Error codes 0 - 199
FairCom DB error codes 0 - 199
FairCom DB error codes 0 - 199
This section describes FairCom errors from 0 through 199. These error codes are the most common errors returned by the FairCom server.
Error number 0 indicates no error. All other error codes, positive and negative, indicate there is an error.
Value | Symbolic constant | Description |
0 | NO_ERROR | Error 0 indicates a successful operation. |
2 | KDUP_ERR | Error 2 indicates the key value already exists in index. You are trying to add a record to a table that has a unique index and matches an existing record. |
3 | KMAT_ERR | Error 3 indicates you could not delete target key value since Error numbe 3 occurs when you are trying to delete a record not in the database. |
4 | KDEL_ERR | Error 4 indicates improper use of buffers during ReWriteRecord(). The target key value could not be found in index meaning there was no deletion performed. When you get error code 4, consider rebuilding the database. |
5 | KBLD_ERR | Error 5 indicates you cannot call DeleteKeyBlind() with an index that supports duplicate keys. DeleteKeyBlind() is not allowed on indexes that support duplicate keys. |
6 | BJMP_ERR | Error 6 indicates a ctree() function jump table error. |
7 | TUSR_ERR | Error 7 indicates a user was terminated. |
-8 | FCNF_COD | Error -8 is a sysiocod value when FNOP_ERR (error 12) was caused by conflicting open requests (Server). ctdbAlterTable() can return this if you are doing a Hot Alter Table and the server can't get an exclusive lock on the file. |
-9 | FDEV_COD | Error -9 is a sysiocod value when FNOP_ERR (error 12), DCRAT_ERR (error 17), or KCRAT_ERR (error 16) were caused by device access error. |
10 | SPAC_ERR | Error 10 indicates the InitCTree() parameters require too much space. |
11 | SPRM_ERR | Error 11 indicates bad parameter(s): either |
12 | FNOP_ERR | Error 12 indicates a file could not be opened. Either because the file does not exist, the file name references an incorrect file name, or the file is locked by another process. For ISAM functions, Check sysiocod for the system-level error and check isam_fil for the specific file number. |
13 | FUNK_ERR | Error 13 indicates OpenIFile() cannot determine the type of file. c-tree files <V6 must be rebuilt before they can be used. There is a file compatibility between c-tree V4 and V6 (there was no c-tree V5). c-tree V6 was released in 1992. You should try verifying the provided path to fix this issue. |
14 | FCRP_ERR | Error 14 indicates that the file appears corrupt at open. This occurs if a file is updated and the disk protocol is set at NOTFORCE and CloseIFile() is not executed. The files have been updated but not properly closed; they were not processed by automatic recovery so they are in an unknown (inconsistent) state. If your transaction logs are corrupted, preventing automatic recovery from occurring, you can either:
15 | FCMP_ERR | Error 15 indicates the data file has been compacted, but not rebuilt. Rebuild data file, but do not force rebuild. |
16 | KCRAT_ERR | Error 16 indicates the index file could not be created. Either no space is available on disk or the file name references an improper name. |
17 | DCRAT_ERR | Error 17 indicates the data file could not be created. Either no space is available on disk or filnam points to improper name. FairCom DB was unable to create a new database file. Another file with the same name could already be in the folder. If you are using the CTDB API, make sure you have created the necessary folders on the server to match the path you are using. The server won't create folders for you. |
18 | KOPN_ERR | Error 18 indicates you are trying to create an index file that already exists. |
19 | DOPN_ERR | Error 19 indicates you are trying to create a data file that already exists. |
20 | KMIN_ERR | Error 20 indicates key length is too large for node size. There must be room for at least 3 key values per node. The node size is given by sect * 128 where sect is 3rd parameter. |
21 | DREC_ERR | Error 21 indicates a file does not have the minimum required record length. When a record is deleted, the database engine needs 5 or 9 bytes to track the record offset of deleted records. If you get error code 21 when creating a data file, increase the record length to 5 or larger for smaller files and 9 or larger for huge files. If you get error number 21 from an index rebuild, check that IFIL->dreclen is set the same as reclen in the file header. These two must match. |
