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Troubleshoot ThingWorx errors

Connection problems and other issues can often be debugged by checking the FairCom log file, called CTSTATUS.FCS. Generally, this file can be found in your <faircom>/data folder.

Table 2, “Common error messages in ThingWorx log files shows error codes that can appear in the ThingWorx log files.

Table 1. Common error messages in the FairCom Edge log file

Error message


ThingWorx plugin - Connected

ThingWorx plugin - Disconnected

These messages indicate that the FairCom ThingWorx plugin has connected/disconnected from the ThingWorx application/platform. These messages are only informational.

TW_ERROR - ThingWorx Plugin - twApi_Connect: Max number of connect retries: 3, has been reached

TW_ERROR - ThingWorx Plugin - ctThingWorx - Error connecting to the ThingWorx platform - error: 1101

TW_ERROR - ThingWorx Plugin - ctThingWorx - Error connecting to the ThingWorx platform - error: 1114

Couldn't establish connection to the ThingWorx platform. Retrying in 5 seconds...: 1101

Couldn't establish connection to the ThingWorx platform. Retrying in 5 seconds...: 1114

These error messages indicate the FairCom ThingWorx plugin is having trouble connecting to the ThingWorx application/platform.

Either configuration information is incorrect, or a firewall might be blocking the connection, or there is another issue.

TW_ERROR - ThingWorx Plugin - twStream_CreateFromFile: error opening file: opt/ThingWorx/subscribed_properties.bin

TW_ERROR - ThingWorx Plugin - subscribedPropsMgr_Initialize: Error opening: /opt/ThingWorx/subscribed_properties.bin

TW_ERROR - ThingWorx Plugin - subscribedPropsMgr_UpdateSavedValues: spm->persistedValues not initialized

These error messages come from the ThingWorx application/platform itself.

Please refer to the ThingWorx documentation for information about these errors.

ctThingWorx - Not able to position table at the last record [TWDemoTable1]: 101

This error message indicates an internal problem with the FairCom ThingWorx plugin. Please, contact FairCom customer support.

ThingWorx log files error messages

If FairCom Edge keeps connecting and then disconnecting from ThingWorx, look at the log files that ThingWorx produces.  They can be found on the server that the ThingWorx platform is running on, typically in the C:\ThingworxStorage\logs folder.

Table 2. Common error messages in ThingWorx log files

ThingWorx log file error message


ErrorLog._____.log:  Missing application key!

SecurityLog.____.log:  *** ApplicationKey not found ***

ApplicationLog.____.log:  Error [authenticating connection], Server websocket will be closed.  cause: Missing application key!

These messages can be caused by having an invalid value for the "thingworxAppkey" property in the FairCom Edge config/ctthingworx.json file.  Please correct the value and then restart the FairCom Edge server.

ErrorLog._____.log or ApplicationLog.____.log:

Application key '________' expired!

The "thingworxAppkey" property in the FairCom Edge config/ctthingworx.json file specifies an Application Key in ThingWorx that has expired. In ThingWorx, either change the expiration date of the Application Key or generate a new one and put its value in "ctthingworx.json".  Then restart FairCom Edge.

Connection problems and other issues can often be debugged by checking the FairCom log file, called CTSTATUS.FCS

troubleshootThingWorxFairCom Edgeconnectors