Product Documentation

FairCom RTG UtilitiesxddgenConfiguration Files Directory

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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Configuration Files Directory

The xddgen configuration files can be loaded from the config directory under the xddgen executable directory. This allows calling xddgen from any directory without worrying about copying the config sub-directory.

A number of xddgen behaviors are controlled by configuration files. The default configuration file, default.conf, can be modified using either the ‑std or the ‑conf command-line switches:

  • When ‑std=AAA is used, the configuration file name is AAA.conf.
  • When ‑conf is used, the configuration file name is the exact name passed in with no changes. If no path or a relative path is specified, it will be based on the current working directory.

When ‑conf is not used, the file is loaded from a directory using the following criteria:

  1. If the environment variable COB_CONFIG_DIR is specified, that is the only directory that will be considered.


  2. The search for the configuration file will include the config directory under the current working directory (i.e. the directory where xddgen is launched).
  3. If #2 fails, the search for the configuration file will include the config directory under the xddgen invocation path (i.e., the directory from which xddgen was executed).

The above criteria are also used to locate "included" configuration files (one configuration file can include another and overwrite some of the values specified).
