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FairCom DB Notify

FairCom DB Notify and FairCom MQ non-secure and secure communications - tutorial


Use non-secure or secure communications between FairCom DB Notify and FairCom MQ tutorial

FairCom DB Notify allows you to define event criteria on any FairCom DB database file. The file is actively monitored and a FairCom DB Notify processing event is triggered when the criteria are satisfied. When triggered, FairCom DB Notify sends a configurable MQTT message to a specified MQTT Broker.

This tutorial describes how to set up these event criteria either with non-secure communication or with secure FairCom DB Notify communications between a FairCom DB Server and a FairCom MQ broker using OpenSSL and x509 authentication.

  • Ensure that FairCom DB and FairCom MQ are installed and running.


To run both products on the same computer, remap the ports used by one or both of the products. Change the SQL_PORT configuration setting in ctsrvr.cfg and the enabled ports in services.json. See: Run multiple server instances on one computer.

Configure FairCom DB Notify with or without TLS secure communications.

  1. Enable the FairCom DB Notify Service for the FairCom DB server by editing the <faircom>\config\services.json configuration file and changing the following enabled setting from false to true.

    "otherServices": [
        "serviceName": "dbnotify",
        "serviceLibrary": "./dbnotify/fcdbnotify.dll",
        "enabled": true    
  2. Edit the <faircom>\config\dbnotifyconnections.json file to configure a connection between your FairCom DB server and FairCom MQ. Set the faircomServerName to the name used by FairCom MQ. This defaults to "FCEDGEMQ". You can verify this by looking for SERVER_NAME in the <faircom>/config/ctsrvr.cfg file of your FairCom MQ server.


    The brokerHostname specifies the machine your FairCom MQ server is running on.

      "logLevel": "development",
          "brokerConnectionName": "brokerCtree",
          "faircomServerName": "FCEDGEMQ",	
          "brokerHostname": "localhost",   
          "brokerUserName": "ADMIN",
          "brokerUserPassword": "ADMIN",
          "reconnectFrequencySeconds": 15,
          "metadata": {},
          "defaultIncludePrimaryKey": "never", 
          "defaultTagChanges":        "neverTag", 
  3. Edit the <faircom>\config\dbnotify\ctreeSQLcustmast.json file to configure the DB notification criteria.

    When the DB Server enables the FairCom DB Notify service at startup, it looks in the <faircom>\config\dbnotify folder for any .json files. Each .json file is expected to contain the necessary information related to one table to be monitored. A separate .json file is needed for each table you want to monitor.

    1. Set the databaseName to match the database that contains the table to be monitored. For this tutorial, it is ctreeSQL.

    2. Set the tableName to match the table you want this file to apply to. In this tutorial, it is custmast.

    3. Set the ownerName to admin. This should match the user that created the table.

    4. Inside the publishMqttMessages array add an entry for each type of MQTT message you want the FairCom DBserver to send to the FairCom MQ broker. Each entry can use one or more trigger types and include different fields and settings to create a specific type of MQTT message.

      1. Set the topic to the MQTT topic you want this message type to notify on. For this tutorial, use topic1.

      2. Set brokerConnectionName to the same name used above when defining the connection to FairCom MQ, brokerCtree.

      3. Set triggers to an array of event types you want this message type to notify on.

      4. QoS is the quality of service FairCom MQ will use to publish the notification messages. This example uses QoS 0.

      5. recordFilter is an optional expression used to identify a subset of records to notify on. If left out it will notify on all records for the given triggers.

      6. includedFields is an optional array of field names to include in the notification. If left out all fields will be included.

      "databaseName": "ctreeSQL",
      "tableName": "custmast",
      "ownerName": "admin",
      "publishMqttMessages": [
          "topic": "topic1",
          "brokerConnectionName": "brokerCtree",
          "triggers": [ "delete"],
          "QoS": 0,
          "recordFilter": "!stricmp(cm_custstat,\"CA\")",
          "includedFields": [ "cm_custnumb", "cm_custzipc", "cm_custcity" ],
          "includePrimaryKey": "never"
          "topic": "topic1",
          "brokerConnectionName": "brokerCtree",
          "triggers": [ "insert", "update"],
          "QoS": 0,
          "recordFilter": "atoi(cm_custnumb) >= 1000",
          "includePrimaryKey": "never", 
          "tagChanges":        "tagEachField"
  4. Restart the DB Server.


The server is now set up with DB Notify. You can proceed to Test DB notify and perform Troubleshooting if necessary, or you can setup DB Notify with TLS/X509 configuration first.