22 | FNUM_ERR | Error 22 indicates that filno out of range: 0 <= filno < fils, where fils is 2nd parameter. This error may occur if FairCom DB has not been initialized. Either your InitISAM or the Session you opened has too low of a maximum files limit. There are probably many log files in your database because you crashed with a transaction open, and the total files exceeded the limit. Figure out which limit you hit and raise it to a larger number. |
23 | KMEM_ERR | Error 23 indicates an illegal index member number. |
24 | FCLS_ERR | Error 24 indicates the file could not be closed. It usually means the memory is clobbered. |
25 | KLNK_ERR | Error 25 indicates the link in the deleted node list is bad. You will need to rebuild the file. |
26 | FACS_ERR | Error 26 indicates the file number (datno, keyno, or filno) is not in use. You have attempted to interact with a file number that does not correspond with an open file. Your file number may be wrong or the file may have been closed by another connection. |
27 | LBOF_ERR | Error 27 indicates the data record position is before first actual data record. |
28 | ZDRN_ERR | Error 28 indicates that AddKey() was called with recbyt = 0. |
29 | ZREC_ERR | Error 29 indicates the data file routine called with recbyt = 0. |
30 | LEOF_ERR | Indicates recbyt exceeds logical end of file. If recbyt is correct, then data file header record may be incorrect. If so, rebuild data file. You can get error number 30 when you are trying to modify a record low-level using an offset that is past the last FairCom DB record in the file even though you are still within the physical file length. You have to add the records before you access them. |
31 | DELFLG_ERR | Error 32 indicates that the next record in the delete chain of a fixed-length data file does not have first byte set to 0xff. The data file header record may be corrupt; if so, you need to rebuild a data file or the C255 constant is incorrect, see ctcmpl.h. |
32 | DDRN_ERR | Error 32 indicates there was an attempt to delete a data record twice in a row. |
33 | DNUL_ERR | Error 33 indicates recptr is NULL. |
34 | PRDS_ERR | Error 34 indicates that the correct predecessor node could not be found. Error code 34 should not show up in a single user system. It can also indicate that an index insertion was interrupted before completion. In this case, rebuild the index. |
35 | SEEK_ERR | Error 35 indicates a seek error, check the sysiocod error. lseek() failed in function ctio() (ctclib.c). Possible causes are that there is no disk space, there is a corrupted record position in file, or a corrupted file descriptor. It is possible that something is wrong with the local drive's permissions or disk space, or the drive is corrupt. |
36 | READ_ERR | Error 36 indicates a read error, check the sysiocod error. The read failed in function ctio() (ctclib.c). This is possibly caused by a corrupted data record position in file. It is possible that something is wrong with the local drive's permissions or disk space, or the drive is corrupt. |
37 | WRITE_ERR | Error 37 indicates write failed in function ctio(). For more information see error 35. In the record buffer APIs, see the sysiocod error. It is possible that something is wrong with the local drive's permissions or disk space, or the drive is corrupt. |
38 | VRTO_ERR | Error 38 indicates a virtually opened file could not be converted to an actually opened file. This might occur if your application uses up some file descriptors after a virtual file has been automatically closed. You can protect against this by lowering the MAXVFIL parameter in ctoptn.h. |
39 | FULL_ERR | Error 39 indicates there are no more records available. The 4-byte data record position (or node position) address space has been exhausted. To add more records, you can convert it to a large file. |
40 | KSIZ_ERR | Error 40 indicates the index nose size is too large, and was larger when the index was created. For client/server applications, check your At least one of the indexes has an index node size larger than your FairCom DB connection parameters. Error number 40 can be avoided by rebuilding the indexes with a smaller node size. |
41 | UDLK_ERR | Error 41 indicates that the data record could not be unlocked. If the dummy lock file is in use, be sure it has a file mode of 3. |
42 | DLOK_ERR | Error 42 indicates that the data record lock could not be obtained, and there is a locked record or table. Error code 42 could also indicate replication, meaning the record on the target is already locked by another client. Check to see if a "rogue" replication is accidentally running in the background. Troubleshoot replication to fix this issue. |
