ODBC Driver errors
FairCom ODBC Driver error codes are returned by FairCom's ODBC driver
FairCom ODBC error codes are returned by FairCom's ODBC driver. They do not apply elsewhere. General SQL error messages are documented separately in 10000 - 50999: Other errors.
When using the FairCom DB ODBC Driver with Crystal Reports, an error may occur when generating reports that require a left outer join between tables. The cause of this error is due to the syntax used by Crystal Reports when creating the SQL statement. Users can specify the proper syntax to use by changing a key in the Windows registry. For more information about how to change the registry, search the SAP Community Network for "Crystal left outer registry".
Error code | Description |
00000 | Success |
01000 | General warning |
01000 | Indicates an error while freeing a statement |
01001 | Indicates a cursor operation conflict |
01002 | Indicates a disconnect error |
01003 | Indicates the NULL value was eliminated in a set function |
01004 | Indicates string data, right truncated |
01006 | Indicates the privilege was not revoked |
01007 | Indicates the privilege was not granted |
01S00 | Indicates an invalid connection string attribute |
01S01 | Indicates an error in row |
01S02 | Indicates the option value was changed |
01S06 | Indicates an attempt to fetch before the result set returned the first result set |
01S07 | Indicates a Fractional Truncation |
01S08 | Indicates an error saving File DSN |
01S09 | Indicates an invalid keyword |
07001 | Indicates the wrong number of parameters was used |
07002 | Indicates an incorrect COUNT field |
07005 | Indicates the prepared statement is not a cursor specification |
07006 | Indicates restricted data type attribute violation |
07009 | Indicates an invalid descriptor index |
07S01 | Indicates an invalid use of default parameter |
08001 | Indicates the client was unable to establish a connection |
08002 | Indicates the connection name is in use |
08003 | Indicates the connection does not exist |
08004 | Indicates the server rejected the connection. |
08007 | Indicates a connection failure occurred during the transaction. |
08S01 | Indicates a communication link failure. |
Error code | Description |
21S01 | Indicates the insert value list does not match column list |
21S02 | Indicates the degree of the derived table does not match the column list |
22001 | Indicates a right truncation to the string data |
22002 | Indicates an indicator variable is required but was not supplied |
22003 | Indicates the numeric value is out of range |
22007 | Indicates an invalid datetime format |
22008 | Indicates a datetime field overflow |
22012 | Indicates a division by zero occurred |
22015 | Indicates an interval field overflow |
22018 | Indicates an invalid character value for cast specification |
22019 | Indicates an invalid escape character |
22025 | Indicates an invalid escape sequence |
22026 | Indicates a length mismatch in the string data |
23000 | Indicates an integrity constraint violation |
24000 | Indicates an invalid cursor state |
25000 | Indicates an invalid transaction state |
25S01 | Indicates a transaction state |
25S02 | Indicates the transaction is still active |
25S03 | Indicates the transaction is rolled back |
28000 | Indicates an invalid authorization specification |
34000 | Indicates an invalid cursor name |
3C000 | Indicates a duplicate cursor name |
3D000 | Indicates an invalid catalog name |
3F000 | Indicates an invalid schema name |
40001 | Indicates a serialization failure |
40003 | Indicates the statement completion is unknown |
42000 | Indicates a syntax error or access violation |
42S01 | Indicates the base table or view already exists |
42S02 | Indicates the base table or view was not found |
42S11 | Indicates the index already exists |
42S12 | Indicates the index was not found |
42S21 | Indicates the column already exists |
42S22 | Indicates the column was not found |
44000 | Indicates a WITH CHECK OPTION violation |
Error code | Description |
HY000 |
HY001 | Indicates a memory allocation failure |
HY003 | Indicates an invalid application buffer type |
HY004 | Indicates an invalid SQL data type |
HY007 | Indicates the associated statement is not prepared |
HY008 | Indicates the operation was canceled |
HY009 | Indicates an invalid use of null pointer |
HY010 | Indicates a Function Sequence error |
HY011 | Indicates the attribute cannot be set currently |
HY012 | Indicates an invalid transaction operation code |
HY013 | Indicates a memory management error |
HY014 | Indicates the limit on the number of handles has been exceeded |
HY015 | Indicates there was no cursor name available |
HY016 | Indicates an implementation row descriptor could not be modified |
HY017 | Indicates an invalid use of an automatically allocated descriptor handle |
HY018 | Indicates the server declined the cancel request |
HY019 | Indicates the non-character and non-binary data was sent in pieces |
HY020 | Indicates an attempt to concatenate a null value |
HY021 | Indicates inconsistent Descriptor info |
HY024 | Indicates an invalid attribute value |
HY090 | Indicates an invalid string or buffer length |
HY091 | Indicates an invalid descriptor field identifier |
HY092 | Indicates an invalid attribute/option identifier |
HY093 | Indicates an invalid parameter number |
HY095 | Indicates the function type is out of range |
HY096 | Indicates an invalid information type |
HY097 | Indicates the column type is out of range |
HY098 | Indicates the scope type is out of range |
HY099 | Indicates the nullable type is out of range |
HY100 | Indicates the uniqueness option type is out of range |
HY101 | Indicates the accuracy option type is out of range |
HY103 | Indicates an invalid retrieval code |
HY104 | Indicates an invalid precision or scale value |
HY105 | Indicates an invalid parameter type |
HY106 | Indicates the fetch type is out of range |
HY107 | Indicates the row value is out of range |
HY109 | Indicates an invalid cursor position |
HY110 | Indicates an invalid driver completion |
HY111 | Indicates an invalid bookmark value |
HYC00 | Indicates the optional feature is not yet implemented |
HYT00 | Indicates the timeout has expired |
HYT01 | Indicates the connection timeout has expired |
Error code | Description |
IM001 | Indicates the driver does not support this function |
IM002 | Indicates the data source was not found and no default driver was specified |
IM003 | Indicates the specified driver could not be loaded |
IM004 | Indicates the driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed |
IM005 | Indicates the driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_DBC failed |
IM006 | Indicates the driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed |
IM007 | Indicates no datasource or driver was specified, and the dialog is prohibited |
IM008 | Indicates the dialog has failed |
IM009 | Indicates the translation DLL could not be loaded |
IM010 | Indicates the data source name is too long |
IM011 | Indicates the driver name is too long |
IM012 | Indicates a DRIVER keyword syntax error |
IM013 | Indicates a trace file error |
IM014 | Indicates an invalid name of File DSN |
IM015 | Indicates the file data source is corrupted |
HY000 | Indicates an invalid Character Set Name |