FairCom Data Replication error codes
FairCom Data Replication error codes are returned by the Data Replication APIs and Replication Manager application
FairCom Data Replication error codes are returned by the Data Replication APIs and Replication Manager application.
Error code | Symbolic constant | Description |
0 | RCES_SUCCESS | Indicates the Replication Manager API returned OK. |
1 | RCES_EOF | Indicates the cursor is at the end of the file (EOF). |
2 | RCES_DUPKEY | Indicates the key value already exists. |
100 | RCES_NOTFOUND | Indicates the record was not found. |
129 | RCES_DISCONNECTED | Indicates the server was disconnected. |
133 | RCES_SERVERNOTFOUND | Indicates the server cannot be connected to. |
150 | RCES_SHUTDOWN_ERR | Indicates a shutdown error. |
156 | RCES_TIMEOUT_ERR | Indicates a timeout error. |
428 | RCES_BATFINISHED | Indicates the batch was canceled due to no more info. |
454 | RCES_NOTSUP_ERR | Indicates the feature is not yet supported. |
9000 | RCES_WARNING | Indicates an RCES warning. |
9001 | RCES_CONFIG_ERR | Indicates the configuration object could not be initialized. |
9002 | RCES_LOGGER_ERR | Indicates the logger object could not be initialized. |
9003 | RCES_NOTIF_ERR | Indicates the notification object could not be initialized |
9004 | RCES_FILESYSTEM_ERR | Indicates the filesystem object could not be initialized. |
9005 | RCES_PROVIDER_ERR | Indicates the data provider object could not be initialized. |
9006 | RCES_INVARG_ERR | Indicates an invalid argument count. |
9007 | RCES_INVARGVAL_ERR | Indicates an invalid argument value. This can occur if an element is missing from a connection string, such as a missing or invalid user name or password when connecting to the sever. |
9008 | RCES_MISARG_ERR | Indicates a missing required argument. |
9009 | RCES_HASHFULL_ERR | Indicates the hash table exceeded the maximum size. |
9010 | RCES_MEM_ERR | Indicates a memory allocation error. |
9011 | RCES_QUEUEFULL_ERR | Indicates the queue exceeded the maximum size. |
9012 | RCES_INVACTION_ERR | Indicates an invalid notification action. |
9013 | RCES_QUEUE_ERR | Indicates the queue is not initialized. |
9014 | RCES_MUTEX_ERR | Indicates the mutex is not initialized. |
9015 | RCES_PROCTHRD_ERR | Indicates the mutex has not started the process thread. |
9016 | RCES_ACTION_ERR | Indicates an invalid action. |
9017 | RCES_DB_TYPE_ERR | Indicates a mismatch provider DB type. |
9018 | RCES_LOCALCT_ERR | Indicates the local c-tree library could not be loaded. |
9019 | RCES_SESSION_ERR | Indicates the c-tree session could not be allocated. |
9020 | RCES_INVFLD_ERR | Indicates an invalid field number. |
9021 | RCES_SCHEMATHRD_ERR | Indicates the schema update thread could not be started. |
9022 | RCES_INTERN_ERR | Indicates an internal error in the Replication Manager API. |
9023 | RCES_REPL_ERR | Indicates the replication object could not be initialized. |
9024 | RCES_INVREPLOBJ_ERR | Indicates an invalid replication object. |
9025 | RCES_STARTED_ERR | Indicates the operation has already been started. |
9026 | RCES_CONSUMER_ERR | Indicates the consumer was not found. |
9027 | RCES_ALREADYEX_ERR | Indicates the selected entity already exists. |
9028 | RCES_INVFILTYP_ERR | Indicates an invalid file type. |
9029 | RCES_INVFILVOL_ERR | Indicates an invalid file volume. |
9030 | RCES_REPLNDEP_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not deployed. |
9031 | RCES_MISAUTH_ERR | Indicates missing authentication information. |
9032 | RCES_FTRNSFR_ERR | Indicates file transfer is not initialized. |
9033 | RCES_REPLACT_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not stopped. |
9034 | RCES_REPLNFOUND_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not found. |
9035 | RCES_INUSE_ERR | Indicates the selected entity is in use. |
9036 | RCES_MISREPL_ERR | Indicates a missing replication plan. |
9037 | RCES_MISDB_ERR | Indicates a missing database in the subscription. |
9038 | RCES_MISVOL_ERR | Indicates missing volume information. |
9039 | RCES_FNOTFOUND_ERR | Indicates the file was not found. |
9040 | RCES_INVSUBS_ERR | Indicates an invalid subscription. |
9041 | RCES_INVPATH_ERR | Indicates an invalid file path. |
9042 | RCES_INVFUNC_ERR | Indicates an invalid function. |
9043 | RCES_INVOS_ERR | Indicates an invalid operating system (opSystem). |
9044 | RCES_NOTRUN_ERR | Indicates the thread is not running. |
9045 | RCES_NACTIVE_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not started. |
9046 | RCES_MISLPOS_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is missing log position. |
9047 | RCES_NCONN_ERR | Indicates the agent is not connected. |
9048 | RCES_INVTOK_ERR | Indicates an invalid token. The token could be wrong, or expired. |
9049 | RCES_DBINUSE_ERR | Indicates the DB Engine is in use. |
9050 | RCES_REPLAGENT_ERR | Indicates an error in the Replication Agent. |
9051 | RCES_MASTERNOTRDY_ERR | Indicates the master server is not ready yet. |
9052 | RCES_MISSUBS_ERR | Indicates the replication doesn't have any Subscription. |
9053 | RCES_TARFIL_ERR | Indicates the target file already exists. |
9054 | RCES_REPLDISC_ERR | Indicates the Replication Agent is disconnected. |
9055 | RCES_RESYNC_ERR | Indicates the replication resync failed. |
9056 | RCES_INRESYNC_ERR | Indicates replication is in a resync operation. |
9057 | RCES_EREPLFILE_ERR | Indicates Replication doesn't have any file. |
9058 | RCES_CANCELLED_ERR | Indicates the operation has been canceled. |
9059 | RCES_RESTORE_ERR | Indicates a file dump restore error. |
9060 | RCES_SQLPORT_ERR | Indicates a SQL Port mismatch. |
9061 | RCES_REPLEXIST_ERR | Indicates the replication plan information already exists. |
9062 | RCES_NINACTIVE_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not inactive. |
9063 | RCES_NARCHIVED_ERR | Indicates the replication plan is not archived. |
9064 | RCES_MISPROV_ERR | Indicates a missing data provider. |
9065 | RCES_MEMUNMG_ERR | Indicates the main Replication Manager server cannot be marked as unmanaged. |
9066 | RCES_FTINSUP_ERR | Indicates FTI is not supported. |
9067 | RCES_DELEXCEP_ERR | Indicates the Replication Exceptions cannot be cleaned. |