Complete these steps to secure TCP/IP communications between the DB Notify service and the FairCom DB broker. This involves activating TLS/SSL to encrypt the network communications and activating x509 authorization to secure the user and password used for this connection. 

x509 authentication extends SSL support to allow database user authentication based on a client-provided certificate that is trusted by the server, and a user that is registered in the server or is listed in the broker's authorized user database. Typically, users are added using the ctadmn utility.

TLS is an updated, more secure version of SSL. The terms SSL and TLS are used synonymously throughout this document.

There are 3 main tasks to set up secure communication between FairCom DB Notify and FairCom MQ:
  • Create certificates

  • Set up FairCom MQ with SSL and x509

  • Set up FairCom DB Notify with SSL and X509

SSL communications and x509 authorization require the following certificates and keys. 




The Certificate Authority(CA) certificate and key file pair. These files are used to sign both client and server certificates. The rootca.key file should be highly protected, as this is the secret on which all the security is based. These files are not included in a FairCom release. They will be created by the optional batch file.


The FairCom MQ broker (server-side) certificate file. This ctree_ssl.pem file is a container holding the server certificate, the private server key, and the CA certificate to make a complete chain. This ctree_ssl.pem file should be kept private to the server/broker because it contains this private key.


The Client-side certificate file. This file is used by the FairCom DB Notify service to secure the TCP/IP communication. This is ctree_ssl.pem without the server key. It is used by a client to validate the server. In this exercise, the client is our FairCom DB Notify service.


The FairCom ADMIN user certificate and private key pair. Each unique database user, including the FairCom ADMIN user, needs their own certificate and private key pair, signed by a trusted Certificate Authority(CA). This pair is intended for the "admin" account. The admin.pem has the CA certificate (rootca.pem) appended to make it a complete "chain" for authentication.


A typical (non-admin) user certificate and private key pair. Each unique database user needs their own certificate and private key pair, signed by a trusted Certificate Authority(CA). This is an example of a "JonDoe" account. Later, you will modify our script to create your own user certificates. The JonDoe.pem file has the CA certificate (rootca.pem) appended to make it a complete "chain" for authentication.

Sample certificates for use with this demo in addition to a createCerts.bat script can be found in the <faircom>\config\x509.auth.demo folder.

The createCerts.bat script first creates a Certificate Authority(CA) and then uses this CA to sign the other certificates. See the openssl -subj switch in this script where later you should substitute your company information. Near line 75, shows the 'JonDoe' user. Keep this intact to test this demo, then later go back and adjust as you see fit for your company and users.

Use our provided sample certificates, or use the createCerts.bat script to create your own. The createCerts.bat script only needs the rootca.conf configuration file. If you desire to create your own certificates, copy these two files to any working directory you choose. If you run createCerts.bat in the x509.auth.demo folder, you will get error messages for conflicting with our existing certificate files and keys.

The <faircom>/config/createCerts.bat file also requires the OpenSSL.exe utility. Be sure the utility is accessible from your command prompt before running createCerts.bat

Execute the createCerts.bat script from your Windows command prompt. Set a PEM pass phrase when prompted. We used FairComQA, but you may choose your own phrase.

> createCerts.bat

You will see:

> create root CA cert request and private key
> Enter PEM pass phrase: FairComQA

The 'pass phrase' for the Certificate Authority(CA) certificate is set, and the CA certificate files are created. You are prompted when this CA certificate is being used to sign the other certificates.

The certificate files (.pem) and keys (.key) names are displayed as they are created.

  1. Copy certificates

    1. Copy the ctree_ssl.pem file (server-side certificate) you generated above into your broker's server folder. Overwrite it if it already exists in the broker's server folder:

      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\ctree_ssl.pem .\<faircom>\server\ctree_ssl.pem

      Note: The ctree_ssl.key file does not need to be specified because it is already embedded in ctree_ssl.pem.

    2. Copy the ctsrvr.pem file (client-side certificate) into your client Apps folder. In this tutorial, we use the ./tools folder in the Broker's package.

      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\ctsrvr.pem .\<faircom>\tools\ctsrvr.pem
    3. Copy the user certificate and key files you created above into your client Apps folder. Remember, we made an 'admin' and a 'JonDoe' user.

      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\admin.pem  .\<faircom>\tools\admin.pem
      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\admin.key  .\<faircom>\tools\admin.key
      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\JonDoe.pem .\<faircom>\tools\JonDoe.pem
      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\JonDoe.key .\<faircom>\tools\JonDoe.key
  2. Disable shared memory in the broker.

