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The createTransactionSavePoint action creates a transaction savepoint and returns a unique identifier for the savepoint in the transactionSavepointId property


Use the createTransactionSavePoint action for the JSON DB API

The "createTransactionSavePoint" action creates a transaction savepoint and returns a unique identifier for the savepoint in the "transactionSavepointId" property. A savepoint bookmarks the current point in the transaction process. You can create multiple savepoints and use "revertTransactionToSavepoint" to undo changes back to any savepoint.

Things to know

  • A transaction savepoint represents the current point in the transaction process specified by the "transactionId" property.

  • A client can roll back a transaction to any savepoint by calling the "revertTransactionToSavepoint" action with the desired "transactionSavepointId" property.

  • A client can commit a transaction to any savepoint by calling the "commitTransaction" action with the desired "transactionSavepointId" property. This action is equivalent to and more efficient than running the "revertTransactionToSavepoint" action followed by "commitTransaction".


Request examples

Minimal request example

  "api": "db",
  "action": "createTransactionSavepoint",
  "params": {
    "transactionId": "replaceWithTransactionIdFromCreateTransaction"
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthtokenFromCreateSession"
  "api": "db",
  "action": "createTransactionSavepoint",
    "transactionId": "replaceWithTransactionIdFromCreateTransaction" 
  "responseOptions": {},
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthtokenFromCreateSession",
  "apiVersion": "1.0",
  "requestId": "2",
  "debug": "max"

Response examples

Successful response example

  "authToken": "authToken",
  "result": {
    "transactionSavepointId": 1
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": ""


The "params" property is an object that contains an action's parameters. Each action defines its own required and optional properties.

Properties summary

Table 1. "params" properties summary





Limits (inclusive)


specifies a server-generated ID that represents a transaction



0 to 255 bytes


Properties summary

Table 2. "result" properties summary




Limits (inclusive)


specifies a server-generated ID that represents a savepoint


0 to 255 bytes

The "transactionSavepointId" is an optional string that the server generates in order to return during a "createTransactionSavepoint" action. The generated ID represents a savepoint. It defaults to an empty string.

Things to know:
  • A transaction savepoint represents the current point in the transaction process.

  • A client can roll back a transaction to any savepoint by calling the "rollbackTransaction" action with the desired "transactionSavepointId" property.

  • A client can commit a transaction to any savepoint by calling the "commitTransaction" action with the desired "transactionSavepointId" property.

  • A zero-length string means the "transactionSavepointId" is invalid.

  • Do not assume that the "transactionSavepointId" is a number embedded in a string.