43 | FVER_ERR | Error 43 indicates a file version error, meaning there is a version compatibility issue. The current configuration parameters are inconsistent with the configuration parameters at the time of file creation. Error number 43 is also returned by calling functions that require structures with versions, such as |
44 | OSRL_ERR | Error 44 indicates a data file serial number overflow. |
45 | KLEN_ERR | Error 45 indicates that the index key length exceeds MAXLEN parameter. The MAXLNE can be changed in ctoptn.h and recompile FairCom DB . |
46 | FUSE_ERR | Error 46 indicates the file number is already in use. The FILES limit may have been reached; ctsrvr.cfg can be edited to allow a bigger number. Error number 46 can be thrown from PermIIndex() (PRMIIDX()) after opening a file after the one that is being modified. This function requires a file number sequentially after the host index file number for each item you are adding. The FILES setting can be increased in the server (or the fils parameter of INITISAM() for standalone). In releases after V10.3, the default for MAX_FILES_PER_USER has been increased from 2,048 to 32,767 to avoid file opens failing due to the lower limit. |
47 | FINT_ERR | Error 47 indicates that FairCom DB has not been initialized. You have to call the INITISAM() or one of its variants before using the database. |
48 | FMOD_ERR | Error 48 indicates that the operation is incompatible with the file type. For example, you can use Error code 48 can also indicate that the function has been called for the wrong file type (for example, a variable-length function is called for a fixed-length data file). You can get error number 48 from ctdbLastRecord() if you call it on a file without an index available. ctdbFirstRecord() and ctdbNextRecord() can both operate without an index. ctdbLastRecord() needs an index. |
49 | FSAV_ERR | Error 49 indicates the file directory updates could not be written to the disk during file extension. |
50 | LNOD_ERR | Error 50 indicates the index file node could not be locked. |
51 | UNOD_ERR | Error 51 indicates the index file node could not be unlocked. If a dummy lock file is in use, be sure it has a file mode of 3. |
52 | KTYP_ERR | Error 52 indicates an invalid key type. The variable-length and/or floating point keys are likely disabled in ctoptn.h. |
53 | FTYP_ERR | Error 53 indicates the file's file mode is inconsistent with the compile time option selected in ctoptn.h. |
54 | REDF_ERR | Error 54 indicates there was an attempt to write a read-only file. |
55 | DLTF_ERR | Error 55 indicates file deletion failed. |
56 | DLTP_ERR | Error 56 indicates the file must be opened exclusive for delete. |
57 | DADV_ERR | Error 57 indicates the proper lock is not held (ctCHECKLOCK/READ). In normal ISAM situations, this error means you tried to save a record without having locked it. |
58 | KLOD_ERR | Error 58 indicates LoadKey() was called with incorrect key number. You cannot continue. |
59 | KLOR_ERR | Error 59 indicates LoadKey() was called with key out of order. You may skip this key and continue. |
60 | KFRC_ERR | Error 60 indicates the percentage is out of range. |
61 | CTNL_ERR | Error 61 indicates a NULL file control block was detected during I/O. |
62 | LERR_ERR | Error 62 indicates the file must be opened exclusively. |
63 | RSER_ERR | Error 63 indicates a start file/log file serial number error. |
64 | RLEN_ERR | Error 64 indicates a checkpoint file is pointing to a region beyond the end of the transaction log. Error code 64 can also indicate a serious hardware failure caused the final entries of the transaction log to not be written to disk. When error number 64 occurs you should try restarting the server with the CHECKPOINT_PREVIOUS_YES keyword in place. Error 64 can also indicate that the log files do not match the database. Check to see if some, but not all, log files were thrown out. |
65 | RMEM_ERR | Error 65 indicates there is not enough memory during transaction processing. The app needs more memory to perform an auto recover. |
66 | RCHK_ERR | Error 66 indicates the log file entry failed to find a checkpoint. Prior to V11.6.1, checkpoints that were larger than 16MB were considered bad and this error was thrown. A very large forward roll could create a checkpoint with a very large redo list, causing it to be too large. |
67 | RENF_ERR | Error 67 indicates the file could not be renamed. Error code 67 can occur when you try to rebuild on a drive other than the system drive. Copy to the system drive and try again. In V9 and earlier, there were issues with rebuilding on a drive other than the startup drive. |