    Deactivate the Shared Memory Protocol even if you are connecting with TCP/IP, internally. If the Shared Memory protocol is activated, the Shared Memory is automatically used when possible. To test your TCP/IP TLS/SSL deactivate Shared Memory by commenting out its keyword in the ctsrvr.cfg file.

    ; Communication protocols

    Deny shared memory for SQL also by adding the following line:

  3. Activate SSL by editing FairCom MQ Broker's ctsrvr.cfg file in the <faircom>\config folder.

    Uncomment the SSL and x509 support.

    ;Here is where you can activate (un-comment)SSL 
    ;This is the file name in your server's directory
    ;For SSL you can specify (un-comment) a debug log file name
    DEBUG_LOG ssl.log
    ;Here you can restrict access to SSL ONLY. 
    ;Require clients to provide a x509 certificate
    ;Use x509 client certificate for database authentication
    ;Use the SUBJECT:CN from the client's certificate as their username
    x509_PATH CN
  4. Save your changes to ctsrvr.cfg.

  5. If using Linux, Unix, or macOS, update stopserver in the <faircom>\server folder to stop the server using SSL.

    echo Stopping the FairCom Database Engine...
    cd ../tools
    ./ctstop -AUTO none none "FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp"

Run command-line utilities found in the <faircom>/tools folder to test that FairCom MQ is SSL-enabled with an x509 ISAM connection.

  1. Restart FairCom MQ

    The log message "Initialized SSL support." appears in CTSTATUS.FCS.

  2. Check that the server's configuration file (ctsrvr.cfg) allows only SSL connections.


  3. Launch two different CMD shells and run these two commands in each of the CMD shells to set environment variables in both.

    set CTSSL_CLIENT_KEY=admin.key
  4. Verify that x509 connections are working correctly for the ctixmg, ctadmn, and ctixmb tools, and check each tool's connection type.

    Verify connections

    In the first CMD shell, from the FairCom MQ tools folder, run each of the following command lines one at a time. If you get an error such as "Could not initialize c-tree Plus" or "Could not logon to server", the configuration is not configured correctly.  If you get a menu or are asked a question, the x509 connection is working.

    Append ^fssltcp to the server name to request an SSL-enabled connection for an ISAM connection. In these examples, you may need to change FCEDGEMQ to match the ctsrvr.cfg SERVER_NAME value of your MQ server.

    Be sure to use quotes on the command line.

    It is not necessary to send user/password because the x509 certificate supplies the necessary user and password credentials.

    ctixmg ADMIN ADMIN "FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp"
    ctadmn ADMIN ADMIN "" "FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp"
    ctixmg none none "FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp"

    Check the connection type

    While one tool is running in the first CMD shell, run ctadmn in the second CMD shell from the FairCom MQ tools folder.

    ctadmn none none "" "FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp"
                    **** FairCom(R) Server Administration Utility ****
                             1. User Operations
                             2. Group Definitions
                             3. File Security
                             4. Monitor Clients
            Enter your choice (1-10), or 'q' to quit>> 4

    Enter 4 to choose Monitor Clients.

    Monitor Clients:
                             1. List Attached Clients
                             2. Kill Client
      Enter your choice (1-2), or 'q' to return to previous menu>> 1

    Enter 1 to choose List Attached Clients:

    Look at the NodeName of each client that is listed to find the ctixmg, ctadmn, or ctixmb tool you are currently running in the first CMD shell.

    You might have to press enter a few times because our tool might be last on the list after other internal MQ threads.

    The following examples are outputs for the ctixmg and ctadmn tools, with the items of interest bolded.

    UserID: ADMIN                      NodeName: ctixmg
    Task 20                            Communications: FSSLTCP
        Memory: 235K       Open Files: 3      Logon Time:   0:06
        Tran Time:   --    Rqst Time:   0:06  NoRequest  Rqst# 196 OPNRFIL
    UserID: ADMIN                      NodeName: ctadmn
    Task 34                            Communications: FSSLTCP
        Memory: 288K       Open Files: 9      Logon Time:   7:38
        Tran Time:   --    Rqst Time:   7:38  NoRequest  Rqst# 196 OPNRFIL

    Communications: FSSLTCP as in these examples indicates the TCP/IP connection is using SSL.

    Note: The following protocols are some of the more common TCP/IP connections you might observe:

    F_TCPIP	indicates an unencrypted ISAM TCP/IP connection.
    FSSLTCP	indicates an SSL-enabled ISAM TCP/IP connection.
    SQL_TCPIP  indicates an unencrypted SQL TCP/IP connection.
    SQL_SSLTCP  indicates an SSL-enabled ISAM TCP/IP connection.

    Enter q to return to the ctadmn main menu.

