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API reference

Enable and disable the UDT-to-JSON service

  1. Navigate to the config folder.

  2. Open the services.json configuration file.

  3. Enable or disable the UDT-to-JSON service by editing the "siemensUDT2JSON" block of the "transformServices" object.

    1. Set the "enabled" property to true to enable the UDT-to-JSON service.

      OR set the "enabled" property to false to disable the UDT-to-JSON service.

      	"serviceName": "siemensUDTServiceopcua",
      	"serviceLibrary": "siemensudtservice.dllopcservice.dll",
      	"enabled": true
    2. Save any changes.

    3. Restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Request examples


The listed examples require a UDT schema that matches the serialized data structure that your PLC is publishing to an MQTT topic, see Obtain and convert the UDT schema.

For a list and detailed description of the specific properties in the "createTransform" action, see createTransform.

The Siemens UDT-to-JSON transform does not have "target" parameters because it writes to the same integration table that it reads from. The table is specified by the "configureTopic", "alterInput", or "alterIntegrationTable" actions which invoke this transformation.

The Seimens UDT-to-JSON transform reads binary data from one field (column) and writes JSON data to a different field of that table. Both the "inputFields" and "outputFields" arrays should contain exactly one field each, and those two fields should be different from each other.

Minimal request example

    "authToken": "ReplaceWithValidToken",
    "api": "hub",
    "apiVersion": "1.0",
    "action": "createTransform",
    "params": {
        "transformName": "PLCData_transform",
        "transformActions": [
                "transformService": "siemensUDT2JSON",
                "transformActionName": "siemensUdtPayloadToJSON",
                "inputFields": [
                "outputFields": [
                "transformParams": {
                    "schema": "ReplaceWithConvertedUDTSchema",
                    "rootTypeName": "ReplaceWithRootName"
    "authToken": "ReplaceWithValidToken",
    "api": "hub",
    "apiVersion": "1.0",
    "action": "createTransform",
    "params": {
        "transformName": "PLCData_transform",
        "transformActions": [
                "transformService": "siemensUDT2JSON",
                "transformActionName": "siemensUdtPayloadToJSON",
                "inputFields": [
                "outputFields": [
                "transformParams": {
                    "schema": "ReplaceWithConvertedUDTSchema",
                    "udtDebugTracing": false,
                    "rootTypeName": "ReplaceWithRootName"

Response examples

Minimal response example

    "result": {},
    "requestId": "00000007",
    "errorCode": 0,
    "errorMessage": ""


The "params" property is an object that contains an action's parameters. Each action defines its own required and optional properties.

Property summary

Table 1. "params" property summaries







contains "transformAction" objects

Required - No default value

array of objects


contains the name of a transform process

Required - No default value


Minimum length: 1
Maximum length: 64

The "transformActions" property is an optional array of "transformAction" objects. It defaults to an empty array.

Table 2. "transformAction" property summaries





Limits (inclusive)


contains one or more of the fields in the integration table where the value of each of these fields is sent to the transform action as its primary input

Required - No default value



contains one element which is the name of the field that will receive the JSON generated by the transform

Required - No default value



Contains the name of the transform action.  For example — "siemensUdtPayloadToJSON", "jsonPropertiesToTableFields", "tableFieldsToJson", "jsonToDifferentTableFields"

Required - No default value


Minimum length: 1
Maximum length: 64


contains a unique set of parameters that configure its transformation process


It may be an empty object or contain one or more properties needed by the "transformAction".

Required - No default value


Minimum length: 0
Maximum length: 65500


specifies the service that contains the transform



Any previously defined name of a transform service.