Symbols & Numeric |
% (percent sign Substitution Specifiers) |
<[Action]> do elements |
<[Condition]> when elements |
<[Operator]> filter elements |
<[Target]> action element |
<automkdir> |
<batchaddition> |
<bulkaddition> |
<config> |
<ctfixed> |
<ctflexrec> |
<datacompress> |
<datafilesuffix> |
<debug> |
<delcurrent> |
<detectlock> |
<dir> |
<do> rule element |
<encrypt> |
<error> |
<extfhexit> |
<extfhreindexoncreate> |
<field> filters element |
<field> operator element |
<field> schema element |
<file> |
<filecopy> |
<filepool> |
<fileversion> |
<filter> filters element |
<filters> table element |
<forcedelete> |
<hugefile> |
<ignorelock> |
<indexfilesuffix> |
<info> |
<inpool> |
<instance> |
<key> table element |
<keycheck> |
<keycompress> |
<leading> |
<localinstance> |
<localinstance> bufs, dbufs, sect Value Check |
<locktimeout> |
<locktype> |
<log> |
<map> |
<maxlencheck> |
<maxsize> |
<memoryfile> |
<name> |
<normalize> |
<optimisticadd> |
<padding> |
<part> key element |
<permission> |
<prefetch> |
<profile> |
<recordcheck> |
<redirinstance> |
<retrylock> |
<rle> |
<rowid> |
<rule> XFDRules element |
<runitlockdetect> |
<scancache> |
<schema> table element |
<segment> key element |
<skiplock> |
<smartcopy> |
<sqlize> |
<startonread> |
<table> root element |
<temporary> |
<transaction> |
<trxholdslocks> |
<value> operator element |
<warning> |
<when> rule element |
<writethru> |
<XFDrules> root element |
A |
ACUCOBOL API for SQL Conversion Error Checking |
ACUCOBOL, Converting Data |
ACUCOBOL-GT Environment Variables |
Adding SQL Indexes to Sqlized Files |
Adding Support for --setenv Command-Line Argument to Runtime |
Additional Documentation |
Additional FairCom RTG Command-Line Tools |
Additional Monitoring Tools |
Adjusting Paths |
Adjusting the RM/COBOL Configuration File |
Advanced AcuCOBOL RTG Integration |
AIX 32-bit Server Shared Memory Requires EXTSHM ON |
-alter |
anyunlock |
Appending Indices to Existing Files from the RTG FSI Interface (ACUCOBOL) |
Appendix A - Logging, Error Codes, and Troubleshooting |
Appendix B - XDD Schema Structure |
Appendix C - FairCom RTG COBOL Tutorials |
Appendix D - RTG Version Upgrades |
-applyrules |
Attribute |
FairCom RTG Configuration File |
FairCom RTG Configuration Tool - RTG Config |
-augment |
Automatic Recovery |
automkdir option |
B |
base directory |
Basic Configuration wizard |
batchaddition option |
Btrieve |
Btrieve owner name |
bulkaddition option |
C |
C$ Not Supported in FairCom RTG |
CALLFH Compiler Directive |
Camouflage |
Changes to Your COBOL Program |
-check |
Checking the Configuration Using CTREE_LOG and ctutil |
CLASS Clause |
Client/Server Incompatibility |
-clone |
COBOL Compilers Supported by FairCom RTG COBOL |
COBOL Configuration Note |
COBOL Date Baseline Can Be Set to Julian Starting Date of Dec 31, 1600 |
COBOL to SQL Type Mapping |
cobol_Tutorial1 |
cobol_Tutorial1 Source Code |
Combining Multiple XDD Directives |
Common SQL Limitations with FairCom RTG Data |
-compact |
Compile cobol_Tutorial1 with ACUCOBOL |
Compile cobol_Tutorial1 with isCOBOL |
-compress |
config |
<config> |
Creating a New File (Advanced) |
Configurable Log Output |
Configuration |
Creating a New File (Advanced) |
Creating a New File (Basic) |
creating with RTG Migrate |
Editing a Configuration File |
instance element |
<instance> |
Creating a New File (Advanced) |
FairCom RTG Configuration File |
Configuration File Elements |
Configuration File Format |
Configuration Files Directory |
Configuration Note for Micro Focus on 64-bit AIX |
Configure the FairCom RTG Server |
Configuring isCOBOL Runtime |
Connecting to the FairCom RTG Server - RM/COBOL |
-conv |
convention_ID values |
Convert AcuCOBOL Vision Data to FairCom RTG COBOL |
Converting AcuCOBOL Vision Format Data to FairCom RTG COBOL |
-copy |
Copying Server-Controlled Files |
Copyright Notice |
Create an XDD from an XFD |
Create an XDD from Your COBOL Source |
Create an XDD Manually |
Create Conf. File |
FairCom RTG Configuration |
RTG Migrate |
Creating a New File (Advanced) |