    Kill the tool in the first CMD shell by pressing ctrl-c, launch the next tool, and check its connection type until done with all three tools.

  5. In the second CMD shell running the ctadmn tool, add the JonDoe user into your Server/Broker's database.

    User Operations:
                      1. Add New User
                      2. Remove Existing User
                      3. List Users
    Enter your choice (1-9), or 'q' to return to previous menu>> 1

    Enter 1, Add New User.

    Enter User Id >> Jon Doe
    Enter User Description >> Jon Doe

    Answer the remaining prompts as you prefer. After the last prompt, press q to return to the main menu. Press q again to exit ctadmn.

    Set two environment variables to specify the user JonDoe with x509 authentication.

    set CTSSL_CLIENT_KEY=JonDoe.key
  6. Run the ctixmg tool again, without a user or password, to verify that the JonDoe user is correctly configured with an SSL connection. This should launch without a "Could not initialize c-tree Plus" error. You may need to change FCEDGEMQ to match your SERVER_NAME value.

    ctixmg none none "FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp"
  1. With the FairCom DB installation, edit the <faircom>\config\dbnotifyconnections.json file to configure a secure connection between your FairCom DB server and the FairCom MQ Broker:

    1. Set the faircomServerName to  FCEDGEMQ. This is the SERVER_NAME of the MQ broker that is set in the /config/ctsrvr.cfg file in the FairCom MQ installation.

    2. Enable tls and x509_authentication.

    3. At tls, set the certificateFilename with the name of the client-side certificate file that you previously created (ctsrvr.pem in this tutorial).

    4. At x509_authentication, set certificateFilename and privateKeyFilename with the FairCom ADMIN user certificate key and private key you previously created (admin.pem and admin.key in this tutorial).

  2. Encrypt the dbnotifyconnections.json file for secure connection and communication.

    1. Rename dbnotifyconnections.json to dbnotifyconnections.cfg

    2. Execute ctcmdset dbnotifyconnections.cfg to get an encrypted dbnotifyconnections.set file. (While in the config folder, this command can be run using:  ..\tools\ctcmdset dbnotifyconnections.cfg)

    3. Rename dbnotifyconnections.set to dbnotifyconnections.json

  3. Edit the <faircom>\config\dbnotify\ctreeSQLcustmast.json file to configure the DB notification criteria.

    When the DB Server enables the FairCom DB Notify service at startup, it looks in the config\dbnotify folder for any .json files. Each .json file is expected to contain the necessary information related to one database file to be monitored. A separate .json file is needed for each database file you want to monitor.

          "recordFilter":"atoi(cm_custnumb) >= 1000",

    The "topic": "topic1" on "brokerConnectionName":"brokerCtree" that you set up when you configured your connection is used for published messages.

  4. Copy certificates to the <faircom>\server folder.

    FairCom DB Notify acts as a client of the FairCom MQ Broker, so we need to copy the client-side certificates to the FairCom DB server folder.

    1. Copy the ctsrvr.pem file (SSL client-side certificate) into your FairCom DB server folder.

      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\ctsrvr.pem .\<faircom>\server\ctsrvr.pem
    2. Copy admin user certificate and key files into the FairCom DB server folder (x509 authentication):

      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\admin.pem  .\<faircom>\server\admin.pem
      > copy .\<YourWorkFolder>\admin.key  .\<faircom>\server\admin.key
  5. Switch to the machine that FairCom MQ is running on and use MQ Explorer to check if the topics are already there:

    If you have already run FairCom DB Notify without x509 in this environment, "topic1" and "FairComServer/NotificationPlugin/Errors" topics are already created and will appear in this list.

    1. In API Explorer, in the Select API drop-down list choose MQ API.

    2. In the JSON Actions drop-down list select listTopics then click Send request (


      ) to execute the listTopics action.

      The API Response will list all topics that are subscribed to in this broker.


      In this example, "topic1" is not on the server.

  6. Create topics "topic1" and "FairComServer/NotificationPlugin/Errors" if they do not exist in the FairCom MQ broker.

    1. In API Explorer, click Upload Set of Json files (



    2. Select and upload createErrorTopic.json and createTopic1.json found in the <faircom>\config\x509.auth.demo\ folder.

    3. In Uploaded Actions select and execute the API request for each action.

    4. Execute listTopics again to show those topics.


      Note: FairCom DB will support the automatic creation of topics with x509 in the future.

  7. On the machine that FairCom DB is installed on, restart the FairCom DB Server.

Proceed to Test FairCom DB Notify using secure communication and x509 authentication.

Both FairCom DB and FairCom MQ should be running at this point.  If you modified any config files in the previous steps, be sure to restart those servers so the changes take effect.

