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JSON ADMIN "pingSession" action identifies if there are errors in a FairCom server instance

Use the "pingSession" action to determine if the JSON action API is working. You can include an "authToken" to determine if a specific session is active and to keep it alive.

When successful, the "pingSession" action returns a response with the "errorCode" property set to 0 ; otherwise, the server will either return no response or return an error response with the "errorCode" property set to a non-zero value.

  • "pingSession" can be used to determine if a server instance is working.

  • If the "authToken" property is present in the request, the server will extend the life of the session and the response will contain no error.

  • When the "authToken" is not valid, the response will contain an error.

Request examples

Minimal request

  "api": "admin",
  "action": "pingSession"
  "requestId": "2",
  "api": "admin",
  "action": "pingSession",
  "params": {
  "responseOptions": {
  "apiVersion": "1.0",
  "debug": "max",
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

This example shows the JSON action service is working. If the request contains an "authToken", a successful response also indicates the "authToken" represents an active session.

    "result": {},
    "errorCode": 0,
    "errorMessage": ""

This example returns an error indicating the "authToken" property does not represent an active session. If the service does not respond, the JSON action service is not running.

  "authToken": "invalidAuthToken",
  "errorCode": 12031,
  "errorMessage": "'authToken' does not match any existing session. Use a valid 'authToken' or use 'createSession' to create a valid 'authToken'."

Optional properties

The "authToken" property signifies that the client is authenticated and authorized. It is required except in "pingSession" and "createSession". For "pingSession" and "createSession" it defaults to an empty string.

The server generates a unique authentication token in response to "createSession". Clients must include it in all subsequent requests. If the client does not supply a valid "authToken", the server returns error 12031.

You can create a permanent "authToken" by setting the "permanentSession" property to true when you create a session. A permanent "authToken" works like an API key and does not expire.

Use the pingSession API action to verify that a FairCom server or session is listening and responding

API actionsJSON ADMIN APIjsonActionadmin sessionpingSessionpingSessionspingsSessionpingsSessionsping session