Product Documentation

FairCom RTG Utilitiesctutil-test

FairCom RTG COBOL User Guide

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Check the configuration and connection to servers. The syntaxes are:

ctutil -test config [file]

ctutil -test connect

ctutil -test filerules

  • Running ctutil -test config option checks the configuration. If file is specified, it also checks which configuration instance matches the specified file.
  • Running ctutil -test connect checks that all servers defined in the configuration (with the <instance server> attribute) are reachable.
  • Running ctutil -test filerules will print the file rules in the order they will be considered by FairCom RTG at runtime when matching a filename:

ctutil -test filerules

Initialized from (ctree.conf)

<file name="*" dir="mydir" casesensitive="yes" type="*"/>

<file name="myfil" dir="*" casesensitive="yes" type="*"/>

<file name="*" dir="*" casesensitive="yes" priority="-32767" type="*"/>

Operation completed successfully.

Note: Running the -test command with no additional specifications will run the -test config command by default.
