The options object applies relevant, optional parameters to a target
Any target may have an options object that applies to itself. Options parameters that do not apply to the current target are ignored. The options object applies relevant, optional parameters to a target
Any target may have an "options"
object that applies to itself. Options parameters that do not apply to the current target are ignored.
This examples shows a plan creation with options
{ "memphis": { "name": "MEMPHIS", "uid": "admin", "pwd": "ADMIN", "port": "7597" }, "options": { "profile": true, "replace": true, "ignoredeploy": false, "recursivedel": false, "recursivesearch": true }, "plan": { "actions": [ "create", ], "options": { "planreadtimeout": 10000, "lockretrycount": 2, "lockretrysleep": 300, "planbatchsize": 16348, "pullrepl": true, "confilctdetect": true, "debugminlog": true, "rememberlogpos": true, "ignorepartition": true, "logposition": "resume", "exceptionmode": "transaction", "parallel": true, "synclogwrites": false, "analyzethreadscount": 1, "applythreadscount": 1 }, "name": "planFiles", "sourceEngine": "FAIRCOMS@HOST001", "destEngine": "FAIRCOMS@SERVER001", "subscriptions": [ { "name": "subFiles", "bidirectional": false, "redir": [ { "source": "C:\\ctreeData", "target": "E:\\backup\\repldata\\" } ], "publication": { "name": "pubFiles", "create": false } } ] } }
Properties summary
is the target of all properties.
target actions summaryProperty | Description | Default | Type | Limits (inclusive) | |||
analyzethreadscount | specifies the number of analyzer threads |
| integer | ||||
applythreadscount | specifies the number of apply threads |
| integer | ||||
confilctdetect | detects replication conflicts |
| Boolean |
| |||
debugminlog | logs the minimum log requirement updates in the |
| Boolean |
| |||
exceptionmode | handles errors as a |
| string | ||||
ignorepartition | converts source partitioned file to regular non-partitioned files |
| Boolean |
| |||
lockretrycount | specifies how many times to attempt a record lock |
| integer | ||||
lockretrysleep | specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between record lock attempts |
| integer | ||||
logposition | Specifies the start position for log replication | "resume" | string |
| |||
parallel | controls whether to use multiple apply threads to improve performance Important
| Boolean |
| |||
planbatchsize | specifies the batch size read from the source server |
| integer | ||||
planreadtimeout | specifies the polling timeout value in milliseconds when reading from the source server |
| integer | ||||
pullrepl | specifies whether the target or source server engine is run |
| Boolean |
| |||
remeberlogpos | overrides the source server's |
| Boolean |
| |||
synclogwrites | controls the flushing of local transaction logs to disk |
| Boolean |
| |||
syncshutdown | instructs the replication agent to perform a synchronous shutdown when set to |
| Boolean |
The limit "source_log_number source_log_byte_offset target_log_number target_log_byte_offset" for logposition should only be used by experienced replication users or under the direct supervision of FairCom support.