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Close cursor

When you are done with a cursor, you should close it using the "closeCursor" action. When the cursor is closed, it is no longer available.


The server automatically closes inactive cursors. To preserve server resources, it is best to close a cursor as soon as you are done using it.

  1. Paste this code into the API Request editor.

        "api": "db",
        "action": "closeCursor",
        "params": {
            "cursorId": "clickApplyDefaultsToReplaceThisWithTheLastCreatedCursor"
        "authToken": "clickApplyDefaultsToReplaceThisWithValidAuthToken"
  2. Click Apply defaults to JSON request (Apply) to set the "authToken" to a valid value.


    Clicking Apply defaults to JSON request causes the API Explorer to populate the "cursorId" and "authToken" properties with valid values. API Explorer uses the value from the last created cursor to populate the "cursorId".

  3. Click Send request (Run Icon).

  4. Verify the action completed successfully.


    "errorCode" with a value of 0 indicates success. "errorCode" with a non-zero value indicates a failure. See Errors and contact FairCom for more information about an error.