Error codes 17001 - 17099
FairCom SQL error codes 17001 - 17099
Error code | SQLSTATE value | Class condition | Subclass message |
17001 | 00001 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - General error |
17002 | 00002 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Key value already exists in index |
17003 | 00003 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not delete since pointers don't match |
17004 | 00004 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not find key to delete |
17005 | 00005 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Cannot call delete w/o verification with duplicate keys |
17006 | 00006 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - FairCom DB(...) jump table error |
17007 | 00007 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Terminate user |
17008 | 00008 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File open failed due to conflicting file access modes (exclusive/shared) |
17009 | 00009 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File open or create failed due to device access error |
17010 | 00010 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - INTREE parameters require too much space |
17011 | 00011 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Bad INTREE parameters |
17012 | 00012 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not open file - not there or locked |
17013 | 00013 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Unknown file type |
17014 | 00014 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File corrupt at open |
17015 | 00015 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File has been compacted |
17016 | 00016 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not create index file |
17017 | 00017 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not create data file |
17018 | 00018 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Tried to create existing index file |
17019 | 00019 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Tried to create existing data file |
17020 | 00020 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Key length too large for node size |
17021 | 00021 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Record length too small |
17022 | 00022 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File number out of range |
17023 | 00023 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Illegal index member info |
17024 | 00024 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not close file |
17025 | 00025 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Bad link in deleted node list. REBUILD |
17026 | 00026 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File number not active |
17027 | 00027 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - drn before beginning of data records |
17028 | 00028 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Zero drn in ADDKEY |
17029 | 00029 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Zero drn in data file routine |
17030 | 00030 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - drn exceeds logical end of file |
17031 | 00031 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Flag not set on record in delete chain |
17032 | 00032 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Attempt to delete record twice in a row |
17033 | 00033 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Attempt to use NULL pointer in read/write |
17034 | 00034 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Predecessor repeat attempts exhausted |
17035 | 00035 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Seek error - check sysiocod value |
17036 | 00036 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Read error - check sysiocod error |
17037 | 00037 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Write error - check sysiocod error |
17038 | 00038 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not convert virtual open to actual |
17039 | 00039 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - No more records available |
17040 | 00040 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Index node size too large |
17041 | 00041 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not unlock data record |
17042 | 00042 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not obtain data record lock |
17043 | 00043 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Version incompatibility |
17044 | 00044 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Data file serial number overflow |
17045 | 00045 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Key length exceeds MAXLEN parameter |
17046 | 00046 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File number already in use |
17047 | 00047 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - FairCom DB has not been initialized |
17048 | 00048 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Operation incompatible with type of file |
17049 | 00049 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not save file |
17050 | 00050 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not lock node |
17051 | 00051 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not unlock node |
17052 | 00052 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Variable length keys disabled OR invalid key type |
17053 | 00053 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File mode inconsistent with FairCom DB config |
17054 | 00054 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Attempt to write a read only file |
17055 | 00055 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File deletion failed |
17056 | 00056 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File must be opened exclusive for delete |
17057 | 00057 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Proper lock is not held (CHECKLOCK/READ) |
17058 | 00058 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - LOADKEY called with incorrect key number. You cannot continue |
17059 | 00059 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - LOADKEY called with key out of order You may skip this key & continue |
17060 | 00060 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Percent out of range |
17061 | 00061 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - NULL fcb detected during I/O |
17062 | 00062 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - File must be opened exclusively |
17063 | 00063 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Start file / log file serial number error |
17064 | 00064 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Checkpoint past end of log file |
17065 | 00065 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Not enough memory during tran processing |
17066 | 00066 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Log file entry failed to find checkpoint |
17067 | 00067 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not rename file |
17068 | 00068 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not allocate memory for control list |
17069 | 00069 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Node does not belong to index |
17070 | 00070 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Transaction already pending |
17071 | 00071 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - No active transaction |
17072 | 00072 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - No space for shadow buffer |
17073 | 00073 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - LOGFIL encountered during shadow only |
17074 | 00074 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Recovery - two active tran for user |
17075 | 00075 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Recovery - bad tran owner |
17076 | 00076 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Recovery - bad tran type |
17077 | 00077 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Recovery - file name too long |
17078 | 00078 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Transaction abandoned - too many log extents or dynamic dump wait exhausted |
17079 | 00079 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not log file opn/cre/cls/del |
17080 | 00080 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - NULL target or bad keyno |
17081 | 00081 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Transaction allocation error |
17082 | 00082 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - User allocation error |
17083 | 00083 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - ISAM allocation error |
17084 | 00084 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Maximum users exceeded |
17085 | 00085 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Reduce lock to read lock after update |
17086 | 00086 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Dead lock detected |
17087 | 00087 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - System not quiet - files in use |
17088 | 00088 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Linked list memory allocation error |
17089 | 00089 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Memory allocation during tran processing |
17090 | 00090 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not create queue |
17091 | 00091 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Queue write error |
17092 | 00092 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Queue memory error during write |
17093 | 00093 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Queue read error |
17094 | 00094 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Pending error - cannot save or commit tran |
17095 | 00095 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Could not start task |
17096 | 00096 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Start-file/log open error |
17097 | 00097 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Bad user handle |
17098 | 00098 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Bad transaction mode |
17099 | 00099 | FairCom DB FSS error | CT - Transaction type / filmod conflict |