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FairCom RTG SQL AccessFairCom RTG Extended Data Definitions - XDDCreate an XDD from an XFD

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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Create an XDD from an XFD

If your COBOL compiler can provide an XFD, it can be used to create the XDD required for sqlizing your data.

If your COBOL compiler cannot provide an XFD, see the section Creating an XDD from COBOL Source.

If your compiler can create an XFD, you can generate the XDD from it using ctutil -xfd2xdd or ctutil -sqlize.

Use the ctutil utility with the xfd2xdd parameter to create a valid XDD file starting from an XFD file, which can be generated by COBOL compilers such as ACUCOBOL.

You can specify a rules file to fine-tune the creation of the XDD, as described in Defining External Rules.
If you need to further fine-tune the XFD, it can be edited with an XML editor before it is stored in the data file.

If you use ctutil -xfd2xdd to create the XDD, follow the procedures in the section titled Storing the XDD in the Data File to prepare your data file for SQL access.