68 | LALC_ERR | Error 68 indicates the memory for the control list could not be allocated. |
69 | BNOD_ERR | Error 69 indicates the node does not belong to index. Error number 69 could also indicate index corruption caused by things like a server and a single-user library modifying the same tables simultaneously. |
70 | TEXS_ERR | Error 70 indicates a transaction is already pending. Error code 70 can occur when two people are looking at the same info. A call to PUTHDR() with a mode of ctTIMEIDhdr or ctUNIQIDhdr for a transaction-controlled file that has been updated ( |
71 | TNON_ERR | Error 71 indicates there is no active transaction. You are trying to modify a record in a transaction-controlled table without having a transaction open. |
72 | TSHD_ERR | Error 72 indicates there is no space for shadow buffer. |
73 | TLOG_ERR | Error 73 indicates that ctLOGFIL encountered during shadow only. |
74 | TRAC_ERR | Error 74 indicates there are two active transactions for user. |
75 | TROW_ERR | Error 75 indicates a bad transaction owner. |
76 | TBAD_ERR | Error 76 indicates a bad transaction type. |
77 | TRNM_ERR | Error 77 indicates the file name is too long. |
78 | TABN_ERR | Error 78 indicates the transaction was abandoned. This could mean there are too many log extents or that the dynamic dump wait was exhausted. You can break up large transactions to avoid or fix error 78. |
79 | FLOG_ERR | Error 79 indicates file opn/cre/cls/del could not be logged. |
80 | BKEY_ERR | Error 80 indicates a NULL target or bad keyno. |
81 | ATRN_ERR | Error 81 indicates a transaction allocation error. |
82 | UALC_ERR | Error 82 indicates a user allocation error. |
83 | IALC_ERR | Error 83 indicates an ISAM allocation error. |
84 | MUSR_ERR | Error 84 indicates the maximum users have been exceeded. |
85 | LUPD_ERR | Error 85 indicates there was an attempt to reduce write lock to read lock an update. |
86 | DEAD_ERR | Error 86 indicates a deadlock was detected. The FairCom server automatically detects deadlocks, chooses one operation to fail, and returns this error to the connection with the failed operation. When a connection gets this error, it should retry the operation. A deadlock may occur when two or more connections attempt to operate on the same resource simultaneously, such as updating the same record. A deadlock may occur when two or more connections simultaneously attempt to alter or delete different database objects, such as tables and indexes. Because all data objects are stored in the same data dictionary, a deadlock may occur on the dictionary. |
87 | QIET_ERR | Error 87 indicates the system is busy/files are in use. |
88 | LMEM_ERR | Error 88 indicates a linked list memory allocation error. |
89 | TMEM_ERR | Error 89 indicates there was a memory allocation during transaction processing. |
90 | NQUE_ERR | Error 90 indicates a queue could not be created. |
91 | QWRT_ERR | Error 91 indicates a queue write error. |
92 | QMRT_ERR | Error 92 indicates there was a queue memory error during write. |
93 | QRED_ERR | Error 93 indicates a queue read error. |
94 | PNDG_ERR | Error 94 indicates a transaction could not save or commit a transaction. Error number 94 can be returned from CommitTransaction() when saving a transaction and from SetSavePoint() when saving a transaction set point. Error 94 may occur when you ignore an error like Keydup and then try to commit the transaction. If you have a 2-phase commit source/target replicated server, you can get error code 94 when you are trying to connect to a target server as if it were the master. Check to see if you reversed the target and master IP numbers. |
95 | STSK_ERR | Error 95 indicates a task could not be started. |
96 | LOPN_ERR | Error 96 indicates a start-file/log open error. This means FairCom DB is having trouble opening a needed log file probably for auto recover. The log could be missing or it could be locked by another process. Two processes trying to open the same single-user database exclusive can result in this error. If replication is getting this error, it may have gotten so far behind that the max logs was hit and the needed log was deleted. You can re-sync database. If the Deferred Indexer is logging this error, the logs were likely cleared out but the DFRKSTATEDT.FCS and DFRKSTATEIX.FCS were not deleted and it's still trying to process an old log that is gone. |
97 | SUSR_ERR | Error 97 indicates a bad user handle. |
98 | BTMD_ERR | Error 98 indicates a bad transaction mode. |
