- Invalid row number |
16005 | 70705 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Invalid cache block |
16006 | 70706 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Bad swap file |
16007 | 70707 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Row too big |
16008 | 70708 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Array initialized |
16009 | 70709 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Invalid chunk number |
16010 | 70710 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Can't create table |
16011 | 70711 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Can't alter table |
16012 | 70712 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Can't drop table |
16020 | 70713 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- TPL ctor error |
16021 | 70714 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Insertion error |
16022 | 70715 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Deletion error |
16023 | 70716 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Updation error |
16024 | 70717 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Fetching error |
16025 | 70718 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Sorting error |
16026 | 70719 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Printing error |
16027 | 70720 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- TPLSCAN ctor error |
16028 | 70721 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Scan fetching error |
16030 | 70722 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Can't create index |
16031 | 70723 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Can't drop index |
16032 | 70724 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- IXSCAN ctor error |
16033 | 70725 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- IX ctor error |
16034 | 70726 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- IX deletion error |
16035 | 70727 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- IX appending error |
16036 | 70728 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- IX insertion error |
16037 | 70729 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- IX scan fetching error |
16040 | 70730 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Begin transaction |
16041 | 70731 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Commit transaction |
16042 | 40000 | Transaction rollback | ***MM- Rollback transaction |
16043 | 70732 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Mark point |
16044 | 70733 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Rollback savepoint |
16045 | 70734 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- Set & Get isolation |
16050 | 70735 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- TID to char |
16051 | 70736 | FairCom DB SQL MM errors | MM- char to TID |
Error code | SQLSTATE value | Class condition | Subclass message | Details |
-16101 | 70801 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_EOFILE | End of File condition |
-16102 | 70802 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_FCEXCEPT | Generic FC exception |
-16103 | 70803 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_STDEXCEPT | STD exception |
-16104 | 70804 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_UNKEXCEPT | Unknown STD exception |
-16105 | 70805 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_GENERIC | Generic FC error |
-16106 | 70806 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_NOMEM | No memory |
-16107 | 70807 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_FILESYS | File-system call (for example, unlink) failed |
-16108 | 70808 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_IOOPEN | Open file failed |
-16109 | 70809 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_IOCLOSE | Close file failed |
-16110 | 70810 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_IOREAD | Read file failed |
-16111 | 70811 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_IOWRITE | Write file failed |
-16112 | 70812 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_LOGERR | Some logging operation failed |
-16113 | 70813 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_BUFSMALL | Data buffer is too small |
-16114 | 70814 | ctree Latte error | FC_ERR_BADARG | Bad argument given to a function |
-16300 | 70815 | ctree Latte error | LT_EOSTORE | End-of-store reached |
-16301 | 70816 | ctree Latte error | LT_USEFIXSCAN | Use general fix scan instead of the requested |
-16302 | 70817 | ctree Latte error | LT_TOPN_REACHED | TopN count of records reached |
-16303 | 70818 | ctree Latte error | LT_NOTFOUND | Search record is not found |
-16304 | 70819 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_INTERNAL | Internal Latte error detected |
-16305 | 70820 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_BADPAGE | Possible page corruption detected |
-16306 | 70821 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_STOREFULL | Limit on the store size is reached |
-16307 | 70822 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_NOCACHE | Trying to fix a page in an empty cache |
-16308 | 70823 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_ALLFIXED | Trying to fix more pages than cache capacity |
-16309 | 70824 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_WRONGTYPE | Unexpected data type for the operation |
-16310 | 70825 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_OVERFLOW | Overflow of a data type |
-16311 | 70826 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_TYPECONV | Error in type conversion |
-16312 | 70827 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_NULLVAL | Attempt to get a value which is NULL |
-16313 | 70828 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_BADVAL | Bad value identified |
-16314 | 70829 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_BADPREC | Bad value precision |
-16315 | 70830 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_BADSCALE | Bad value scale |
-16316 | 70831 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_DIVBYZERO | Division by 0 |
-16317 | 70832 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_TOOMANYFLD | Too many fields |
-16318 | 70833 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_BADHANDLE | Bad handle |
-16319 | 70834 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_NOSUPPORT | Operation is not supported |
-16320 | 70835 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_BADRECID | Bad record id given to a function |
-16321 | 70836 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_NOTSORTED | Operation requires a sorted table |
-16322 | 70850 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_FIXLIMIT | Unable to Fix page |
-16323 | 70851 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_INSERTENDED | Attempt to Insert to table that completed insertion |
-16324 | 70852 | ctree Latte error | LT_ERR_LIMIT | Record size is beyond latte limit |
-16500 | 70837 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADCEXPR | Inconsistent conditional expression |
-16501 | 70838 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADVSTACK | Inconsistent value stack detected |
-16502 | 70839 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADTOKEN | Bad expression token detected |
-16503 | 70840 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADOPTYPE | Bad token operator type |
-16504 | 70841 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADCONDOP | Bad conditional operator |
-16505 | 70842 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_NOSUPPORT | Polka operation is not supported |
-16506 | 70843 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADETNODE | Bad expression tree node detected |
-16507 | 70844 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_CANTLINK | Cannot link a child tree node |
-16508 | 70845 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_CANTUNLINK | Cannot unlink a child tree node |
-16509 | 70846 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADCETREE | Bad conditional expression tree |
-16510 | 70847 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_BADCETDESC | Bad expression tree descriptor |
-16511 | 70848 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_CETNOCHILD | Node does not have an expected child |
-16512 | 70849 | ctree Polka error | PK_ERR_CANTCONVERT | Error converting an expression tree |