Creating a New File (Basic) |
-cryptconf |
ct_tpc and cttpca TPC A Test |
ct_XDDCheck |
ct_XDDClose |
ct_XDDOpen |
ctaddrtgi - Add SQL indexes over existing COBOL tables |
ctcbtran |
ctclntrn and cthghtrn - Manage Transaction Mark Numbers |
ctclosefile - Close Open Memory and ctKEEPOPEN files |
ctcmpcif - IFIL-based Compact Utility Included |
CTE_NO_ERROR and other driver errors |
ctfileid - Update File IDs |
ctfixdupscan - Detect and Fix Files that Suffer from File Definition Errors |
ctfixed option |
ctmigra - Best for Microfocus ExtFH C-ISAM File Conversions |
CTREE_CONF Environment Variable - COBOL |
CTREE_CONF_DUMP environment variable to specify configuration dump file |
ctsrvr.cfg |
ctstat - Statistics Utility |
cttrnmod - Change Transaction Mode Utility |
ctutil |
ctutil |
ctcbtran |
ctutil |
ctutil Commands |
ctutil Notes |
D |
Data Camouflage |
Data Conversion |
Data Conversion Between COBOL and SQL |
Data Conversion wizard |
Data Migration wizard |
datacompress option |
datafilesuffix |
datafilesuffix option |
debug error log option |
<debug> |
<log> |
dir option |
<dir> |
<map> |
Documentation Overview |
Driver Error Codes |
Dynamic Redirection |
E |
Editing a Configuration File |
Element |
Configuration File Elements |
FairCom RTG Configuration File |
Enabling RTG transaction control |
Enabling XDDOPEN, XDDCHECK, and XDDCLOSE for Programmatic SQL Conversion Error Checking |
encrypt option |
Encrypting the Configuration File |
Error 407 |
Error 408 / 438 |
Error 408 / 438 |
Troubleshooting |
Error 456 |
error codes |
Appendix A - Logging, Error Codes, and Troubleshooting |
Driver Error Codes |
Troubleshooting |
error log option |
<error> |
<log> |
Error message: " cannot open shared object file" |
-exist |
Extensive Alternative APIs and Drivers |
F |
FairCom DB error codes |
FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide |
FairCom RTG backup management |
FairCom RTG BTRV |
Documentation Overview |
FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide |
FairCom RTG COBOL Directories |
FairCom RTG COBOL Quick Start |
FairCom RTG Configuration |
FairCom RTG Configuration and Management |
FairCom RTG Configuration File |
FairCom RTG Configuration Tool - RTG Config |
FairCom RTG Error Codes |
FairCom RTG Extended Data Definitions - XDD |
FairCom RTG Failover Configuration |
FairCom RTG File Handler Overview |
FairCom RTG for Unix/Linux |
FairCom RTG for Windows |
FairCom RTG Hot Alter Table |
FairCom RTG Migration tool |
ctmigra - Best for Microfocus ExtFH C-ISAM File Conversions |
RTG Migrate |
FairCom RTG Products |
FairCom RTG Runtime Drivers |
FairCom RTG Server Advantages |
FairCom RTG Server Set-up |
FairCom RTG Setup and Installation |
FairCom RTG SQL Access |
FairCom RTG SQL Access Errors |
FairCom RTG SQL Access for Advanced Data Query |
FairCom RTG Transaction Support |
FairCom RTG Utilities |
FairCom Typographical Conventions |
features |
file element |
File Filter |
File Format, Configuration |
File Maintenance Concerns with RTG |
File Matching Precedence |
file matching rules |
File Matching Rules in ctree.conf |
file system |
-filecopy |
-fileid |
filename_HOST |
H |
Handling DATE Fields in Your XFD |
HIDDEN Directive |
Hot Alter Table step-by-step examples |
hugefile keyword |
I |
ignorelock option |
Include RM Library with Local Runtime Environment |
Index Compatibility |
Index Suffix |
indexfilesuffix |
indexfilesuffix option |
-info |
info option |
<info> |
<log> |
installation |
instance element |
<instance> |
Creating a New File (Advanced) |
FairCom RTG Configuration File |
isCOBOL Fails to Run cobol_Tutorial1 |
isCOBOL Samples |
iscobol.file.index |
iscobol.file.index.filename |
J |
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError |
K |
Key Benefits of FairCom RTG COBOL |
keycheck option |
keycompress option |
<keycompress> |
<leading> |
<padding> |
L |
leading keycompress option |
<keycompress> |
<leading> |
Library Unloading Enhancement |
Listing connections with a particular file open |
-load |
localinstance element |
locktype option |
log option |
<debug> |
