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retrieves a filtered list of label names

The "listLabels" action retrieves the list of label names based on the given filtering criteria. If you provide no filtering criteria, the server returns all labels.

The "idFilter" property filters all labels matching the specified "id" values. This action returns an error if you include other filter properties.

The remaining filter properties work together to filter labels. Each is optional and does not filter labels when omitted or set to null. Each filter property is combined with the other filter properties using a logical AND operation. The values within the array of a filter property are combined using an OR operation.

  • "partialGroupFilter" includes labels that match the specified partial group names.

  • "nameFilter" includes labels that match the specified label names.

  • "deprecatedFilter" includes labels that are deprecated or not.

  • "enumFilter" includes labels that have the specified enum values.

  • "sequenceFilter" includes labels that have the specified sequence values.

The "includeDescription" and "includeMetadata" are set to true to include these properties in the results.

Request examples


This example returns all labels.

  "api":       "admin",
  "action":    "listLabels",
  "params":    { },
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

This example returns all labels that match the filters. 

  "api":        "admin",
  "action":     "listLabels",
  "params":     {
    "partialGroupFilter": "product/color/",
    "nameFilter":         [ "my label 1", "myLabel2" ],

    "deprecatedFilter":   false,
    "enumFilter":         [ 0, "1" ],
    "sequenceFilter":     [ 3.2, "4.4" ],

    "includeDescription": true,
    "includeMetadata":    true
  "authToken":  "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession",
  "apiVersion": "1.0",
  "requestId":  "2",
  "debug":      "max"

This example returns all labels.

  "api":       "admin",
  "action":    "listLabels",
  "params":    { },
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

This example returns two labels with "id" values 1 and 2. Notice how you can embed an "id" value in a string.

  "api":       "admin",
  "action":    "listLabels",
  "params":    {
    "idFilter": [ 1, "2" ]
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

This example uses a partial group filter to find one or more matching groups. It returns all labels in those groups.

  "api":       "admin",
  "action":    "listLabels",
  "params":    {
    "partialGroupFilter": "product/"
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

This example uses a partial group filter to find one or more matching groups. It returns all labels in those groups that exactly match the two specified label names. Different groups may have labels with the same name.

  "api":       "admin",
  "action":    "listLabels",
  "params":    {
    "partialGroupFilter": "product/",
    "nameFilter":         [ "my label 1", "myLabel2" ]
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"

This example returns all deprecated labels.

  "api":       "admin",
  "action":    "listLabels",
  "params":    {
    "deprecatedFilter": true
  "authToken": "replaceWithAuthTokenFromCreateSession"


  "authToken": "authToken",
  "result": {
    "labels": []
  "requestId": "2",
  "debugInfo": {
    "request": {
      "authToken": "authToken",
      "api": "admin",
      "action": "listLabels",
      "params": {
        "partialGroupFilter": "product/color/",
        "nameFilter": [
          "my label 1",
        "deprecatedFilter": false,
        "enumFilter": [
        "sequenceFilter": [
        "includeDescription": true,
        "includeMetadata": true
      "apiVersion": "1.0",
      "requestId": "2",
      "debug": "max"
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": ""

"listLabels" retrieves a filtered list of label names

list labelslistLabelslabel APIjsonAction
Table 1. listLabels "params" properties summary





Limits (inclusive)


(optional) includes deprecated labels when true





(optional) includes label matching one of the specified enum values


array of smallints

Each array item is an integer from -32768 to 32767


(optional) specifies whether to include the "description" property in the response





(optional) specifies whether to include the "metadata" property in the response





(optional) includes labels specified by name


array of strings

Each array item is a label string from 1 to 64 bytes


(optional) includes labels in the specified group hierarchy



1 to 64 bytes


(optional) includes labels matching one of the specified sequence values


array of doubles

Each array item is a floating point or integer number

The "deprecatedFilter" property optionally filters the results of the "listLabels" and "changeLabels" actions. It defaults to null, to include deprecated and non-deprecated labels; in other words, a value of null provides no filtering. Set it to true to include only deprecated labels and false to include only non-deprecated labels.

The "enumFilter" property optionally filters the results of the "listLabels" and "changeLabels" actions. It defaults to null, which provides no filtering. It is an array of integers with values from -32768 to 32767. The "enum" property of a label must match one of the integers in the array to be included in the results.

The "includeDescription" property is an optional Boolean that specifies whether to include the "description" property in the response. It defaults to true.

The "includeMetadata" property is an optional Boolean that specifies whether to include the "metadata" property in the response. It defaults to true.

The "nameFilter" property optionally filters the results of the "listLabels" and "changeLabels" actions. It defaults to null, which provides no filtering. It is an array of strings. Each string is the name of a label and may be up to 64 bytes long. The "name" property of a label must match one of the names in the array to be included in the results.

The "partialGroupFilter" property optionally filters the results of the "listLabels" and "changeLabels" actions. It defaults to null, which provides no filtering. It is an array of strings, such as "partialGroupFilter":["mylabelGroupName","anotherGroupName"]. Each string is the partial or full name of a group and may be up to 64 bytes long. The "group" property of a label must partially match the group in the array to be included in the results.


When deleting properties, ensure each partial and full group name in the array properly filters the labels; otherwise, the "changeLabels" action will delete more labels than you want.

The "sequenceFilter" property optionally filters the results of the "listLabels" and "changeLabels" actions. It defaults to [], which provides no filtering. It is an array of doubles. The "sequence" property of a label must match one of the doubles in the array to be included in the results.

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