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Use the "listMqttSessions" action to view a list of sessions that match the "partialClientName"

The "listMqttSessions" action returns a list of all MQTT sessions that match the "partialClientName". If "partialClientName" is omitted or set to null, it returns all MQTT sessions.

Request example

  "api": "mq",
  "action": "listToMqtt",
    "partialClientName": ""
  apiVersion": "1.0",
  "debug": "max", 
  "requestId": "optionalUniqueRequestIdFromTheClient",
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

Use the "listMqttSessions" action to view a list of sessions that match the "partialClientName"

listMqttSessionslist Mqtt SessionjsonActionJSON MQ message API