FairCom Data Replication error codes are returned by the Data Replication APIs and Replication Manager application.
Error code | Symbolic constant | Description |
0 | RCES_SUCCESS | Indicates the Replication Manager API returned OK. |
1 | RCES_EOF | Indicates the cursor is at the end of the file (EOF). |
2 | RCES_DUPKEY | Indicates the key value already exists. |
100 | RCES_NOTFOUND | Indicates the record was not found. |
129 | RCES_DISCONNECTED | Indicates the server was disconnected. |
133 | RCES_SERVERNOTFOUND | Indicates the server cannot be connected to. |
150 | RCES_SHUTDOWN_ERR | Indicates a shutdown error. |
156 | RCES_TIMEOUT_ERR | Indicates a timeout error. |
428 | RCES_BATFINISHED | Indicates the batch was canceled due to no more info. |
454 | RCES_NOTSUP_ERR | Indicates the feature is not yet supported. |
9000 | RCES_WARNING | Indicates an RCES warning. |
9001 | RCES_CONFIG_ERR | Indicates the configuration object could not be initialized. |
9002 | RCES_LOGGER_ERR | Indicates the logger object could not be initialized. |
9003 | RCES_NOTIF_ERR | Indicates the notification object could not be initialized |
9004 | RCES_FILESYSTEM_ERR | Indicates the filesystem object could not be initialized. |
9005 | RCES_PROVIDER_ERR | Indicates the data provider object could not be initialized. |
9006 | RCES_INVARG_ERR | Indicates an invalid argument count. |
9007 | RCES_INVARGVAL_ERR | Indicates an invalid argument value. This can occur if an element is missing from a connection string, such as a missing or invalid user name or password when connecting to the sever. |
9008 | RCES_MISARG_ERR | Indicates a missing required argument. |
9009 | RCES_HASHFULL_ERR | Indicates the hash table exceeded the maximum size. |
9010 | RCES_MEM_ERR | Indicates a memory allocation error. |
9011 | RCES_QUEUEFULL_ERR | Indicates the queue exceeded the maximum size. |
9012 | RCES_INVACTION_ERR | Indicates an invalid notification action. |
9013 | RCES_QUEUE_ERR | Indicates the queue is not initialized. |
9014 | RCES_MUTEX_ERR | Indicates the mutex is not initialized. |
9015 | RCES_PROCTHRD_ERR | Indicates the mutex has not started the process thread. |
9016 | RCES_ACTION_ERR | Indicates an invalid action. |
9017 | RCES_DB_TYPE_ERR | Indicates a mismatch provider DB type. |
9018 | RCES_LOCALCT_ERR | Indicates the local c-tree library could not be loaded. |
9019 | RCES_SESSION_ERR | Indicates the c-tree session could not be allocated. |
9020 | RCES_INVFLD_ERR | Indicates an invalid field number. |
9021 | RCES_SCHEMATHRD_ERR | Indicates the schema update thread could not be started. |
9022 | RCES_INTERN_ERR | Indicates an internal error in the Replication Manager API. |
9023 | RCES_REPL_ERR | Indicates the replication object could not be initialized. |
9024 | RCES_INVREPLOBJ_ERR | Indicates an invalid replication object. |
9025 | RCES_STARTED_ERR | Indicates the operation has already been started. |
9026 | RCES_CONSUMER_ERR | Indicates the consumer was not found. |
9027 | RCES_ALREADYEX_ERR | Indicates the selected entity already exists. |
9028 | RCES_INVFILTYP_ERR | Indicates an invalid file type. |
9029 | RCES_INVFILVOL_ERR | Indicates an invalid file volume. |
9030 | RCES_REPLNDEP_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not deployed. |
9031 | RCES_MISAUTH_ERR | Indicates missing authentication information. |
9032 | RCES_FTRNSFR_ERR | Indicates file transfer is not initialized. |
9033 | RCES_REPLACT_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not stopped. |
9034 | RCES_REPLNFOUND_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not found. |
9035 | RCES_INUSE_ERR | Indicates the selected entity is in use. |
9036 | RCES_MISREPL_ERR | Indicates a missing replication plan. |
9037 | RCES_MISDB_ERR | Indicates a missing database in the subscription. |
9038 | RCES_MISVOL_ERR | Indicates missing volume information. |
9039 | RCES_FNOTFOUND_ERR | Indicates the file was not found. |
9040 | RCES_INVSUBS_ERR | Indicates an invalid subscription. |
9041 | RCES_INVPATH_ERR | Indicates an invalid file path. |
9042 | RCES_INVFUNC_ERR | Indicates an invalid function. |
9043 | RCES_INVOS_ERR | Indicates an invalid operating system (opSystem). |
9044 | RCES_NOTRUN_ERR | Indicates the thread is not running. |
9045 | RCES_NACTIVE_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not started. |
9046 | RCES_MISLPOS_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is missing log position. |
9047 | RCES_NCONN_ERR | Indicates the agent is not connected. |
9048 | RCES_INVTOK_ERR | Indicates an invalid token. The token could be wrong, or expired. |
9049 | RCES_DBINUSE_ERR | Indicates the DB Engine is in use. |
9050 | RCES_REPLAGENT_ERR | Indicates an error in the Replication Agent. |
9051 | RCES_MASTERNOTRDY_ERR | Indicates the master server is not ready yet. |
9052 | RCES_MISSUBS_ERR | Indicates the replication doesn't have any Subscription. |
9053 | RCES_TARFIL_ERR | Indicates the target file already exists. |
9054 | RCES_REPLDISC_ERR | Indicates the Replication Agent is disconnected. |
9055 | RCES_RESYNC_ERR | Indicates the replication resync failed. |
9056 | RCES_INRESYNC_ERR | Indicates replication is in a resync operation. |
9057 | RCES_EREPLFILE_ERR | Indicates Replication doesn't have any file. |
9058 | RCES_CANCELLED_ERR | Indicates the operation has been canceled. |
9059 | RCES_RESTORE_ERR | Indicates a file dump restore error. |
9060 | RCES_SQLPORT_ERR | Indicates a SQL Port mismatch. |
9061 | RCES_REPLEXIST_ERR | Indicates the replication plan information already exists. |
9062 | RCES_NINACTIVE_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not inactive. |
9063 | RCES_NARCHIVED_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not archived. |
9064 | RCES_MISPROV_ERR | Indicates a missing data provider. |
9065 | RCES_MEMUNMG_ERR | Indicates the main Replication Manager server cannot be marked as unmanaged. |
9066 | RCES_FTINSUP_ERR | Indicates FTI is not supported. |
9067 | RCES_DELEXCEP_ERR | Indicates the Replication Exceptions cannot be cleaned. |