  1. In FairCom DB, create test files to use with DB Notify:

    1. There are two SQL scripts to assist with this tutorial. The custmast1.sql script creates files to monitor, and custmast2.sql modifies the files. Copy both of the script files to your .\tools directory.

      copy config\x509.auth.demo\custmast1.sql .\tools
      copy config\x509.auth.demo\custmast2.sql .\tools
    2. Run the following command from the .\tools directory to create custmast.

      isql -s custmast1.sql -u ADMIN -a ADMIN ctreeSQL
      Create table...
      Add records...
      1 record inserted.
      1 record inserted.
      1 record inserted.
      1 record inserted.
      Display records...
      ------ ----
      1000   Bryan Williams
      1001   Michael Jordan
      1002   Joshua Brown
      1003   Keyon Dooling
      4 records selected

      The resulting files are saved in <faircom>\data\ctreeSQL.dbs



  2. In MQ Explorer, on the FairCom MQ machine Subscribe to topic1.

    Leave the "MQTT Management" window open to view "Incoming Messages - streaming".

  3. On the FairCom DB machine, initiate some FairCom DB Notify activity in FairCom DB.

    From <faircom>/tools, execute the following command:

    isql -s custmast2.sql -u ADMIN -a ADMIN ctreeSQL

    This runs a script that performs an update, a delete, and an insert command for the custmast file that triggers notification messages.

  4. In MQ Explorer, on the FairCom MQ machine, view the messages in MQ Explorer - MQTT Management.

    (Run custmast2.sql multiple times to see more incoming notifications.)

  • SSL problems

    If you have trouble solving errors, you can enable a debug log on both the server-side and client-side. 

    One of the keywords you uncommented in step 2 in the Broker ctsrvr.cfg file was DEBUG_LOG ssl.log

    You can review the server-side ssl.log (typically located in the directory where faircom.exe is executed from) for server-side details.

    You can also enable client-side debugging by setting the following environment variable:

    set CTSSL_DEBUG_LOG=ssl_client.log

    Where ssl_client.log is an arbitrary file name. Look for this file to be created where you are executing your client application.

  • Could not initialize c-tree Plus(R) (1104)

    Check if ctsrvr.pem was copied into your Apps folder and  ctree_ssl.pem to the /server/ folder.

    This can be a problem during configuration. For example, FairCom MQ requires a secure connection (SSL) and the client is not using SSL.

    X509 environment variables were not set while running a command line program.

    NOTE: Enabling SSL client-side debugging may help to figure out the problem. Also, check ssl.log in the data folder.

  • Could not logon to server 'FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp'. Error #162.

    The server has broken its connection with the application.

    Typically this is because you either do not have your user certificate (admin.pem) or key (admin.key) files in place or you have not set your environment variables.

    Executing isql with ssl.

    SQL doesn't support x509 authentication yet.

  • error(-30033): No data

    Executing isql with ssl..

    SQL doesn't support x509 authentication yet.

  • error(-30034): Network error on server

    Executing isql with ssl..

    SQL doesn't support x509 authentication yet.

  • error(-18104): CT - SSL connection attempt failed

    You are executing a client with SSL, trying to connect to a server without SSL or vice-versa.

  • Could not initialize c-tree Plus(R) (128)

    Verify if variables CTSSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE and CTSSL_CLIENT_KEY were set and exported (linux).

  • error in tcp bind 10060
    error(-20212): Error in Network Daemon
    Could not logon to server 'FCEDGEMQ@localhost^fssltcp'. Error #133.
    Server is not operational.

    The server is not running.

  • At CTSTATUS.FCS, there are messages like:

    CheckTopics error. Not possible to open table 
    [admin_mqtt_msg_topic1].: 4023
    CheckTopics error. Not possible to open error table 
    [admin_mqtt_msg_faircomserver_notificationplugin_errors].: 4023

    It is necessary to create topics topic1 and FairComServer/NotificationPlugin/Errors at FairCom MQ. See Set up DB Notify with SSL and x509.

  • DB Notify errors

    To fix connection errors or to be sure table configurations were set with success, set logLevel to development at dbnotifyconnections.json.

    This causes DB Notify to show status messages at CTSTATUS.FCS. See Configure connnection.

      "logLevel": "development",
          "brokerConnectionName": "brokerCtree",
          "faircomServerName": "FCEDGEMQ",
          "brokerHostname": "localhost",
            "certificateFilename": "ctsrvr.pem",
            "enabled": true,
              "certificateFilename": "admin.pem",
              "privateKeyFilename": "admin.key",
              "enabled": true