Product Documentation

Appendix A - Logging, Error Codes, and TroubleshootingTroubleshootingError 456

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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Error 456

An administrator performing a sqlize, sqllink, sqllunlink, or sqlrefresh operation must have either DBA or RESOURCE SQL privilege for the associated <instance user> in order for the operation to succeed or a c-treeRTG error 456 (group access denied) is returned. While strongly discouraged, backward compatibility is provided with this configuration option: COMPATIBILITY SQLIMPORT_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

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Error 407

Support has been added to the FairCom RTG ctutil utility to open files affected by error 407 so it can export data from a file that has a damaged resource chain. This support requires ADMIN permission and the OPENCRPT file mode. To use this functionality, ctutil must be renamed to ctunload407. The ctunload407 utility functions similar to ctutil ‑unload except that it automatically connects as ADMIN (with the default ADMIN password) and enables the <allowcorrupt> setting.

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Error 408 / 438

Error 408 / 438 during -sqlink indicates that no record definition is available. Either the file does not have an XDD resource (-sqlinfo was not performed) or the server did not load the data conversion callback library. Possible causes are:

  • LOAD_CALLBACK_LIB ctsrvr.cfg keyword was not specified or invalid.


  • The callback library is not in LD_LIBRARY_PATH (UNIX).

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Client/Server Incompatibility

An internal error CTE_INCOMPATIBLE (37) is returned when the client or server is outdated. An entry is sent to <log> with a logical error 37 and one of the following:

  • c-tree error -3 (CTE_OLD_CLIENT) when the client is older than the server
  • c-tree error -4 (CTE_OLD_SERVER) when the server is older than the client

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File Matching Rules in ctree.conf

When ctree.conf contains only one <instance> element, it is not mandatory to specify a <file> rule because it is implicit that FairCom RTG needs to use the one available instance to open files.

If you specify more than one instance, you need to specify a <file> rule so that FairCom RTG knows which instance to use to open files. When specifying more than one instance, specify a default file rule into the instance you want to use:



<instance server="FAIRCOMS"></instance>


<file name="*">




Please notice that to specify a default file rule you can omit the name/dir attributes so the above configuration can also be specified as follows:



<instance server="FAIRCOMS"></instance>



The above concept applies to all <*instance> elements: <instance>, <redirinstance>, etc.

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isCOBOL Fails to Run cobol_Tutorial1

The tutorial will fail if you have the following setting in


If you run the tutorial with iscobol.io_creates=1 enabled, comment out that setting and delete the custmast.dat and custmast.idx files.

See Also

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READ NEXT at End of File

You may see the following log output in certain situations involving a READ NEXT at the end of the file:

00000000> 20161013T152820 api:3127:ctl_nextpr ERROR 9:0:0 undefined record position #28:CUSTMASTER.dat

The sequence of operations that leads to this error is as follows: When a COBOL runtime is positioned on the last record and performs a READ NEXT a usual "end-of-file" error is returned. This error is not logged by default (but consider <log><error><atend>). However, if your runtime performs another READ NEXT then this "undefined-record-position" error is returned as we have no valid context to determine the next read position.
