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Create a client certificate using the script in FairCom Certificate Manager


create a client certificate using the script in FairCom certificate manager

This script creates a client certificate and its private key to use instead of a username and password when logging into a FairCom server. Register the client certificate with application software.


Before running, create a CA certificate using .

A company's CA administrator typically creates client certificates to authenticate user and software accounts.


Run the Python script without command-line arguments, and it prompts you for the following information:

  • Company name

  • Directory where to store the client certificate

  • Number of months until the client certificate expires

  • Username of the account that the client certificate authenticates

  • Password to protect the private key embedded in the client certificate

  • Optional TCP/IP addresses or DNS names of client computers where the client certificate is allowed to be used

Welcome to FairCom Client TLS Key Pair Creator
For help, run this program with the '-h' option.

Enter your company's name: __________

Enter the name of a directory where certificates will be stored  
  Certificates will be stored in directories in this location.  
  Ensure this directory is secure (not shared), and is backed up properly.
  Directory: __________

Enter the number of months when the certificate will expire.  
  When a certificate expires, communications using that certificate no longer work.  
  Recommended expiration is 13 months to give time to renew each year.  
  NOTE: When a CA certificate expires, the CA certificate must be replaced by a new CA certificate everywhere it is 
  used, such as operating systems, browsers, and other software.
  Months [23]: __

The 'Common Name' of a client certificate is typically used by the server as a username.
  Enter the Common Name of the client (this will be the name of the output files): ___________

Enter a passphrase to encrypt the key data, or ENTER the leave the key unsecured.
  Use only 7-bit ASCII characters: __________

Enter a filename that contains IP addresses and DNS names, or press ENTER to be prompted for this information:
  Enter one IP address or DNS name and press ENTER to enter another.  
  Pressing ENTER on an empty line will terminate address entry.  
  Enter a new IP address or DNS name: ___________  
  Enter a new IP address or DNS name: ___________  
  Enter a new IP address or DNS name:

Done collecting IP addresses and DNS names.

Enter an optional two-letter country code where your company is located: __

Enter an optional state/province where your company is located: __

Enter an optional city where your company is located: __________

Enter an optional department within your organization: __________

Enter an optional email address to associate with this certificate: __________

Loading the CA key from 'downloads\_ca_key\ca.key'
Loading the CA certificate from 'downloads\Expires_On_2026-04-14\ca.crt'

Successfully created and saved 1 of 1 files:  

The output files listed at the bottom always show the absolute path to the files, even if relative paths were used throughout the program.


Run the Python script with command-line parameters:

python --certManagementFolder Certs --commonName "MyCompany Private Certificate Authority" --country US --location Columbia --months 13 --org MyCompany --state Missouri --unit IT

Command-line options

usage: [-h] [--altName [ALTNAME ...]] [--altNameFile [ALTNAMEFILE]] [--bits [BITS]] [--caCertFile [CACERTFILE]] [--caKeyFile [CAKEYFILE]] [--caKeyFilePass [CAKEYFILEPASS]] [--certManagementFolder [CERTMANAGEMENTFOLDER]] [--cipher [CIPHER]] [--commonName [COMMONNAME]]                       [--country [COUNTRY]] [--email [EMAIL]] [--inputDirectory [INPUTDIRECTORY]] [--location [LOCATION]] [--months [MONTHS]] [--org [ORG]] [--outCertFile [OUTCERTFILE]] [--outKeyFile [OUTKEYFILE]] [--passphrase [PASSPHRASE]] [--revokeSerialNumbers [REVOKESERIALNUMBERS ...]]                       [--selfSigned [SELFSIGNED]] [--serial [SERIAL]] [--singleFile [SINGLEFILE]] [--state [STATE]] [--unit [UNIT]]

  -h, --help
         show this help message and exit
  --altName [ALTNAME ...]
         A space delimited list of Subject Alternative Names.
  --altNameFile [ALTNAMEFILE]
         A filename to load Subject Alternative Names from. One entry per line. Will be ignored if --altName is present.
  --bits [BITS]
         The bit-depth to use when generating the private key. Defaults to 4096.
  --caCertFile [CACERTFILE]
         The CA certificate filename. Ignored when generating new CA key pairs.
  --caKeyFile [CAKEYFILE]
         The CA key filename. Ignored when generating new CA key pairs.
  --caKeyFilePass [CAKEYFILEPASS]
         An optional passphrase to unlock encrypted CA/signing key data. Ignored when generating new CA key pairs.
  --certManagementFolder [CERTMANAGEMENTFOLDER]
         The base directory to store saved files in.
  --cipher [CIPHER]
         The cipher to use for encryption and decryption. Defaults to sha256.
  --commonName [COMMONNAME]
         The Common Name is a string used to identify the certificate.
  --country [COUNTRY]
         A two-letter country designation.
  --email [EMAIL]
         An email address to associate with the output certificate.
  --inputDirectory [INPUTDIRECTORY]
         The directory containing certificates to renew. Used only by
  --location [LOCATION]
         The certificate organization location or city.
  --months [MONTHS]
         The certificate validity duration.
  --org [ORG]
         The certificate organization name.
  --outCertFile [OUTCERTFILE]
         The output certificate filename.
  --outKeyFile [OUTKEYFILE]
         The output key filename.
  --passphrase [PASSPHRASE]
         If provided, the new key will be encrypted using this passphrase.
  --revokeSerialNumbers [REVOKESERIALNUMBERS ...]
         A space delimited list of serial numbers to revoke. Used only by
  --selfSigned [SELFSIGNED]
         If true, the server/client key will sign the new certificate rather than a CA key. Defaults to False. Ignored when generating new CA key pairs.
  --serial [SERIAL]
         The serial number is an integer used to identify the certificate. When a certificate is revoked, this number is how the revoked certificate is identified.
  --singleFile [SINGLEFILE]
         If true, both the key and certificate will be saved in the certificate file. Defaults to False. Ignored when generating new CA key pairs.
  --state [STATE]
         The certificate organization state or province.
  --unit [UNIT]
         The certificate organization Unit or department.
  • Hostname can be found by running the hostname command on the server. Windows, Linux, and MacOS all have the same command.

  • The Subject Alternative Name list in a client certificate is sometimes used as an additional way to identify the client. This can provide flexibility for servers that may not use the Common Name to identify clients.

  • The output files listed at the bottom always show the absolute path to the files, even if relative paths were used throughout the program.

  • Client certificates can be created but can only be implemented with the FairCom ISAM interface.