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Certificate Manager

FairCom Certificate Manager is a scripting solution that manages a company's internal certificates

FairCom Certificate Manager creates, manages, and renews CA, server, and client certificates. It provides Python scripts that prompt you to answer a few questions. In seconds, you can create a certificate or renew many certificates. You can also use the command-line options to create certificates with advanced features.

Certificate Manager

FairCom Certificate Manager is a simple solution for managing a company's internal certificates

FairCom Certificate Manager is a suite of Python scripts for creating, managing, and renewing certificates. It can be used as an internal company-level or department-level certificate authority solution managed by a certificate authority administrator.


Script Name


Create CA certificate

This script creates an internal CA certificate and its private key which can be used to create server certificates and client certificates for use on your company's internal network. Use to register the CA certificate on client computers so they trust it. Register the CA certificate with client applications to validate the identity of the internal servers they connect to.

Create client certificate

This script creates a client certificate and its private key to use instead of a username and password when logging into a FairCom server. Register the client certificate with application software.

Create server certificate

This script creates a server certificate and its private key to verify the authenticity of one server. After running this script, distribute the server certificate and its private key to the server for which it was created.

Renew certificate

This script renews all certificates in a folder by creating new certificates that expire later. Then, distribute renewed certificates to servers and clients.

Import CA certificate

This script imports your internal CA certificate into the keystore on Windows, Linux, or MacOS. This allows a computer to trust the certificates you create with the CA certificate. Use administrator privileges to run this script locally on each computer. For Linux and MacOS, prepend the command with sudo.

Display certificate information

Displays certificate and private key information in a PEM file.

You need to do the following once to set up FairCom's Certificate Manager scripts.

  1. Install Python version 3.7.9 or later.

  2. Open the command prompt

    On Windows type START + r cmd

  3. Install Python's cryptography module

    pip install cryptography
  4. Change the current folder to <faircom>\tools\certman

    On Windows, use the cd command followed by the path of the certman folder, such as:

    cd C:\FairCom\\tools\certman\
  5. Run the  script to create an internal CA certificate and its private key, which you will use to create server and client certificates.

  6. Create and renew server and client certificates as desired.


For convenience, you can copy the certman folder to any folder you like, such as c:\certman.

You can also add the certman path to the OS environment path so you can run them from any folder.

Show how to set the path in Windows.

Use FairCom's certificate management solution to create, manage, and renew internal CA, server, and client certificates

certificate management
create certificate
manage certificates
renew certificates
CA certificates
server certificates
client certificates