99 | TTYP_ERR | Error 99 indicates a conflict between the transaction type and mode. Error code 99 occurs if you try to save a new record, or delete an existing record outside of a transaction. |
100 | ICUR_ERR 02000 | Error 100 indicates that there is no current ISAM record for the data file isam_fil. In DirectSQL, error 100 can occur when the current cursor is out of records. It is similar to error 101. In other words, it means data is not found. |
101 | INOT_ERR | Error 101 indicates the ISAM search request for index isam_fil could not be satisfied, and the key does not match any record. Probable causes of this error:
102 | INOD_ERR | Error 120 indicates the ISAM parameter file does not exist (the isam_fil value is undefined). Be sure that filnam parameter points to correct name. |
103 | IGIN_ERR | Error 103 indicates the ISAM parameter file Initialization record could not be read (isam_fil is undefined). Be sure that parameter file is not empty, and that the correct short integer input conversion character has been specified in ctoptn.h. |
104 | IFIL_ERR | Error 104 indicates the number of files opened exceeds fils parameter at initialization (the isam_fil is undefined). Increase fils or change ctMAXFIL in ctoptn.h. |
105 | IUND_ERR | Error 105 indicates a rejected ISAM update could not be undone. The data file must be rebuilt (look for records with rejected duplicate key values during this rebuild). |
106 | IDRI_ERR | Error 106 indicates the ISAM parameter file Data File Description record could not be read for isam_fil. Be sure the parameter file is consistent with the RTREE setting in ctoptn.h. |
107 | IDRK_ERR | Error 107 indicates there are too many indexes for data file number isam_fil in ISAM parameter file. You can change MAX_DAT_KEY in ctoptn.h. |
108 | IMKY_ERR | Error 108 indicates the keyno for index file member out of sequence. keyno must equal the host index file keyno plus the member number. |
109 | IKRS_ERR | Error 109 indicates there are too many key segments defined in ISAM parameter file for index number isam_fil. You can change MAX_KEY_SEG in ctoptn.h. Be sure that parameter file is consistent with RTREE setting in ctoptn.h. |
110 | ISRC_ERR | Error 110 indicates the ISAM parameter file Key Segment Description record could not be read for index number isam_fil. |
111 | IKRI_ERR | Error 111 indicates ISAM parameter file Index File Description record could not be read. isam_fil indicates the relative index number for an unspecified data file. |
112 | IPND_ERR | Error 112 indicates (ctENABLE) found pending locks. |
113 | INOL_ERR | Error 113 indicates there is no space left in the FairCom DB internal lock list. |
114 | IRED_ERR | Error 114 indicates the first byte of fixed-length data record found by ISAM routine equals delete flag. Error 114 can happen if you are trying to delete a record in a fixed-length record that is already deleted, or if a fixed-length record has binary data in the first byte that mimics the deleted mark. |
115 | ISLN_ERR | Error 115 indicates the sum of key segment lengths does not match key length for index number isam_fil. |
116 | IMOD_ERR | Error 115 indicates a bad mode parameter. |
117 | IMRI_ERR | Error 117 indicates that the ISAM parameter file Index Member record could not be read. |
118 | SKEY_ERR | Error 119 indicates NextInSet or PreviousInSet were called with a keyno that does not match the keyno in last call to FirstInSet. |
119 | SKTY_ERR | Error 199 indicates FirstInSet called for a numeric key type. |
120 | RRLN_ERR | Error 120 indicates there is not enough dynamic memory for record buffer. |
121 | KBUF_ERR | Error 121 indicates there was an attempt to update data with ctISAMKBUFhdr on. |
122 | RMOD_ERR | Error 122 indicates there was an attempt to make a change between fixed and variable-length records during rebuild. |
123 | RVHD_ERR | Error 123 indicates a variable-length data record is not preceded by a valid record mark. This means the file is corrupted. The fixed-length portion length you gave to FairCom DB is incorrect. Check the IFIL Minimum Record Length field, it needs to be the offset of the beginning of the vFields field. Error number 123 can also indicate corruption in the data file. FairCom was traversing your file and there was other data where a record should have started. This is most often the section of the file that is corrupted. A rebuild will often fix this, however the intelligence that determines how much data to remove from the data file may cause large numbers of good records to be eliminated. Earlier versions of the rebuild would do this automatically. Newer versions ask. Always rebuild on a copy and compare the record count before and after. |