<error> |
<info> |
<log> |
<profile> |
<warning> |
-make |
-makeidx |
M |
map option |
<dir> |
<map> |
<name> |
maxlencheck option |
-maxsize |
memoryfile option |
Micro Focus and ExtFH Compatible Interfaces |
Micro Focus COBOL Migration Example |
migration utility (ctmigra) |
Migration wizard |
Modern RTG Data Management |
Multiple File Systems with RM/COBOL |
Multi-Record Example |
N |
Name Conflicts |
name option |
<map> |
<name> |
NOCANCEL Wrapper Module for Rocket (Microfocus) Enterprise Server |
notification (triggers) |
numeric format |
<sqlize> |
ct_XDDOpen |
-sign |
-sqlinfo |
-sqlize |
-o word |
O |
Open cobol_Tutorial1 data through SQL (optional) |
Option elements |
Optional Btrieve owner name |
P |
padding keycompress option |
<keycompress> |
<padding> |
-partition |
Partitioned Files with FairCom RTG |
Performance |
Performance Monitoring with ctstat |
Performance Tips and Tuning |
prefetch option |
Preserve Imported Data Files upon SQL DROP |
profile option |
<log> |
<profile> |
R |
READ NEXT at End of File |
-rebuild |
Recompiling the Runtime |
Recompiling the Unix Runtime |
Recompiling the Windows Runtime |
Recompiling Your Application (Optional) |
REDEFINES: Multiple Record Types |
redirinstance element |
-remove |
-rename |
Replicating RTG File Operations |
Replication, Clusters, High Availability, and Disaster Recovery |
retrylock option |
Root Path |
RTG Migrate |
Rule Examples |
Rules file |
Rules for SQL Conversion Exception Handling |
rules, XDD file schema |
<[Action]> do elements |
<[Condition]> when elements |
<[Target]> action element |
<do> rule element |
<rule> XFDRules element |
<when> rule element |
<XFDrules> root element |
Appendix B - XDD Schema Structure |
Rules for SQL Conversion Exception Handling |
rules.xml |
-run |
Run cobol_Tutorial1 with ACUBOBOL |
Run cobol_Tutorial1 with isCOBOL |
runitlockdetected option |
Runtime Configuration |
S |
script, Create Script - Script Name |
Secure SSL Communication |
-segment |
-setowner |
-setpath |
Settings Elements |
Configuration File Elements |
FairCom RTG Configuration File |
Settings Elements |
Shared Memory for FairCom RTG |
Shared Memory Resource Considerations |
-sign |
sign convention |
<sqlize> |
ct_XDDOpen |
-sign |
-sqlinfo |
-sqlize |
skiplock option |
smartcopy option |
source base directory |
Source Environment |
Source Files |
Specifying c-tree as Indexed File Handler at Link Time |
Splitting an OCCURR |
SQL access |
SQL Conversion for ACUCOBOL Users |
SQL triggers |
-sqlcheck |
-sqlinfo |
-sqlize |
sqlize option |
Sqlize Tutorial |
Appendix C - FairCom RTG COBOL Tutorials |
Sqlize Tutorial |
-sqllink |
-sqlrefresh |
-sqlunlink |
Standalone Support for ctmigra |
startserver and stopserver Scripts |
Step-by-Step Sqlizing Instructions |
Structure Elements |
Configuration File Elements |
FairCom RTG Configuration File |
Structure Elements |
Substitution Specifiers |
Suppress Dash or Replace with Underscore |
Switching transaction modes |
-test |
T |
The FairCom RTG SQL Challenge |
The Samples Directory |
Transaction Control - Why you should want it |
Transaction control and performance |
Transaction log files and best practices |
transaction option |
triggers |
-tron |
Troubleshooting |
Troubleshooting |
Troubleshooting |
Troubleshooting Data Conversion Errors |
Type Mapping Table |
-uncompress |
-unload |
-upgrade |
U |
Upgrade files to RTG 5 attribute resource format (Unified Data Types) |
Using Group Names |
Using the CALLFH Compiler Directive |
Using the ctmigra utility |
V |
Variable-length fields mapped into LONGVAR* SQL field |
Viewing Sqlized Tables in FairCom DB SQL Explorer |
vutil |
W |
warning option |
<log> |
<warning> |
wildcard |
<file> |
<map> |
Wildcard File Matching Rules |
Wildcard File Matching Rules |
writethru option |
X |
XDD Directives |
XDD_CONV_NOERR and other XDDCHECK errors |
xddgen |
xddgen - New Configuration Option max-fixed-record-len |
xddgen - New Record Size Checks and Warnings |
xddgen Configuration File |
xddgen Techniques |
-xfd2xdd |
XFDRules file |
XML configuration file |