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Tutorials for administrators of FairCom products


The following properties are part of each jsonAction response message.



Create security certificates

Complete the procedures in this section to create a self-signed TLS certificate.

Solve certificate security problems in Google Chrome

This section details problems and solutions to certificate security issues in the Google Chrome browser.

Grant access privileges to accounts

This section provides procedures for creating a user account, logging into the Data Explorer, and finally granting rights to an integration table.

Use TLS in Python for JSON DB API

This section provides procedures for configuring the FairCom server, configuring the Python client, and creating a secure connection.

Use TLS in Python for MQTT

This section provides procedures for configuring the FairCom server, configuring the Paho Python client, and establishing communication.

Use TLS in Java for JSON DB API

This tutorial shows how to use Java HTTP with TLS to communicate with the FairCom JSON DB API.

Use TLS in Java for MQTT

This tutorial shows how to implement TLS using the Paho Java library to secure an MQTT connection.

Add a public certificate to a FairCom server