124 | INIX_ERR | Error 124 indicates the number of indexes in the index file does not match the IFIL structure in call to OpenIFile() or the specified parameter file. |
125 | IINT_ERR | Error 125 indicates FairCom DB was already initialized via a previous call. |
126 | ABDR_ERR | Error 126 indicates a path that was passed in was bad. |
127 | ARQS_ERR | Error 127 indicates the request could not be sent. Something happened to the server or the network that prevented the client from receiving info from the server. This error is often innocuous. An automatic retransmission most likely solved this. Review Client/Server ctntio Communication Errors (Formerly VDP Errors) in the FairCom DB documentation for more information. |
128 | ARSP_ERR | Error 128 indicates an answer could not be received. Something happened to the server or network that prevented the client from receiving info from the server. This error is often innocuous. An automatic retransmission most likely solved this. Review Client/Server ctntio Communication Errors (Formerly VDP Errors) in the FairCom DB documentation for more information. |
129 | NINT_ERR | Error 129 indicates FairCom DB could not be initialized. |
130 | AFNM_ERR | Error 130 indicates a NULL file name pointer. You can empty the file name on call to open or create. |
131 | AFLN_ERR | Error 131 indicates the file name length exceeds the message size. |
132 | ASPC_ERR | Error 132 indicates there is no room for the application message buffer. |
133 | ASKY_ERR | Error 133 indicates that the server could not be identified. The client was not able to locate the server. You can check to see that the server is working properly and client IP is correct. |
134 | ASID_ERR | Error 134 indicates the server's message ID could not be retrieved. |
135 | AAID_ERR | Error 135 indicates the application ID could not be allocated. |
136 | AMST_ERR | Error 136 indicates the application message status could not be retrieved. |
137 | AMQZ_ERR | Error 137 indicates the application message size could not be set. |
138 | AMRD_ERR | Error 138 indicates the application could not be discarded. |
139 | ABNM_ERR | Error 139 indicates a badly formed file name. |
140 | VMAX_ERR | Error 140 indicates the variable record length exceeds 65,529 bytes. |
141 | AMSG_ERR | Error 141 indicates the required message size exceeds maximum. |
142 | SMXL_ERR | Error 142 indicates the application's MAXLEN is greater than the server’s MAXLEN ctoptn.h. |
143 | SHND_ERR | Error 143 indicates the communications handler is not installed. |
144 | QMEM_ERR | Error 144 indicates the application could not ID the output queue. |
145 | ALOG_ERR | Error 145 indicates there is no message space. Confirm that login worked correctly. |
146 | VDLK_ERR | Error 146 indicates the available space information in the variable-length data file could not be updated. Try to rebuild the indexes. |
147 | VDLFLG_ERR | Error 147 indicates that the space to be reused is not marked deleted. The record pointed to by available space information is not marked deleted in variable-length data file. FairCom DB reports this as a diagnostic code. Notify FairCom and ignore. |
148 | VLEN_ERR | Error 148 indicates there was an attempt to write a variable-length record into a file position which is too small for the record. |
149 | VRLN_ERR | Error 149 indicates the variable-length passed to AddVRecord() is less than the minimum record length established at file creation. Error 149 is most often caused by a DODA that is not correct. |
150 | SHUT_ERR | Error 150 indicates the server is shutting down. |
151 | STRN_ERR | Error 151 indicates transactions are pending because a shutdown wasn't able to be done. |
152 | LEXT_ERR | Error 152 indicates the logfile could not be extended. |
153 | VBSZ_ERR | Error 153 indicates the buffer in call to ReReadVRecord() is too small for the variable-length record. |
154 | VRCL_ERR | Error 153 indicates there was an attempt to read (R) a zero-length record from a variable-length data file. |
155 | SYST_ERR | Error 155 indicates a native system failure. |
156 | NTIM_ERR | Error 156 indicates a timeout error. |
158 | VFLG_ERR | Error 158 indicates that the ReReadVRecord() record is not marked active. |
159 | VPNT_ERR | Error 159 indicates a zero data record position in variable-length function. |
