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FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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Listing connections with a particular file open

Sometimes it is useful to find information about the connection that is holding the lock on a particular file.

Visual Tools

From ACE Monitor it is easy to obtain the connection number(s) associated with a file. From the "Files/Locks" tab find your table of interest and obtain the connection number from the first column.

Server Monitor - File Users

Then from the "Active Connections" tab, locate the user and obtain additional information such as IP address, etc. about them.


Command Line Tools

The ctadmn Administrator's utility can provide this information.

From ctadmn, select option 3 and enter the name of the file in question (litliv.dat in the example below):

1. List all files open by the c-tree Server

2. List all files open by a particular connection

3. List connections that have a particular file open

4. List locks held on a particular file

5. Close a file that is open in KEEPOPEN mode

Enter your choice (1-5), or 'q' to return to previous menu>> 3

Enter complete file name >> litliv.dat


List of Users with File litliv.dat Open



Connection File

Number Number User Name

23 0 ADMIN


Press RETURN to continue...

Once you have retrieved the "Connection Number" you can use it to find info about the connection:

Monitor Clients:

1. List Attached Clients

2. Kill Client

Enter your choice (1-2), or 'q' to return to previous menu>> 1

UserID: ADMIN NodeName:

Task 23 Communications: FSHAREMM

Memory: 3392K Open Files: 2 Logon Time: 0:03

Tran Time: 0:01 Rqst Time: 0:00 InProcess Rqst# 245 RTG_REWDEL

Press RETURN to continue...

You may notice that "NodeName:" is empty because we did not set the <instance name> FairCom RTG configuration option.

If we set <instance server="FAIRCOMS" name="pid:%p"/> as described elsewhere in the documentation, the output is:

Monitor Clients:

1. List Attached Clients

2. Kill Client

Enter your choice (1-2), or 'q' to return to previous menu>> 1

UserID: GUEST NodeName: pid:29216

Task 23 Communications: FSHAREMM

Memory: 4353K Open Files: 2 Logon Time: 0:03

Tran Time: 0:01 Rqst Time: 0:00 InProcess Rqst# 245 RTG_REWDEL

Press RETURN to continue...

Notice that "%p" is substituted with the PID of the process. Also notice that other substitutions are available. See Substitution Specifiers.

Similar information is also available in the FairCom monitoring tool.
