CTTIME is declared as a 32-bit unsigned integer, stored as the number of seconds since midnight. The CTTIME type was implemented to be compatible with FairCom's r-tree and ODBC products.
FairCom DB API provides functions and methods to allow the user to manipulate the CTTIME type in their applications.
Function |
Operation |
ctdbTimeCheck |
Check an unpacked time in hour, minute and second and return CTDBRET_OK if the time is valid. Hour must be a value between 0 and 23, minute and second must be a value between 0 and 59. |
ctdbTimePack |
Pack a time in the form hour, minute and second into a CTTIME form. |
ctdbTimeUnpack |
Unpack a CTTIME time into hour, minute and second. |
ctdbTimeToString |
Convert a packed time value into string format. |
ctdbTimeMsecToString |
Convert a packed CTTIMEMS into a string. |
ctdbStringToTime |
Convert a time in string form into a packed time. TimeType() gives the string form of the time value. |
ctdbGetHour |
Retrieve the hour component of a packed time. The hour return is a 24-hour value (e.g. 11 pm is returned as 23). |
ctdbGetMinute |
Retrieve the minute component of a packed time. |
ctdbGetSecond |
Retrieve the second component of a packed time. |
ctdbGetDefTimeType |
Retrieve the default time format kept by the session. The record manager uses the default time format to convert time fields into string fields and vice-versa. |
ctdbSetDefTimeType |
Set the default time format for the session. The record manager uses the default time format to convert packed time fields into string values, and vice-versa. When a session handle is allocated, the default time format is set to CTTIME_HMP (HH:MM am/pm) |
ctdbCurrentTime |
Retrieve the current system time. |
Time Type Formats
Time Types can be one of the following string time formats:
FairCom DB API |
FairCom DB API .NET |
Time is hh:mm:ss am|pm |
Time is hh:mm am|pm |
Time is hh:mm:ss (24 hour) |
Time is hh:mm (24 hour) |
Time is hhmm (military) |
Time is hh:mm:ss.ttt (24 hour) |
Millisecond Resolution
In V11 and later, a new base c-tree type, CTTIMEMS, was added to hold a time with millisecond format. CTTIME and CTTIMEMS are not comparable without transformation. CTTIME is a LONG value holding the number of seconds since midnight, CTTIMEMS is a LONG value holding the number of milliseconds since midnight.
Calling ctdbSetFieldAsTimeMsec against a CT_TIME field would cause a loss of milliseconds. If this attempted, the error CTDBRET_MSEC_NOTSUPPORTED (4147) is returned.
Searching an index based on CT_TIME is problematic when milliseconds are significant since the index information does not contain milliseconds and, as we do with filter, we cannot automatically add milliseconds before doing the search. SQL will error out when performing index searches on CT_TIME columns.
Note: Millisecond support requires new extended data types in FairCom DB V11 forward.
Several functions were added to FairCom DB API related to TIMESTAMP (CTDATETIME):
CTDATETIME <-> CTTIMEMS conversions:
Millisecond DateTime handling:
Timestamps with milliseconds are supported on existing timestamp data with no conversion. A minor behavior change should be noted:
Prior to this release, a query similar to the example shown below would have ignored the milliseconds portion, returning records matching '11/11/2015 12:00:15.000':
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mytimestamp = '11/11/2015 12:00:15.998'
With the changes described above, the milliseconds are now significant.