160 | ITIM_ERR | Error 160 indicates a key value changed sometime between an index search and the subsequent data record read. This is likely due to multi-user interference, and as a result, the index node for a record did not match the record. Error code 160 can also indicate that you have an out-of-date index that contains entries for records that no longer exist in the database. A rebuild will clear the bad index entries. This can happen if you look up a record and another user deletes that record, or if you look up a record and another user edits the record (possibly by making it larger or moving it elsewhere on the disk). In addition, your cached index entry no longer points to the record and will result in this error. You can catch error 160 and re-read the record to correct this issue, as this will return the corrected offset. |
161 | SINA_ERR | Error 161 indicates the user appears inactive. |
162 | SGON_ERR | Error 162 indicates the server has gone away. This could mean that you were connected and the connection was lost. Error 162 can also be returned instead of error 133, for example, when trying to connect to a server that is not there. |
163 | SFRE_ERR | Error 163 indicates there is no more room in the server lock table. You can free up memory to fix this issue. |
164 | SFIL_ERR | Error 164 indicates the file number is out of range. |
165 | SNFB_ERR | Error 165 indicates there is no FairCom DB file control block. You can try increasing the FILES limit in ctsrvr.cfg and then restarting the FairCom server. In the standalone mode, the limit is set by the InitISAM fils parameter. |
166 | SNMC_ERR | Error 166 indicates there is no more FairCom DB file control blocks in the server. You can try increasing the FILES limit in ctsrvr.cfg and restarting the FairCom server. In the standalone mode, the limit is set by InitISAM fils parameter. |
167 | SRQS_ERR | Error 167 indicates the request could not be read. |
168 | SRSP_ERR | Error 168 indicates the answer could not be sent. |
169 | TCRE_ERR | Error 169 indicates the create file is already open in recover. |
170 | SFUN_ERR | Error 170 indicates a bad function number at server. |
171 | SMSG_ERR | Error 171 indicates the application message size exceeds the server size. |
172 | SSPC_ERR | Error 172 indicates the server message buffer could not be allocated. |
173 | SSKY_ERR | Error 173 indicates the server could not be identified. |
174 | SSID_ERR | Error 174 indicates the server message ID could not be retrieved. |
175 | SAMS_ERR | Error 175 indicates the server could not allocate the user message area. |
176 | SMST_ERR | Error 176 indicates the server message status could not be retrieved. |
177 | SMQZ_ERR | Error 177 indicates the message server message size could not be set. |
178 | SINM_ERR | Error 178 indicates there is an unexpected file number assigned to [si] in recovery. |
179 | SOUT_ERR | Error 179 indicates the server is at full user capacity. FairCom DB server is reporting you went over the user limit. You can reboot and inform FairCom as this is not supposed to happen. |
180 | IKRU_ERR | Error 180 indicates the r-tree symbolic index name could not be read. |
181 | IKMU_ERR | Error 181 indicates the dynamic memory for r-tree symbolic index name could not be retrieved. |
182 | IKSR_ERR | Error 182 indicates the temporary r-tree files could not be accommodated. You can increase the ctMAXFIL. |
183 | IDRU_ERR | Error 183 indicates the r-tree data field symbolic names could not be read. |
184 | ISDP_ERR | Error 184 indicates the multiple set buffer space was already allocated. |
185 | ISAL_ERR | Error 185 indicates there is not enough dynamic memory for multiple sets. |
186 | ISNM_ERR | Error 186 indicates the set number is out of range. |
187 | IRBF_ERR | Error 187 indicates a null buffer pointer in r-tree. |
188 | ITBF_ERR | Error 188 indicates a null target buffer pointer in r-tree. |
189 | IJSK_ERR | Error 189 indicates a JOINS_TO skip condition in r-tree. |
190 | IJER_ERR | Error 190 indicates a JOINS_TO error condition in r-tree. |
191 | IJNL_ERR | Error 191 indicates a JOINS_TO null fill condition in r-tree. |
192 | IDSK_ERR | Error 192 indicates a IS_DETAIL_FOR skip condition in r-tree. |
193 | IDER_ERR | Error 193 indicates a IS_DETAIL_FOR error condition in r-tree. |
194 | IDNL_ERR | Error 194 Indicates a IS_DETAIL_FOR null fill condition in r-tree. |
195 | IDMU_ERR | Error 195 indicates the dynamic memory for r-tree data field symbolic names could not be retrieved. |
196 | ITML_ERR | Error 196 indicates the RETRY_LIMIT on error 160 in r-tree was exceeded. |
197 | IMEM_ERR | Error 197 indicates the memory for IFLIL block could not be retrieved. |
198 | BIFL_ERR | Error 198 indicates there is an improper IFIL block. |
199 | NSCH_ERR | Error 199 indicates the key segment refers to a schema but no schema is defined. |