The options property can change the behavior of the current replutil run
Optionally, add the "options"
object to any JSON file that will be used as an input with the replutil command-line utility. This object can change the behavior of the current replutil run.
"options": { "profile": true, "replace": true, "ignoredeploy": false, "recursivedel": false, "recursivesearch": true, "jsonoutput": true }
Request Example
{ "memphis": { "name": "MEMPHIS", "uid": "admin", "pwd": "ADMIN" }, "options":{ "jsonoutput": true }, "manager":{ "actions": [ "list_engines","list_plans","list_groups" ] } }
Response example
{ "errors":[ ], "engines":[ { "id":0, "name":"MEMPHIS@HOST001", "status":"Active" }, { "id":1, "name":"FAIRCOMS@HOST001", "status":"Active" }, { "id":2, "name":"FAIRCOM2@HOST002", "status":"Active" } ], "plans":[ { "id":0, "name":"group1_FAIRCOMS_FAIRCOM2", "deployed":1, "status":"Active", "direction":"All the replications are from Source DBEngine to the Target", "source":{ "id":1, "name":"FAIRCOMS@HOST001" }, "destination":{ "id":2, "name":"FAIRCOM2@HOST002" } } ], "groups":[ { "id":0, "name":"group1", "deployed":true, "replica":[ { "id":1, "name":"FAIRCOMS@HOST001", "primary":true }, { "id":2, "name":"FAIRCOM2@HOST002", "primary":false } ] } ] }
Error example (wrong memphis password)
{ "errors":[ { "errorCode":451, "errorMessage":"Cannot connect to MEMPHIS: 451: RCESConn::ConnectMaster - 451 - Couldn't connect master data provider - _ctdbConnect - c-tree logon error." } ] }
Properties summary
properties summaryProperty | Description | Default | Type | Limits (inclusive) | ||
ignorePloy | ignores whether a plan has been deployed when starting |
| Boolean |
| ||
profile | enables profiling by reporting on the standard output the time spent to execute the internal actions |
| Boolean |
| ||
recursiveDel | recursively searches the publication or the plan to be removed |
| Boolean |
| ||
recursiveSearch | recursively searches for files to be added to publications |
| Boolean |
| ||
replace | forces the replacement of the targe files while deploying a replication plan |
| Boolean |
| ||
showProgress | outputs the progress for the currently running action |
| Boolean |
| ||
"jsonoutput" | outputs JSON format in responses |
| Boolean |