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jsonAction defaults

Set server-wide defaults for jsonAction APIs

The default settings for the FairCom jsonAction APIs and browser-based applications are specified in the services.json file in the "jsonActionApiDefaults" property.

Example 1. Default settings for jsonAction APIs
"jsonActionApiDefaults": {
    "defaultApi": "db",
    "defaultBinaryFormat": "hex",
    "defaultDatabaseName": "faircom",
    "defaultDebug": "max",
    "defaultOwnerName": "admin",
      "binaryFormat": "hex",
      "dataFormat": "objects",
      "numberFormat": "number"
    "idleConnectionTimeoutSeconds": 3600,
    "idleCursorTimeoutSeconds": 600,

The property names and values in "jsonActionApiDefaults" are identical to those in the "params" property of "createSession", "alterSession", and "describeSessions". Each FairCom product ships with different default settings that make sense for that product — for example, in FairCom DB, the "defaultAPI" property is set to "db", in FairCom MQit is set to "mq", and in FairCom Edgeit is set to "hub".

You can change the values of the properties in services.json, and all jsonActionAPIs and browser-based user interfaces will use these properties as their default. If any of the properties in "jsonActionApiDefaults" are omitted from services.json, the property values may vary depending on the JSON action performed.


FairCom's core configuration file, ctsrvr.cfg, contains a SQL_DATABASE setting. You can set SQL_DATABASE to the name of a database and when the FairCom server starts, it creates a database with that name if it does not already exist.

By default, ctsrvr.cfg sets SQL_DATABASE to "ctreeSQL". If you change SQL_DATABASE to use another database name, it is a good practice to put the same name in the "defaultDatabaseName" property in services.json. This makes your newly created database the default database in all of FairCom's jsonActionAPIs and browser-based applications.

Example 2. Keeping SQL_DATABASE and "jsonActionApiDefaults" in sync


SQL_DATABASE my_new_database


"": {
    "defaultApi": "db",
    "defaultBinaryFormat": "hex",
    "defaultDatabaseName": "my_new_database",
    "defaultDebug": "max",
    "defaultOwnerName": "admin",
      "binaryFormat": "hex",
      "dataFormat": "objects",
      "numberFormat": "number"
    "idleConnectionTimeoutSeconds": 3600,
    "idleCursorTimeoutSeconds": 600,

The default settings for the FairCom jsonAction APIs and browser-based applications are specified in the services.json file in the "jsonActionApiDefaults" property

jsonAction defaultsjsonAction APIservices.jsonjsonActionApiDefaultsdefault settingsjson action defaults