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User interfaces

This section describes FairCom's user interfaces and contains links to overviews and tutorials for using them

With the FairCom server running, open the browser-based menu (https://localhost:8443/) to access the FairCom graphical user interfaces.

API Explorer

The API Explorer is an integrated development environment for creating and running FairCom’s JSON APIs.

Data Explorer

The Data Explorer web app manages all aspects of FairCom's database engine, including tables, indexes, and records.

DB Monitor

The DB Monitor web app monitors all aspects of the FairCom database engine.

Edge Explorer

The Edge Explorer web app manages all features in FairCom Edge.

ISAM Explorer

The ISAM Explorer web app manages the unique ISAM features of data files and indexes. Use Data Explorer to tables created by the JSON DB API or SQL.

MQ Explorer

The MQ Explorer web app manages FairCom's MQTT broker engine.

This section describes FairCom's user interfaces and contains links to overviews and tutorials for using them

user interfaces
API explorer
Data explorer